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��14�77�� <br /> �]EED DF TRUST <br /> Laan Nv: 'I�1�g'13�� �C�nt[nued} Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. ln addifiion fio the Note,this �]eed ❑f Trust secures all#u�ure ad�ances made by Lender�ko Trustvr <br /> whe�her or nvt the advances are made pursuan�to a camm�trnent. Speci�i�ally, wi�hout limitation, this ❑eed ❑�Trust <br /> secures, in addition ta the amvunts speci�i�d in the Note, aIl futu�-e amvunts Lender in its discre�ion may �oan fiv <br /> Trusfior,together wi�h all interest therevn. <br /> Trustor presently assigns to Lender {a�so known as Beneficiary in this Deed o� Trust} a€! ❑f Trus�ar's righ�, title, and <br /> in�erest 3n and tv all present and future Ieases of the Proper�y and all Rents from the Properky. ln addi�ian, Trustar <br /> grants tv Lender a Uniform Commercial Code securi�y interes�t in the Persona[ Property and Rents. I <br /> .I <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE AS51GNNiENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSQNAL PR�PERTY, 15 G1VEN TD 5ECl1RE {A} PAY11JlENT DF THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERFDRMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL aBLIGATt�NS UNDER THE NDTE, THE RELATED DQCUMENTS, AND TH�S ❑EED DF TRUST. TH1S <br /> DEED �F TRUST, lNCLU�tNG THE AS5IGNMENT ❑F RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, IS ALSD GlVEN T� SECURE ANY AND ALL �F TRL]ST�R'S �BLIGATI�NS UNI]ER THAT <br /> �ERTA�N C�NSTRUCTI�N LDAN AGREEMENT BETINEEN TRUST�R AND LEN�ER QF EVEN I�ATE HEREINITH. ANY <br /> EVENT DF DEFAULT UN�ER THE C�NSTRUCT[�N LDAN AGREEMENT, DR ANY �F THE RELATEI] DDCUMENTS <br /> REFERRE❑ T❑ THE�EIN, SHALL ALS� BE AN EVENT �F DEFAULT UN�ER TH15 DEED �F TRUST. THIS DEED �F <br /> - TRUST�S G1VEN AND ACCEPTED DN THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as ❑the�wise pra�ided in this ❑eed ❑�Trust, Trustor sha�� pay ta Lender alf <br /> amounts secured by th�s Deed ❑fi Trus� as they �ecome due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform alI of <br /> Trustar's ob[igations under the No�te,fihis Deed❑f Trus�, and the Related Documenfis. <br /> G�NSTRUCTI�N M�RTGAGE. This ❑eed a� Trus� is a "cons�ruc�ion martgage" �or the purpases a� Sec�ions 9-334 <br /> and �A--3�� of�he Uniform Cnmmercial Cvde, as�hose seG�ions ha�e been adopted by�he Sta�e a�Nebraska. <br /> POS5ESSI�N ANi� MAiNTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees �ha� Trus�or's p�ssessivn and use af the <br /> Property shal� be g��erned by the foflvwing provisions: <br /> Possession and Use. L]nti! the ❑ccurrence ❑�f an E�en� vf Default, Trustar may �'1� �remain in possessivn and . <br /> con�krol af the Property; t�� use, �perafie ar manage the Property; and �3} collecfi the Rents from�he P�roperty. <br /> Duty to Maintain. T�usfior shall ma�ntain �he Praperty in '�enan�able conditivn and promptly per��rm afl repairs, <br /> replacements, and maEn�enance necessary fio p�eser�e its value. -� � <br /> Compliance With Envirvnmental Laws. Trustar represents and warran�s �o.Lende�-�hat: �'I} l�uring the period a� <br /> Trustor's ownership ❑�the Property, fihere has been na us�, generativn, manufacture, storage,treatment, dispasa�, <br /> release ���hreatened release af any Hazardaus Suhstance by any person on,�under, about o�-from the Prvperty; <br /> {2� Trustor has no know�edge of, or reasan�v he�ie�e �hat there has.been, except as preWiousry disclosed �o and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, {a} any breach or �iolatian a� any En�ironmen�al Laws, �1a} any use, <br /> generat�on, manufac�ure, starage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened release ❑-� any Haza�-dous Substan�e <br /> on, under, ahvut or from the Praperty by any p�-iar awners c�r occupants of �he Property, or 4c} any actual �r <br /> threatened litigation or claims vf any kind by any persan �-elating �a such ma�ters; and �3� Except as preWivusly <br /> dis�losed�a and acknvwledged by Lender in wri�ingr �a} nei�her Trust�r nor any tenant, cvntractor, agent❑r o�her <br /> authorized user vf the Property shaii use, generate, manufacture, store, �rea�, dispas�of or re�ease any Hazar-dvus <br /> Substan�e an, und�r, about or from the Praperty; and 4b} any such activity shall he cvnducfied in compliance with <br /> al! applicab�e federal, sta�e, and loca! laws, �egula�ians and ord�nances, inc�uding withou� limita�ian a�! <br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. Trustvr authori�es Lender and its agents t� en�er upon the Property �v make such <br /> insp�c�ions and �ests, at Trusfior's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determ�ne comp[iance a� �he <br /> Praper-�y with this se�tivn o#�he ❑eed of Trus�. Any inspect�ons or tes�s made by Lender shall be �rflr Lender's <br /> purpvses anly and shall nvt be cvns�krued t� create any responsibilifiy vr liabifity on the part❑�Lender�a Trustor ar <br /> �❑ any other p�rson. The �-epresentations and warranfiies con�ained herein are based vn Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�estiga�ing the Property�or Hazardous Subs�ances. Trus�or hereby �3} releases and wai�es any future claEms <br /> . against Lender fvr indemnity or contr�bu�ivn �n the e�ent Trus�or becomes liable for cleanup ❑r other cos�s under <br /> any su�h laws; and �2} agrees to indemni�y, defend, and hvld harmless Lender against any and all claims, Ivsses, <br /> liabil�ties, damages, penal��es, and �xpenses which Lender may dire�tEy or indirect�y sus�ain or suf�e�-resul��ng from � <br /> a I�rea�h o�this sec�ion ❑�r�he Deed o�Trust or as a �vnsequen�e v# any use, genera�ian, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, release❑r fihrea�ened release accurring prior�o Trustor's ownership or interesfi in the Prvperty, whe�her vr <br /> no� �he same was ❑r should haWe been known �v Trus�ar. The pro�isivns of this sectivn ❑� the Deed of Trust, <br /> in�luding the obligafian to indemni�y and defend, sha[l surWiWe the paymen�❑f the lndebtedness and the sat�sfiac�ivn , <br /> and �recvn�eyance of the IEen ❑f�his �3eed of Trust and sha�l not be a€f�cted by L�nder's acqu�sifiivn❑f any interes� <br /> En the Praper�y, whe�her by�foreclosure or otherwise, <br /> Nuisance, Was#e. Trus�or shali nat �ause, �vnduct or permi� any nuisance nor commit, pe�mit, or suffer- any <br /> stripp�ng of�r was�e an �r�a the Prvperty ❑r any portion of�he Praperty. Withou� limE�ing �he generali�y ❑f the <br /> �oregaing, T�-usfior will nat remo�e, or grant ta any v�he� party the righ�tn remo�e, any�imb�r, minerals �including <br /> oi[ and gas}, cval, clay,scoria,s�il, gra�el❑r rack p�oducts withaut Lender's privr wri�ten cansent. <br /> Removal vf Impro�ements. Trus�tor shail nvt demolish or remo�e any Impro�ements�ram the Reat Property wi�hou�- <br /> Lender's prEor written consent. As a conditivn to the remoWal a�F any Imprv�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make ar�rang�men�s satisfacfivey �o Lender ta replace such �mprvvemen�s wifih [mpro�emen�s nf a� leas� equal <br /> �a�ue. <br />