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<br />� DEE13 �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'ID'I�S'i3�� ��vntinued} Page 9 -
<br /> pre��ous �iscal year in such farm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net ope�-ating incame" shall mean al� cash
<br /> reGeipts�rom the Praperty�ess al� cash expendi�ures made in connec�ion with the opera�ion o��he Praperty.
<br /> Captivn Headings. Captian headings in thss Deed vf Trust are #vr con�enien�e purposes only and are not ta be
<br /> used fiv in�erpret❑r de�ine the pro�isions a�this I�eed ❑f Trust.
<br />� Merger. There shall be no m�rger❑f the interest or es�a�e created by this Deed o�T�-ust wi�h any o�her in�erest or
<br /> esta�e �n�he•Property at any�ime he�d by ar fvr the benefit af Lend�r in any capaci�y, without the written consent
<br /> v�Lender,
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed vf Trust will be governed by fed�ral law applicahle to Lender and, #o the ex�ent nat
<br /> preemp�ed by federal law,�he�av►rs of�he State of Nebraska wi�hout regard to its conflic�s of�aw provis�ons. This
<br /> Deed of Trus�has been ac�epted by Lender in the S#ate vf Nebraska. �
<br /> Choice v�Venue. I��here is a Eawsuit, T�-ustor agrees upon Lender's request�t� submtt to the jurisdictivn ofi the
<br /> cvur�s❑f Hall Coun�y, S�a�e❑f Nebraska.
<br /> � Na V1laiver hy Lender. L�nder shall no�be deemed t� ha�e wai�ed any rights under fihis Deed v�F Trusfi unless su�h
<br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed hy Lender. Na delay❑r amission on�he part❑f Lender in exercising any right �
<br /> shaf� ope�-a�e as a waiWer of such right or any ather right. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�ision a�this Ds�d of Trust
<br /> shall not pre�udice ar constitut� a wai�er af Lende�-'s �-ight o�herwise t❑ demand s�rict c�mpE�ance with �hat
<br /> prv�isivn �r any other pra�isian �fi this Deed ❑f Trust. N❑ �rior wai�er by Lender, nor any course ❑f dealing
<br /> between Lender and Tr-ustar, shaf� cons�i�ute a wai�er v� any of Lende�'s rights vr of any af Trustvr's olaligations
<br /> as t❑ any �ufiure transactivns. Whene�er the consent of Lende�- is required under�his ❑esd of Trust, the granting
<br /> ❑�such consen� by Lender in any �nstance sha�i nvt const�tute �ontinuing cansent to subsequen� ins�ances where
<br /> such �vnsen�is required and in all cases such consent may be gran�ed ❑r withheld in�he sole discre�ion��#Lende�-.
<br /> Se�e�ahility. i� a cvurt af�vmpe�ent jurisdiction �#inds any provisian ❑f�this aeed af Trus�to he illegal, in�aEEd, ❑r
<br /> unen�orcealale as to any circums�ance, that �inding sha�{ no� make the o#fiending pro�ision illegal, in�a[�d, or
<br /> unen�orcealale as fiv any ofiher circumstanc�. l�feas�ble, the a�f�ending pro�ision shal[ be cnnsidered modi�ied so
<br /> tha� it be�ames �egal, �a��d and enf�rceable. �f fihe o��ending pro�ision cannot be so mvdified, it shall be
<br /> considered delefied fram this Deed af Trust. Unless o�herwise required l�y law, the illega[ity, tnvalidity, or
<br /> unenforceabi�ity of any provision ❑�this Deed of Trust shal� not affect�he legality, �afidi�y ❑r enforceabili�ky ❑� any
<br /> ather pra�ision of�his Deed ❑�Trust. �
<br /> SllCCe55�CS a17CI A551gC15. Subject ta any limita�ions s#a�ed in �his L�eed vf Trust vn�rans�er❑f Trustor's in�erest,
<br /> this Deed o#Trust shall be binding upon and inure ta the benefit o�the parties, their successo�-s and assigns. l�
<br /> awnership of th� Proper�y becomes �ested in a person o�her than Trustar, Lender, wi�haut notice to Trus�or, may
<br /> deal wi�h Trustvr's successors with ref�rence�v�this ❑eed of T�ust and the lndel�tedness by way of fvrhearance or ,
<br /> extension v►rithout�-eleasing Trusfior from the❑bligations af this Qeed of Trust or liability under the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Time is vf�he Essence. Time is o#the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wa�ver of Hvmes�ead Exemptivn, Trustor herelay reEeases and waives a!1 rights and bene�its o� the hvmes�ead
<br /> � exemptian laws af�he Sta�e of Nebraska as to afI lndebfiedness secured �y this De�d a�T�-ust.
<br /> DEF1N1T1�NS. The#oif�wing capitalized words and te�ms shall ha�e the f�E{awing mean�ngs when used in this Deed v�
<br /> Trust. Unfess speci�ically stated �❑ the contrary, al� �-��erences to dollar amvunts shall mean amounts in lawful m�ney
<br /> of the United 5�ates o� Ameri�a. V1lvrds and terms used in the singufar shall incEude the p�ural, and the plura� shalt
<br /> �nclude �he singula�-, as the can�ext may require. Wvrds and �erms no� othe�wise•de#ined in this Deed a� Trust shall
<br /> have the meanings at�ributed ta such te�-ms in the L]niform Cvmmercial Code:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Bene#iciary" means FE�e Pvin�s gank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrower. The word "Barrower" means STARDSTKA GR�UP UNL1MlTED 1NC and includes aEl co-signers and
<br /> co--makers signing the Nvte and all�heir success�rs and assigns.
<br /> ❑eed of Trust. The wv�ds "�eed o� Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trus�kor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> in�ludes withau� limi�ation al� assignment and se�urity �nteres� prvv�sians reEating to the PersonaE Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Defaul�. The word "I]e�ault" means the ❑e�aul�se�fo�th in this Deed vfi Trusfi in�he secfiion tififed "De�aul�".
<br /> Enviranmenfia[ Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and a�I state, federal and local statutes,
<br /> regu�atEons and ❑rdinances relat�ng to fihe pratection ❑� human heal�h vr �he en�irvnmen�, �nc�uding withvut
<br /> fimitativn the Camprehensive En�ironmentaE Respvnse, Compensation, and Liability Act ❑f '�98�, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ec�ion 96�'1, e�seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reauthori�ation Act af '198�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"y,the Hazardaus Nia�erials Transpvrta�ion A�t,49 U.S.C. Sectivn '�8Q�, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Canser�a�ivn and Reco�ery Act, 42 L].S.C. 5ection 69�'�, et seq., vr vther appfi�able sta�e or�ederaE Eaws, rules,
<br /> vr regulatEons adopted pursuan�thereto.
<br /> Event of Default. The words "E�ent af Default" mean any v�the events o�default se�#orth in this ❑eed v�Trust in
<br /> the eWen�s of default sect�on a-�this ❑eed af T�us�.
<br /> �uaran�y. The word "Guaran�y" means�the guaranty�rom guaran�tar, endorser, sur�ty, or accommodation party�a
<br />