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� ��14�77�� <br />� <br />� <br /> aEEv �F T�usT <br /> Loan Nv: '1���8'13�� - ���ntinued} Page 7 � <br />� <br /> R[GHTS AND REMED[ES �N DEFAULT. !� an E�ent�f ❑efault�ccurs under this ❑eed a�Trus�, at any time the�eafker, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one vr more v#the�o[fvrrving rights and remedies: <br /> � <br /> Acceierativn Upvn Defau�t:Addi�iunaf R�medies. If any E�ent of Defau�t❑ccurs as per�he terms a��he Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may de�lare all lnd�b�edness secured by th�s Deed ❑�f Trus�tv be due and payable and <br /> the same shall thereupon hecome due and payable without any presentment, demand, pro�est vr notice of any <br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may: <br /> � �a} Ei�her in person ❑r hy agent, wi�h �r withou� bringing any ac�ion ❑r proceeding, vr hy a rece3�e�- <br /> � appain�ed by a caurt and wi�hout regard to the adequacy of its se�uri�y, enter upon and take possession <br /> � <br /> ❑f the Prapeirty, ❑r any part thereof, in its own name vr in the name of Trustee, and do any ac�s whi�h it <br /> � deems necessary or desira�le to preserve the�alue, marketab�fity or ren�abilifiy a�the Property, or part ofi <br /> � <br /> � the Prvperty or interest in fihe Property; increase the income from �he Property or p�-atect the securi�y of <br /> �he Property; and, wi�h or w�thvufi taking passessian of the Property, sue �or ar o�herwise collecfi the <br /> renfis, issues and pro�its ❑f the Prope�ty, including thvse past due and unpaid, and app�y the same, less <br /> cos�s and expenses v�❑perativn and collection a�torneys' fees,to any indebtedness secured hy fihis �eed <br /> o� Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upvn and �aking p�ssession ❑f the <br /> Property, fihe collec�ion o-� such ren�s, issues and prafits, and �he applica�ivn fihereof shall no� cure or <br /> wai�e any defauEt�r notice o�defaul�under this Deed of Trust or invalida�e any act dnne in response�a " <br /> such de-�ault or pursuan��o such n�ti�e v#defaul�; and, natwithstanding the continuance in possession vf <br /> the Prvperty or the collecfiivn, receipt and app�ication o� rents, issues or pro�its, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery right pro�ided fvr in the Note or�he Rela�ed ao�uments or hy law upon the <br /> occurren�e o�any e�ent o�default, inc�uding�he right to exercise�he power of sale; <br /> �by �ommence an a��ion�o fo�rec[ose�his Deed of Trust as a martgage, appaint a recei�er or speci�ica[!y <br /> enforce any❑f the cv�enants hereaf; and <br /> {c� De�i�er-fio Trustee a wri�tten declaration of default and demand�or sale and a w�ifiten noti�e❑f de-�ault <br /> and electian to cause Trus�or's interest in�he Property t❑ be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause fio 1ae <br /> du[y filed for record in the appr�pr�ate affices of the Cvunty in which�he Property is Iocated; and <br /> �d} 1lllith respect to all �r any part of th� Persona[ Property, Lender shall ha�e ai!the righ�s and remedies <br /> of a s�cured party under�he Nebraska Unifnrrn Cvmmercial �ode. <br /> � Fvreclvsure by Power vf Sa�e. lf Lender eiecfis to fvreclose by exercEse a�the Power o�Sale herein cvnta�ned, <br /> Lender shall no�ify Trust�e and shall depvsit wi�h Trustee#his ❑eed vf Trus� and the Note and such receipts <br /> and evidence❑f expenditures made and se�ured by�khis Deed vf Trust as T�ustee may require. <br /> 4ay Upon receipt of such notFce from Lender, Trus�ee sha11 cause t� be recvrded, published and deli�ered <br /> ta Trustor such Natice of ❑e�ault and Nvtice vf 5afe as then required by law and hy�his ❑eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Trusfiee shall, withvu� demand ❑n Trus�or, after such �ime as may then be required hy law and af�ter <br /> recordation of such Notice o�❑efault and after iVa�ice o�5ale ha�ing been gi�en as requi�ed by law. se!! <br /> the Property at �he ��me and place ❑f sale f�xed by it in such Notice of Sale, ei�her as a whole, or in <br /> separa�e lvts vr pa�-ce�s ar items as Trus�ee shaf I deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine, <br /> at public auc�i�n to the highesfi laidde�for cash in lawful money vf�he Uni�ed States payable at th�time <br /> ❑� sa�e. Trustee sha�[ deli�er �o such purchaser ❑r purchasers fihereof i�s good and su��icient deed ❑r " <br /> deeds cvn�eying �he property s❑ sold, but withou� any co�enan� or warranty, express ❑r implied. The <br /> recita[s in such deed ❑� any matters or facts shall be cancfusiWe proof ❑f�he truthfulness thereo�. Any <br /> persvn, including without limita�ion Trustor,Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> 4by As may be permitted by f aw, after deduc�ing all cvsts, -�ees and expenses of Trus�kee and ❑f �this <br /> Trust, including cas�s o�evidence of�itle in connecti�n wi�h sale,Trustee shall app[y the proceeds❑f sale <br /> to payment o� �i� all sums e�pended under the�erms�f this Deed o�Trust❑r under�he�erms❑�the Nate <br /> nvt �hen repaid, including but not �imited to accrued in�erest and late �harges, �ii} all other sums �khen <br /> secured hereby, and �iii��he remainder, if any,t❑�he p�rson or persans �egaf�y entitled�hereta. <br /> {c} Trus�ee may in the manner p�ro�ided by law pos�pone sale❑f aif❑r any pvr�ian o�th� Proper�y. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entEt��d ta enfor�e payment and <br /> per�ormance❑�any indeb�edness❑r ahligations se�ured by this ❑eed o�T�us�and�v exercise alf rights and powers <br /> under thEs I�eed nfi Trust, under�he Nate, under any �f the Related ❑vcuments, a�- under any ather agr�ement or <br /> any laws now or hereafter in �orce; notwithstanding, some or ail ❑-�such indebtedness and ❑bliga�Eans secured by <br /> �his Deed a�#Trust may now ar hereafter be afhe�-wise se�ured, whether�ay mortgag�, deed of trust, piedge, iien, <br /> assignmenfi or atherwEse. Neifiher the accep�ance �f this ❑eed of Trus� nor i�s en�arcement, whether by c�ur� <br /> ac�ion or pursuant to�he pvwer o#sale vr other powers conta�ned in this Deed of Trust, shall pre�udice ar in any <br /> manner af�ec�T�ustee's �r Lender's righ� tv realize upon ar enf�rce any other securi�y nvw �r hereafter held by <br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agre�d that T�ustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be en�i�led ta en�arce�his Deed <br /> ❑�Trust and any vther security now vr hereafter held by Lender ❑r Trus�e� in such order and manner as �hey or <br /> either o� them may �n their absolut� discre���n de�ermine. Nv �emedy �on�erred upan ❑r reser�ed to Trus�ee or <br /> Lender, is intended to he exclusi�e af any a�her remedy in this Deed v#Trust o�-by !aw prv��ded ar permitted, but <br /> each shall be cumula�i�e and shali he in add�tion tv e�ery vther remedy g��en in this Deed o� Trust or nvw ar <br /> hereafter existing a�faw vr in equity❑r by stafiut�. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the No�e vr any o#the Related <br />