<br /> f ��14�77��
<br />�
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br />� Loan Nv: '[D1��1��9 {�Dntlnued} Page 3
<br />� Lender's Right tv En�er. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presen�a�i�es may enter upan the Real Property at all
<br /> f reasonabfe �imes �ta attend tv Lende�-'s interests and to inspect fihe Real Praperty -�ar purpvses ❑� Trustor's
<br />� complianc�with�khe terms and condi�ions of this Deed a�Trust.
<br />�
<br />� �ompliance wi�h Go�ernmental Requiremen�s. Trustor shali promptly camp�y w�th all laws, ardinances, and
<br /> hregulations, now or hereaf�er in effect, of aI[ governmental authori�ies applicabie t❑ the use ❑r occupancy vf the
<br />� Property, including withaut limEtation, the Amerscans V1lith Disabilit�es Act. Trustor may ct�n�est in good fai�h any
<br />� such Iaw, ardinance, or regulativn and withhald campliance during any prviceeding, incfuding appropria�e appeats,
<br />!
<br />' s❑lang as Trus�n�-has noti#Eed Lender in wrifiing prior to doing so and so long as, in Lender's so�e vpinivn, Lender's
<br /> l
<br /> interests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may �-equire Trustar to post adequate security ❑r a surety
<br /> bond, reasvnab[y satis�actory tv Lender,to pro�ect Lender's interes�.
<br /> Duty tv Pro�ect. Trustor agre�s ne�ther#a aband�n or lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trustor shall do al[ ❑ther
<br /> ac�s, in addition tv thase a�ts set forth abo�e in this section, which from the character and use of the Proper�y are
<br /> r�asonably necessar.y to pratect and preserve the Property.
<br /> Cvnstruction Loan. l�some or all ❑#the proceeds of the laan creating the indebtedness are�o be used ta�ons�kruct
<br /> ❑r comple�e consfiructian o�any Impra�ements on the Pr�perty,the �mprv�ements shall b� completed na later�han
<br /> the maturi�y da�ke of the No�e �or such ea�-�ier da�e as Lender may reasanably es�al�lish} and Trustor shall pay in�u!!
<br /> ail casts and expenses in connection with the w�rk. Lender will disburs� loan proceeds under such �erms and
<br /> canditions as Lender may deem reasvnal�ly necessary to insure�hat the Enterest created by this Deed o�F Trus�sha�!
<br /> ha�e priority a�er a!I passibse liens, including#hose of material supplFers and workmen, Lender may requi�e, among
<br /> other things, �hat disbursemen� requests I�e supported by receipted bills, expense affida�its, wai�ers o� �iens, �
<br /> �onstruction progress reports, and such other documenta�ivn as L�nder may reasonably request.
<br /> DUE QN SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lende�-'s option, declare immediately du�and payable all sums
<br /> secured by this Deed o�Trust upon the sale or transfer, withau�Lender's priar wri�tten consen�, ❑�all ❑r any pa�t o�the
<br /> Real Property, or any interest in�he Rea1 Property. A "sale or transf�r" means the conv�yan�e of Rea! Prvperty vr any
<br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Real Property; whether legal, beneficial or equ�tah�e; whether �aluntary or in�o[untary;
<br /> whether by ou�righ� saie, deed, installment sale �vn�ra�t, land contract, ��n��-act �vr deed, leasehvld interest w�th a
<br /> fierm greater�han three �3} years, lease-op�ion contrac�, or by sale, assignment, or transfer a�f any beneficiaE infieres�in
<br /> ❑r to any land �rust h�lding �i�le�o the Real Prope�-�ty, or by any other method of con�eyan�e a�an infierest in the Real
<br /> Praperty. lf any Trustor is a c�rpo�-ation, partnership or limited liabif ity company, �ransfer also includes any change in
<br /> ownership❑f mvre than twenty-�ive percen� (25°/0} of the�o�ing stock� partnership interes�s or limited liabiEity campany �
<br /> in�erests, as the case may he, of such T�ustar. Hvwe�er,�his ❑ption shall nvt be exercised by Lender i�such �xercise
<br /> is prvhib�t�d by federal law or by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The folfowing pro�isians re�ating �ko �he taxes and liens on the Proper-�ky are part vf this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen�. Trustor shall pay when due �and in al1 even�s privr�o delinquency� al!taxes, s�eciaf taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges {includin� water and sewer}. f�nes and impositions fe�ied against or vn accvunfi ❑f the Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due al! cla�ms �ar work done vn or far ser�ices rendered ❑r material furnished t��he Prvperty. Trustor
<br /> sha11 maintain the Property firee vf aE� fi�ns ha�ing privri�y v�er vr equal�a the interest❑f Lender under�his D�ed ❑f
<br /> Trus�, ex�ept far the lien ❑� �axes and assessmen�s nat due and excep� as v�herwise pro�ided in this Deed o�
<br /> Trust. �
<br /> Right#o Contest. Trus�ar may wi�hhold payment o�any�ax, assessment, or claim in connection wi�h a good #aith
<br /> dispute o�er the o�liga�ion ta pay, so long as Lender's interest in�khe Proper�y is nvt jeopardized. lf a lien arises ❑r
<br /> is �iled as a result �f nanpaymen�, Trustor shal� within �ifteen ��5y days af�er�he lien arises ar, if a lien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin �ifteen �'[5} days after Trus�or has nvtice af the filing, se�ure the discha�-ge of�he lien, ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with Lender�ash❑r a suf�icient cvrpo�-ate sure�y bond ar other security sa�isfac�ory ta Lender in an
<br /> amount su�ffi�ient tv discharge the lien plus any costs and at-ra�neys' fees, ❑r v�her�harges that could accrue as a
<br /> result❑f a forec�asure or sale under the lien. �n any cvn�est, Trustor sha!! defend itseif and Lender and shai�satis�fy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment before enfiarcement against�he Property. Trus�or shall name Lender as an additi�na� abligee
<br /> under any surety bond�urnished En the con�est proceedings.
<br /> EvEdence af Payment. Trustnr shall upvn demand furnish tv Lender satis�acfivey evidence of payment af the taxes
<br /> ar assessments and shal� au�horize�he apprapriate go�ernmenta! ❑fficial �v deliWer�o Lender at any time a writ�en
<br /> s�atement of the�axes and assessments against the Property.
<br /> Na#ice vf Cvnstruc�ion. Trust�r shal� notity Lender at least�ifteen {15y days hefare any wark is cvmmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, ❑r any materials are supplied to the Property, if any me�hanic's 1ien, materialmen's lien, vr
<br /> other lien cauld �e asserted on account of�he work, ser�ices, ❑r materials. Trust�r wiif upvn request o� Lender
<br /> �urnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfa�tory t❑ Lend�r tha� Trustor can and wilE pay the �vst of such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAIVIAGE IN$URANCE, The fvlEvwing prv�isions relating t❑ insuring�he Praperty are a part a��his �3eed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenance vf lnsurance. Trus�vr shal� procure and maintain polE�tes o� fire �nsurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endo�sements on a rep[acemen� basis far the ful� insu�-ab�e value cv�ering aE1 Empro�ements on �he Real
<br />