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��14�7�75 <br /> requ�red b�r RESPA, and Barr�wer sha�l pay to Lender the amoun�necessary to make up th�de�cien�y in <br /> acc�rdance�vith R.ESPA, bu��n no more than ��monthiy payment�. <br /> Upan paymen� in full�f all sums se�ured�y�his Security �nstrument, L�nd�r sha��promptly refund to <br /> Borra�rer any Fund�held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. B�rraw�r sha��pay a�� taxes, assessments, charges, �n�s, and �mpfls��ions attr�butabl�to <br /> the Property which can a�ta�n pr��r�t�a�r�r this Security Ins�rument, l�aseh�ld pay�nents ar graund rents on <br /> the Property, if any, and�om�mun�ty Assaciation Due�, Fees, and Assessments, if a.ny. T��h�extent�hat <br /> �hese items ar�Escr�w ��ems, Barrower shall pay th�m in�he manner prov�de� �n Se�tz�n 3. <br /> Borrower shal�promptly dis�harg�any�i�n whzch has priorzty over�his Security Ins�rumen�un�ess <br /> Borravc�er: �a} agre�s in wri�ing to the paymen�of the ob�igatian�ecured b�the li�n�n a man.n�r acceptab�e <br /> to L�nder, �ut�nly s��nng as Barrower��performing su�h agreemen�; �b} cont�s�s the lien in good fai�h b�, <br /> or defends against enforcemen�of the lien in, lega�proceedings which in Lender's�pini�n operat�t�pre�en� <br /> the�nfarcement�f�he lien whi�e thase proce�dings are pending, �u�an�y untii such pr�ceed�ng� are <br /> canc�uded; nr�c} secures from the holder of�he�ien an agreemen�sat�sfac�ory ta L�nder subard�nat�n��he <br /> ��en to�his S�curity Instrumen�. �f Lender de�ermi.nes�hat any part of the Praper�y zs subject to a lien which <br /> can attain priarity o�er�h�� S�curi�� �nstrumen�, Lender may give B�rro�v�r a no��c�identifying the lie�. <br /> �V�thin 1D days of the date on wh�ch�hat nflt�c�zs given, Borrower sha�l sa�zsfy the lien or�ake one or mare <br /> af the actians set f�r�h abo�r�in t�is Section 4. <br /> Lender may r�qu�re Bflrrower to pay a one-time charge for a rea� es�ate tax verif�ca�ian andlar repor�ing <br /> s�rv�ce used b�r Lender in car�nection�vi�h this Loan. <br /> �. Praperty �nsurance. Barrower sha�� keep the�mpro�ements now�xis�ing or hereafter erected on th� <br /> Property insured again���as�by�re, �azards in�luded wi�hin the�erm "extended cov�rage," and any�ther <br /> hazards including, but n�t limu�ed ta, earthquakes and fl�ods, for which Lender requ�r�s insurance. This <br /> insuranc�shal�be ma�ntained in the amounts ��nc�uding deduc�ible leve�s} and for the p�riads�hat L�nder <br /> r�quires. �Vhat L�nder requires pursuan��a the preceding sentences can change�ur�ng the�erm of�he Loan. <br /> T'he insurance carrier providing�he insurance shal�be chosen by Barrower�ub��c�to Lender's righ��a <br /> d��apprave Barr�vver's choice, which righ�shal� nat be exercxsed unreas�nably. Lender nna� require <br /> Borrnw�r�a pa�, in c�nnecti�n wi�h this Loan, ei��.er: �a} a on�Wtime charge far flo�d zone determ�.nation, <br /> certif�ca�ian and tracking serv�ces; ar�b� a one-time charge for flvod 2one deternuna�ian and certi�cat�on <br /> services and subsequent charges eac�t�me rexnappings ar similar changes o�cur which reasonably migh� <br /> affect su�h determina�ion�r certif�catian. Borrower sha�l a�s�be responsib�e for the payment of any fees <br /> imposed b�the Federa.� Emerg�nc�Manag�m�nt Ag�n�y�n connect�fln with the rev�e� of an� f�aad zon� <br /> determina�ion resu��xng from an ob�e��ion by BorrovWer. <br /> �f Borrower fails to main�ain any of the cov�rages descr�bed aba�e, Lender may abtain insurance co�era�e, <br /> at Lender's optian and Borrower's�xpense. Lender�s under n�obligat��n t�pur��ase any part�cular type or <br /> amaunt of ca�erage. Therefore, such co�erage shall co�er Len�er, but�gh�or migh�n�t protect Barrow�r, <br /> Borro�er's equity in the Pr�per��, or t�.e con�ents af the Pr�per�y, against any risk, hazard or l�ab���ty an�i <br /> might provide greater or��sser�a�erag�than�vas pre��ous�y�n�ffect. Borro�ver acknow�edges�ha�the cast <br /> of the�nsuran�e Co�erage s��btained might sign�f�ca�a��y exceed��e cast of insuranG��ha�Borro�v�r cou�d <br /> ha�re obta�ned. An�r amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sec�ion S shal�become additional d�b�af <br /> Borrower s�cured by�h�� �ecurzty�nstrum.ent. These amaunts shall bear�n�eres�a�the Not�rat�fram�he <br /> date af disburs�mtnt and sha��be paya��e, vwith such in�eres�, upon n���ce frflm Lender ta B�rr�wer <br /> requesting paym�nt. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle FamiEy-�annie Mael�reddie Ma�UNlFaRM INSTR[JMENT Fvrm 3�28 1IQ7 <br /> VMP[�] VMP6iN���13fl2) <br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 5�f�7 <br />