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i <br />� <br /> ��14�77�� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> � Lvan No: '1���g'I 3�� �Cant�nued} Pag� 5 <br /> Cvmp�iance Wi�h Laws. Trus�o�- war�-ants thafi the Property and Trustor's use ofi the Prvperty complies with afl <br /> existing applicable lawsr ordinances, and regulations ❑�ga�ernmen�al au�horities. <br />� Survival o� Representa�ivns and 1Narranties. AIE representativns, warran�ies, and agreemen�s made hy Trustvr in <br /> I this ❑eed ❑f Trust shall sur�ive�the executinn and de�i�ery o�this Deed of Trust, shall be continuing in nature, and <br />� shall remain in full�orce and effect unti�such tim� as Trustor's lndebtedn�ss shall be paid En full. <br /> C�NDEIIl1NATl�N. The�follawing pro�isions �elating ta candemnation proceedings are a park of�his Deed❑f Trus�: <br />� <br /> Proceedings. 1-� any prviceeding in �andemnation is filed, Trust�r sha�! promptly notify Lender in wrifiing, and <br /> Trustor shall prompt�y take such steps as may be necessary tv defend the activn and vbtain �he award. Trustar - <br /> � may be the nominal party€n such proceeding, bu�Lender sha[� be entitled to par�icipa�e in�he proceeding and t� be <br /> represented in the pr�ceeding by couns�l of its awn choice, and Trus�ar will de�i�er ❑r cause �❑ be deli�ered �o <br /> Lender such inst�-uments and documenfiativn as may }�e requested by Lender �rom �ime fia time ta permifi such <br /> pa�ticipati�n. <br /> Applicativn v�Net Proceeds. lf al[ or any part❑t�he Property is condemned by emEnen�domain praceedings vr by <br /> any proceeding vr purchase in Iieu af condemnation, Lender may at�ts e�ectEon require that all or any por�ion of the <br /> net praceeds ❑f the award be applied tv fihe lndebtedness or fihe repair or restoration of the Property. Th� ne�t <br /> proceeds vf the av+rard shal! mean the award after paymsn� of ali r�asnnable cos�s, expenses, and a�torneys' �Fees� <br /> � incurred by Trustee❑r Lender�n conn�ction with the condemnation. <br /> IMP�SlT�ON DF TA�CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GDVERNMENTAL AUTHDRtTIES. The �v[Iowing prv�is�ons rela�ting <br /> tv go��rnmental taxes,�ees and charges are a part of this Deed of Trust: � <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall execu�e such dacuments in addition �o <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and take whate�er athe� acfiivn is requested �ay Lender fiv per�ecfi and �ontinue Lende�-'s rien on <br /> the Real Pr�per�y, Trustor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as des�ribed belaw, tagether with a�l expenses <br /> incurred in recarding, per�ecting or �vn�inuing this Deed ❑f Trusfi, including withvu� [imitafiion all taxes, fees, <br /> d��umentary s�amps, and other charges for recording or registering�his Deed ❑�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The �fal�owing shall �ansfiitufie taxes to which �his sect�on applies: ��} a sp�cific tax upon this type of <br /> Deed ofi Trust vr upon al! vr any par� ��the Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trusfi; ��} a speci�ic tax on <br /> Trustar v►rhich Trusto�r is au�horized or required t❑ deduct from payments ❑n the lndehtedness secured by�kh�s type <br /> of Deed ❑f Trus�; {3} a tax on this type af Deed ❑�Trust chargeabie against the Lender vr�he hoEder vf th� Note; <br /> and {4} a specific tax on all ❑r any por�ion of the lndebtedness vr vn paymen�s of prin�ipa[ and Enterest made by <br /> Trus�ko�-. . <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. �f any tax t� which this sectian appEies is enac�ed subsequent �o �he da�e vf this ❑eed v� <br /> Trust, this e�ent shal! haWe the same �ff�ct as an E�ent a# �e�aul�, and Lender may exercise any ❑r alI ❑f i�s <br /> a�ailable remedies �For an E�ent of De�ault as prvvided belvw unfess Trusto�- ei�her �'f} pays fihe tax befare it <br /> becvmes de�inquent. ❑r �2} can�es�s �he tax as pr��ided abo�e in the Taxes and L�ens section and depos��s with <br /> Lender cash vr a su�ficient corparate surety bond❑r other security satis�actory to Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANC�NG STATEMENTS, The follvwing provisEans r�la�ing t❑ this Deed ❑� Trust as a <br /> security a�reement are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> 5e�uri�y Agreem�nt. This instrument shall canstitute a Security Ag�eement �a the extenfi any o-� the Property <br /> cans�i�utes f�xtures, and Lender shall ha�e all ���he rights ❑f a secured party under the Uni�orm Commercial Cvde <br /> as am�nded�rom time tv time. <br /> Security lnterest. Upon r�quest by Lender, Trust��- shal! �al�e whatever action is �-equesfied by Lender to perfe�t <br /> and continue Lender's security in�erest �n the Rents and Persanal Property. In addi�ion �o r�cording �his Deed ❑f <br /> Trust in the real proper�y re�ords, Lender may, a� any time and w�thaut turther aufihvri�a�ivn from Trustor, file <br /> executed cvun�erparts, cap�es or reprvduc�kions of this ❑eed ❑f Trust as a ��nanc�ng s�a�ement. Trustor sha�i <br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred �n per�ecfiing vr cantinuing this security interest. llpon d�fau�t, Trustor <br /> shali no� remo�e, se�er or detach the P�rsana� Properky from �he Property. Upon de#au�t, Trust�r shall assemble <br /> any �e�rsonal Property not af�ixed to fihe Praperty in a manner and a� a place reasonably can�enient to Trustor and <br /> Lende�- and make it a�raila}�le to Lender within �hree {3} days after receipt of wri�ten demand �ram Lender tv the <br /> ex�en�pe�mitted by applicab[�law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses af Trustvr �deb�or} and Lende�- �se�ured party} -From which inf�rmafiivn <br /> c�ncerning the securi�y interest grant�d by this Deed of Trust may be obtained {each as required by the Uniform <br /> Commercial Code} are as s�afied❑n�he firs�page o#this �3eed❑f Trust. <br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fallawing prv�isians relating t❑ further assurances and <br /> attorney-in--�act are a part of fihis Deed af Trust: . <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and fram �ime�Q�ime, upon reques�❑� Lender, Trus�vr will make, execute and <br /> de�i�er, ar wi[� cause t❑ h� made, executed ar deli�ered,ta Lender�r to Lender's des�gnee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause t❑ be filed, �-ecvrded, refiled, or rerecorded, as th� case may be, at such tim�s and in such a��ices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and a!I su�h mortgages, deeds ❑f trust, securi�y deeds, security <br /> agreemen�s, �inancing sta�ements, c�ntinuatEon sfiatements, instruments o�F �urther assurance, c�rtificates, and <br /> ❑ther documen�s as may, in the sole ❑pinion��Lender, be necessary or desirable in vrder ta effe�tuafie, complete, <br />