<br /> ���i� �F TRI��T
<br /> ���r� ��: 'i�'������� ����l�i�1���i� �a�� �
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<br /> �f th�Pr�����, ��an�pa�t t��r�o�, in it� �v�rr� ��r�r� �r ir� tl��n�m��f Trt�st�e� �n� ��an���t��+vhi�h i#
<br /> deem�n���s��ry�r d��i���l� t� �r���rv�th��al�t�, m�r����b�lity�r r�n#�l�ilit��f the �r��erty, �r ��r-t��
<br /> ��e P rape�t�r�r int����t in th� �r���rty; ����'��s� t��i n��rn���'�m tf�� �r���rky �r pr�����th��e�u��ty��
<br /> ���� �'r�p�riy; �r�tf, v�i�l� �r wi tl���� ��l���� pa���ssi�r� �f ��� P{������r, su e ��r ❑r a#�er-vxri s� �a Ei e�t the
<br /> re�ts, i������ �nd p€���its �f��� �r���rt}{, �t���t��ir�� tt7�s� ���t ��� ��� �ar����df ��d �pply th� ��rn�t I���
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<br /> �f �rust, al' it� �u��� c�:-�;i;� �_�= �_c3�-��j�r r���y �i�t�rr��r��;. ����: ���t��ing �p��1 ��i�l i�l�i3�i�� E���i���`���iar� �f ihe
<br /> � ,:.�F�.�r�yr, 1��� ������ti��� �_:r �;•,��:I� ,.:;�,f�, i�s�e� �n� �r�3Fi��, �:,i;� �i•�r� �i��fi�a�ian ��et'e�f t i���!; i�::�; �.ir��� ��
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<br /> k��� Praper�y ��: �, �. �:,,��t����, ����i�t �r�a ���E:,:��.�:;�� . r��' r��nt�, i����� �� ��r�:i�:. . ,.��:::�� ��r �_end�r �f-��li
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<br /> ��������r�y��t�-�cr�������1n���t� h�r��f; �r��
<br /> �.�,'� �EfFIV�C t��rk.lS'���� �'�,Fi l��E:{`, f��'sl�l'��E�M`1 �����ir.�.�����1��� t;t��l��E��t �{������ ��'iC��V',�[i:���f a I�r��,C:i? �r�t��.'�cllJit
<br /> �;���:' �;'•:�{rli�R� #��au�e Tr����;;'� i�,{�.�tst:f �r� tl�� Pr�p�rt�ta !�� :���:3. Y^:���it_:}� n�ti�� �r����e�I��[� [;r.�u:�:i�tc�t�4�:
<br /> dt�ly��'f�•.' r{}� �-���{r��� E��i�e�p�r���it::�� r.=`�i�s-��, ��t��� ���r���i��v,rl�i�:f7 �i`�� f}rc�F��rf}r is I���t�cl; ��ci
<br /> ��� V�1i�i� r���:.r�' �.� t:'i �; �:r�� r����t�f t��� #��r����7t�1 ����r�h���-��,r, Le��f�r s���l hav� �-tll �'7� � ;���f� �ncf r�€��ec�E��
<br /> c��� ���ure� p�����r�r��;��:���� ;�{������� lJ nif��r-r� �un�����}:�L:i4:+�:��{�,
<br /> F�r��������: ��+ i����r�f�al�. ���.��ti�;�-r is��-�trt�f:�fi��e�:l��e by��ec��.3�: �r='�i�: �'av����t 5�fe���r�E�ti�.���il4�i�:r���,
<br /> �����r ��-��1� K����f�' Tr��:at�� �nd �h�El �le�����t ��r�iF-1 ��r���lee thi� D��� �� 1-r���< <;��� f��� N�t� ���# st�c� r���i;�t�i
<br /> ���f����i�r��� �f�r�Fa�r��!i��Gr��` r7�������i���:�r�c� l��+���it� i��1e�c�f Tru��a��ru�t�� n��y r�quir�.
<br /> ��� 1.���n r�����a��� ��E�;k� E}����c�7 fr��r� L�n�i�r, �Tr�s�e��E��sl ����� �a t�� r���r�i��, �uE�Ci�����_� �E�d c��lEv�r��
<br /> t� Tr�����r s��l� N�ti�� �f a�i���':� �n cf i��#ic� �f �al� �s f���E� �c�-��i r�� t�y ���nr ��� �� �h i� ����� �f�r��t.
<br /> i���t�� s�����, �rith��� ��m���i a�; ��"r���Ear, �fier s�lch tirn� a� ���}f tht�� t�e ���€�kr�� ��r i��v �r,� ������
<br /> r���r�i�iic�« ���u�� N�t�ce af D��au�t �r��� �-����r �f�f��� ����f� I���i�� t����� �i�r��7 �s r���i��� �y law, ��II
<br /> tl�� I���p�rfy a� �;�� ti��ti� �r�� ��ac� a� sa�e �ix�d �.�y ii i� �u�t� �l�tic� �f ��f�, �it���r �� � wl��I�, �r ir�
<br /> ��par�t�lot� a�-par��l���r il�n��a� �ru�t�� sf��ll ����n �:x���i��t, �r�� irr s�ch ������� i# r��uy d�t�r�ni��,
<br /> �t p��l�����ti�n t� fr�e �k��1�5� �JE���I`��f��SI� ir� I�wf�.,� �n��i��� ��t��� l�r��t�� ���������r��f� �� th�ti���
<br /> �� ���e. Tru�t�� �ha�l ���3��r �a ��,�� ���r�f����� �� �€���h���rs ����r��f it� ���� an� ����i��e�� ���d ��
<br /> ���d� c����r����� tt�� pra���ty �� �o�d, �u� u�ri�h��t ��y ����r�ant or �rv��-r�r�ty, �x�r�ss �r imp�i��. T��
<br /> r��i��l� ir� ��cf� ci�ed a���y r�a�t�r� or f��i� ���ail L�� ����lusi�� �ara�f��th� �����hf�l�+�s� th����f, Any
<br /> �����n, �n�l��iin��i�f����i��itati�n�ru�tar, �ru�t��, ar L���d�r, r`��y �ur������l���I� ��9�.
<br /> {t�� A� r�ay t�e perrn itt�� �y I��,r, �ft�r ��r�u�tir�� al l ��sts, f��s a n� �xp����s �f Tr����� an� �f ��i�
<br /> Tr�a�t, i�c�ud':n� ���t� of�vid�n����t Rt���n��r�r������r�wit���l�,Tr��t�� �i���� ��{�ly tk��p������!���sa��
<br /> tfl p�ym�r�t a� �i��f I surr���x��n d�� ��d�r t��t�rt����t�i� ������Trusk�r�n��r tl��t�rm��f th�N�t�
<br /> �ot t��t� �e�a id, in�l��€ng k��a� n�t li rr�ik�� t� ���r��� i r�t��'��t a n�! ��t� �fi�����, {i�} ��� �tF���-���� tk��n
<br /> ������d I��r��y,�r�d �iii�t���r��r7�irr�#�r, if�r��r, t�th�p�r��r��r��rs�n�l���li�er�ti�i��i tl�er�t4.
<br /> {�� �rust��rr��y ir�il���nar�n�r pr�vid�� fay I��r p��t��r���al��f a!�❑�-�r��p�rtiar�flf t�� Pr�p�rty-
<br /> �����li�s ht�t E�€ct�5ive. ���s��� �.�� L�r�d�r, ��� ���I� �f t��rr�T �halk �� �ntit9�� t� �nf�r�� p��rr��nt �n�
<br /> �e�arma n���f�r�y in��bi�������r��I i��ti�ns s��ur����r th i� ��e�i�f T���t�n� ���x�rei���I� ri�ht�an�# p�v�r�rs
<br /> �r�c��r th�is a�ed af 7rust, und��tl�� ��k�, ������r�y �f th� R�I�t��f ����r��nt�, �r �n�i�r�n� �th�r ��re�m����r
<br /> an��a�rs r��v�r�r I��r��ft�r�r� f�r��; r��tu�ri�i��t�n�l i rr�, ��r�� �r�!I �f s��h i n��btedn��� and �b�i��ti�n�����rr�� by
<br /> thi� ���� a��ru�t rnay r��v�r �r��r��ft�r �� �t�r�r-vvi�� ���ur��, �rvh�th�r�y m�rk����, �i���i �f#r�r�t, pl���e, �i�n,
<br /> a���i�r���r�� �r �tf��twis�. N�i�h�r tl�� ����pt�n�� �f th i� ����1 �f �r��� nar its e nf��-cer�en�, wh�t��r by cau�#
<br /> a�ti or� ���urs�2��t t� tl�� ���v��`�f���� ar a�l��r p�v�r�r� ���t��t��c� i� �k�i� ����i �f Tr��t} sh�l! �r��udi�e �r ir� any
<br /> rn�r�r��t� �ff��t Ti rr��t��'s �r L�n��r'� ri��t t� r��liz� �p�� �r �n��r�� �ny ❑t��r �e�ttri�y n�w �r ��r��f#�r f��l� by
<br /> Trr������r L�r��i�r� it b�in�a�r����h�t Tr�s����n� L�n�i�r, ��r����h �f th��, s�a�f be�ntit�ed to�r��o�c�this ae�d
<br /> �f TrUst �n� ��}r �tl��r ���urity n��rv �r h�r��f��r h�ld hy Lender�r Trustee in s�,�h ard�r �r�� rri�r�r��r�� t�r�y��
<br /> eit��r �f tf��m rr��y ir� ����� �ta��l�t� �isc��t��t� ��t��min�. �!� ��r-���i�r �anf��-red ��an or r�s�r���i �� �r�tste� ��
<br /> L�r�d�r, is int�r��l�€� t�k�� �x�l��i���f�n�r�th�r r�rr��d�r in th�s a�ed ������t�r ��r i�w �r�vid�� �r ��rm�tt�d, ��t
<br /> ���� ���I� �� ��r��la�iv� a n� shal I �� in ���i ti�r� t� ��+�r� �th�r r��n���r �ive r� i� th is C���d af Y�Usi �r r��v,r �r
<br /> I��r��ft�r����tin��t��v��r ir� ��uit�❑r��r statute. ��ery p�vver�r r�rr���i�r�i��r� ��r tl�� ��t��r�r��r��th� f���a�te�l
<br /> ���ur-r7�nt� t� `�'r��t�� 4f �.�n��r �r t� �hi�h �ith�r af t��� r��y �� �f��rwi�� ��tit���, r7-���r b� �x�r�is��,
<br /> ��n�urr�n��y�r�n����nd��rt�y, frarn tirr�e ��t�rr�e �nd�� �ft�r� �� rr��y�����rr�e� ��cp��i�nt�y T���t���r L�r����,
<br /> �r��# �itf��r �� tl��r� m�y �����e in�ans��t�n� rern��ie�. N a�h i�� ir� tl�is �e��i �f Tr�st sl�ai I b� ��r�str���J �s
<br /> �r����ai���� L�n��r fr�rn ���I�in��d�f�ien�y j ud�men#���i r�st tl���r�st�r t��f����t�nt�u�f� ��ti�r� i� ��rm it��d k�y
<br /> I��.
<br /> �i���i�n �f R���dies. AI� �� Lend��"s �i�f�t� �r�� r��rr�d i�� v�ri�l �� �u rr�ula�i�� �r�� m�� �e ��c�r�i��� �l�n e �r
<br /> ����th�r. I�L�r���r��ci��� t� ���r�d r�-i�r��y �r �� ��rf�rr� any ��Tr��k�r's �bli��t��r�� �n�i�r�h�5 ae�r� af Tt���t,
<br />