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� ��14�77�� <br /> '[2� Borrfl�r er Not Re��as�d� F�rhearance �3y Lender Not a�a�er. Extenszon of�e time for paymer��or <br /> modi�icati�n of an�ort��at�on of the sums sec�rec�by�his Secur�ty Ins�rr�ment granted by Le�c�er to Borrowe�- <br /> or a�.y Successor�n Ir�terest of Borr�v�rer shall not operate to re�ease th.��.iabi�ity of Borrower or ax�� <br /> Successors u�Interest of Borrower. Lender sha1l nat be required to commence agair�st an.y <br /> Successor in Interes�of Borr��er�r tQ refuse to e�t�nd tzme for payme�.�or otherwise modify a�nor�zat�on <br /> of the sums secur�d b�this Security Instrurnent by reas�n of a�.y demand mad.e�y�he ori.gir�al Borrower or <br /> any SuccessQrs�n Interest of Borrawer. Ar�y forbearance by Le�.der�n e�ercisir�g any rxght or remedy <br /> �.nc�uding, w�thout Iim�.tati.on, Lend.e�-'s acceptance af payments from th�rd persons, entit�es or Successors ir� <br /> Interest of Borrower or�n amounts Iess�han�he amour�t the�due, shall not be a wa:iver af or pre�lud��he <br /> �xerc�se of any righ�or remecly. <br /> '�3. J��n� and S�yeral L.ia��I�ty; ��-signers� Successflrs ar�d A�srgns �o�a�d. Barrower covenants and <br /> agrees that Borro�er's ob�.�.gations and li�.bil.zty sha11 b�j oint anc�s�v�ra1. I�3av�rever, any�or.�ower who <br /> co-szgns�his Security Ins�tr�ument but does not execut�the Note�a tt CD-5I�1:7.��rt�: �a}is co-signing t:his <br /> Security Instrum.ent only to mor�gag�, gran�ancl convey the co-�sign�r's i��erest�.n.the Prop�rty under the <br /> terms of thi.s Secur�ty Instrument; (b)�.s no�personally obligated ta pay�he swns secured b�this Secur�ty <br />�t; and(c�agrees�hat L�nder ar�d any oth�r Borrower ca�:a:agree to exte�:d., modify, forbear or make <br /> an:�accoxrimodations w�th regard to the term,s of thi.s Security Instrumen�or the Note w��hout the ca-signer's <br /> coxis�nt_ <br /> Subj ect to�he provisio�s of Sect�on. 1 S, an�r Successor in Interest of B�rrower w�io ass�es�orrow�r's <br /> abliga�or�s uncier thi.s S�curzty Instrument ixl�a�ing, and�s appraved by L.�nder, �ha,11�1���.a:��c�f <br /> �arrower's r�.ghts and bene�ts ur�der th�s S���rit�I�s�rument. �orrotiver sha�.�nat be released:fro�n <br /> Borrower's abl�gat�o�s and I�abiTity under�i� Securi�y In.strument unless Lender agrees t� such release�:�. <br /> v�riting. The cvvenants and agreem�nts flf this Seeur�ty�:strument shal�.bi-n.d�e�cept as provi.ded in Secti.oxx <br /> 2��ar�d ben�fit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '�4. Loar� C�ar�es. Lender m.ay charge Barrower fees for serv3.ces perform�d in.cox�ec�ion w�th Borrow�r's <br /> default, far the purpose of protecti�g Lender's interest�n the Propert�and rights under th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instruxnent, �nc�uding, but not Iirnited�o, attor�.eys' fees, property�sp�ctxon arid valua.tio�.fees. In regard to <br /> any o��ier fees, �he absexzce of e�press autharity�n t�is Securi.�y Instrument�o Gharge a�peci�c fee ta <br /> Borr�urer sha�l�i�t be construec�a�s a�roh�byti�n o�the chaxging�f such fee. Lender ma�not c�iarge�ees <br /> �iat are e�pressly prohibited by�his Secur�.ty Ins�rur�ent ar�y Appl.xcab�e�aw. <br /> If the LQan is subject ta a�aw which se�s maximun�:�.�an�harges, and�hat�.aw is�na11y�terpre� tha� <br /> �he i�terest or other�oan chaxg�s c�I�ected or to be collect�d in connectia�vv�th the Laan e�ceed the <br /> p�x-�ni:tted 1.i-rmi�s, �hen: �a}a�y such�aan charge shall be r�duced by the a�mouxa:t�.eces�ary to redu�e�h.e <br /> char�e ta the permztted�imit; a:nd�b} a�..y sums a�ready c�Ilected from Z3arr�wer which e�ceeded perx�nitted <br /> Iimits�v���be refunded�o Borrower. Lender may choose�o mak��is refur�.d by reduc�ng the principal owed <br /> under the Note or by maki�ig a d�rect pa�ment to Borro�rer. If a refund reduces principal, f�ie reduc�on v�ll <br /> be� a pa.r�xal.prepayment without any prepayment charge�whether ar not a prepay�nen�charge is <br /> provided fo�u�der�he Note). Borrawer's acceptance�f a�y such refund made by direct payme�t ta <br /> B�rrower�II constitute a waiver�f any right o�aeti.a�]gonrower�ght have aris�ng out�f suc�overch.arge. <br /> '��. Not�ces= A��noti�e�g�ven by B�rrower or Ilender i�can�ect�on with�.i�..s Se�u.r�ty�n.s�rum�nt must�e i-�. <br /> wr�tuig. 1�ny�otice to Borrower in connec�ion wi:#h.this Secur�ty Irsstru.rrment sh�.��e d.eemed to have been <br /> gi�ren ta Borrvwer when mailed by firs�class m_ai�ar w�erz actua�.�y delivered:�o Bor�owe�'s r�ot�ce addre�s�f <br /> sent�y o�lier means. Notice to a�ny one B�rrower shal.l canstitute not�ce to aII Barrawers uxiless App��cable <br /> Lav�r express�y requ:ires at�ieryvi�e. The not,�ce addres� shall be the PrQpex-�y Address unless�orrawe�has <br /> 24oa7��� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ing[�Family-Farinie N1 aelFreddie M ac�N1FQE�NI fNSTRUM ENT Form 3a28�!4� <br /> VM P� VM P��NE}��3�2} <br /> Wo[ters Kfr�wer Financia!5ervices Page�� as 17 <br />