<br /> �'�. H�zardous�u�stances.As used in this Section Z 1: �a� "Hazardo�.s�`u�i.sta�ce.s"are those�ubstances
<br /> defined as tvxic or hazardous substances,poilu�ants,or wastes by En�ironmental�aw and the follawing
<br /> substances: gasoline,k�r�sene,�ther flamma�le or t�xic petr��eum products,toxic pesticides and herb���d�sA
<br /> volatile sal�e�.ts, materials containing a�bestos Qr farma�dehyde, and radiaacti�e ma�erials; �b)
<br /> "�r�viro�fne�cta�l�w"means fede�'al�aws and�aw�of the jurisdic�ion�here th.��roperty is l�ated that
<br /> r��ate t�health, �afety�r en�rironmenta.l protection; �c} "Ertviror�rner�tal�lear�up"in�l�des any response
<br /> action,r��edial acti�n, or r��a�a1 action, as d��'ined i��nvironmental La�; and(d}an "En�irortmental
<br /> �'o►�ditiar�"means a condition that can cause, cantribute ta, or otherwise trig�er an Environmental Cleanu�.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l not cause�r permit the presence,use,d�sposal, storage,or retease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten ta release any Hazardous Substances,on or in the Pra�erty. Borrower�ha11 not do,
<br /> nor allo�anyone else ta d�,anything affecting the Property(a}that i�in vio�ation af any En�ironmental
<br /> Law, �b)which cr�a�es an Environmental Conditron,ar(e�which,due to the presence,use,�r re�ease of a
<br /> Ha�ardaus Substan�e,creates a cflnd�tion that ad�ersely affects the value�f the Property. Th�prec�ding two
<br /> sentences sha��nat a�a��y to the pres�n��,use,�r s#�rage on the Froperty af s�nall qua�t��ies af Haza�d.v�s
<br /> Substan�es that are gen.era��y recognized to be a�ppropriate to normal residen�ial u�es and to maintenance of
<br /> t�e Froperty�inctu.ding,�ut no�t limrted to,ha�ardo�s substa.nces in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrower shaxl pram�ptly give Lender written n�tice of(a}any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private par�y involving the Property and any HazardQus
<br /> Substance or Environmental Law of which Borra�ver has actu.al knawledge, �b)any Environmental
<br /> �ondition.,�ncluding but not limited to,any spilling, leaking,dis�harge,release or threa�of re�ease of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance,and(c}any condi�i�n caused by the�re���.ce,use or releas�af a Ha�ardous Substance
<br /> which adversely affects the�alue of the Praperty. If Barrower learns,or is n.otifi�d by any go�ernmental or
<br /> regulatory author�ty,or any�ri�a�e party,�hat any remvval or vt�er remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance
<br /> affecting th�Property is n�cessary,Barrawer sha��prompt�y ta.ke all necessary remedia�actions in
<br /> ac�ordan�e w�th�n�iron�ent�.1�.aw.Alo�h�ng herein sha11 create an�obligation an Lender for an
<br /> �nvuon.xnental Cleanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform�v�enants.�orrower and Lender cQvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ��. Acce�eratian;Remet�i��.i.ender shall give n�xice t�Bvrr�wer priar t�ac�eleratian following
<br /> ��rrgwer's bre�ch af any covenan�or agreement in this SeGurity Instrument�but not prior#o
<br /> acce�erati�x�under Sect�on 1�unless AppliG�ble Law pro�i�es otherwise).`I`he noti�e sh��l sp�Gify: �a�
<br /> #he default;�b}the a�t��n require�to�ure the defau�t; �c}a�ate,not�ess than 3Q da�s from the date
<br /> th�not�ce is given tv Borr�wer,by wh�ch the rlefault must be cured; and�d)that fa►ilure to�ure the
<br /> defau�t Qn ar before the date specifed in the notice may resu��in acce�eratzon of the sums secrured by
<br /> this Securi#y Instrument and sale o�f the Praperty.The notice sha��further infvrm Borrower vf the
<br /> right to rein�tate after�cceleration and the right t�bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a
<br /> default�r any other defense vf BQrrower t�aceelerat�on and sale.If the default is not cure�vn or
<br /> befare the date spe�ified in the notice,L�nder at its opti�n may require xmmediate payment in full of
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument without fur�her deman�and ma�invoke the power af saie
<br /> and�ny�ther remedie�p�rmitted by Appl�cable Law.Lender sha��be entitled to collect al�ex�enses
<br /> inGurred in pursuing the remedie�pravided i�tb�s Sectian Z�,in�luding,but not limited tv,reasonab�e
<br /> attorneys'fees and c�sts of titile evider�.ce.
<br /> q�3335U9�711 �2 3 �39 1417
<br /> ME�Rp►SKA�in84e Family-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac U�1F4Rt�l�fNSTRlf�E4�T lililTH MERS Form 3�28 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}(1302}.4(}
<br /> Watters Kluwer Financial Servi�es Page 14 of 1?
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