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��14�7�5� <br /> B�RRC]V�TER��VENANTS that Borrawer is�awfu��y se�sed of the es�ate hereby can�eyed and has the righ�t4 <br /> grant and con��y the Property and�hat �h�Prflperty �s un�ncum.bered, except f�r encum�rances af recard. <br /> Borro�er�varrants and�vi�� defend generall� �he�it�e to �he Proper�y against al� claims and demands, subje�t�a <br /> any en�umbrances af record. <br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTR[1MENT cambines uniform cavenan�s far na�z�nal u�e and non-un�form co�enants vvith <br /> �imit�d�ariat��n�by jurisdict�on to cons�itute a uniform security instrument c�ver�ng rea�prnper�y. <br /> Unifarm Covenants. Borrawer and Lend�r cnvenan� and agre�as follow�: <br /> 'i. Payment af Prin�ipa�, �nterest, Escrvw ltems, Prepayment Cnarges, and Late C�arges. Barrawer <br /> shall pa�when due th�pr�ncxpa� of, and int�res�on, the d��t evidenced b��he N�te and an�pr�payment <br /> charges and la�e charges due und�r the Nat�. Borr�wer sha�� a�s�pay funds for EsCrow ��ems pursuant ta <br /> Sec�ion 3. Pa�ments due under the Nate an�this S��urit� �nstrumen�sha�i b�made�n CJ.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, �f any che�k�r oth�r�nstrument rece���d by Lend�r as paymen�under the Note or th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument�s re�urned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any�r ail subs�quent paym�n�s due under <br /> the N�t�and this Securzty �nstrument be made in one ar more of the fol��w�ng f�rms, as se�e�ted b� Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} m�ne�order; �c}cer���ed ch�ck, bank check, �reasurer's check�r cash�er's check, prov�ded any <br /> suCh check�s drawn upon an ins�itut�on vvhose deposits are insured by a federal agenc�, instrumen�a.l�ty, or <br /> en�ity; �r�d} ��ectr�n�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�n�s ar��e�m�d rece��ed by Lender when received at the laca���n des�gna�ed xn th� Na�e or at such <br /> ath�r l�ca�i�n as ma�be des�gnated by Lender in accordance with�he na�ice pro��s�ans�n Sect�on �5, <br /> Lender may r��urn a��payment or partial pa�rment if th�paym�nt ar par�ia�payments are�nsuff�czen� ta <br /> br�ng the L�an current. Lend�r may accept any payment�r part�al paymen� insuff�cien��a�ring the Loan <br /> curren�, withou�wa�ver of any rights h�reund�r or prejudice ta its rights ta refuse such payment or pa�ia� <br /> payments in the fu�ure, but Lend�r is no�obligated t�app�y such paymen�s a�the t�m�such payments are <br /> accep�ed. If each Per�odic Pay�ment�s app�i�d as�f��s schedu��d due date, then Lender need no�pa� �nterest <br /> on unapplie� funds, Lender may ho�d such unap��ie� funds unti� Barrawer�ma.�es pa�rm.ents to�ring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower does not da so�vith�n a reasonab�e period of t�me, Lend�r sha��e��her apply such <br /> funds or re�urn them to Borrawer. If nat app�zed ear��er, such funds w�ll b�app�ied�a�h�outstand�ng <br /> przncipa� ba�ance under�he No�e immediate�y pr�ar�o farec�asure. No�ffs��or ciaim which Borrow�r m.igh� <br /> ha�e novv or in the fu�ure against Lender sha�l relie�e Borrawer fr�m.mak�ng paymen�s�.ue under�he Note <br /> and th�s�ecurity Ins�rument or performing the cavenants and agreerr�ents secur�d by th�s Securz�� <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> 2. App��cativn of Payments vr PraGeeds. Exc�pt as�therw���described in this S��t��n 2, a�� payments <br /> accepted and app�ied by Lender sha1�be app�ied �n the f���ow�ng ard�r�f priorit�: �a} inter�st�u�under the <br /> N�te; �b}principa� due under the Note; �c} amounts due under Sect�on 3, Such paym�nts shall b�appii�d to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order�n whic� i�became due. Any rema�n�ng a�maunts sha�l be appl���f�rst�a <br /> �a�e charges, sec�nd t� any other amounts due under thi� Security �nstrument, and then t� redu��th� <br /> principa�ba�ance of�he Not�. <br /> �f L�nder re�e��es a payment fram Borrower far a de��nquen� P�r�ad�c Payrnent which inclu��s a suf�cien� <br /> am�un�to pay any late charge due, the payment may be app�ied to the delinquen�payrn�n�an�the Iate <br /> charge. �f m�r�than one Per�od�c Payment is autstanding, Lender may apply an�payment re�ei�ed from <br /> Barrov�rer to the r�paymen�of the Periodic Paymen�s if, and�o the ex�ent that, ea�h pa�rn.�nt can be pa�d �n <br /> ful�. To the exten�tha�any e�cess ex�s�s af�er th�payment is applied ta the full payment of one ar mar� <br /> Periodic Payrnents, such�xcess may be app�zed�o any�a�e char�es due, Volun�ary prepayments sha��be <br /> applied �rst�o any pr�pa�ment Charges and then as descr�bed �n the Note. <br /> NESRASKA-Single Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNi�QRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�y{13D2� <br /> WaIters Kluwer Financiat Ser�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />