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��14�7��� <br /> ��E[� �F TRI�ST <br /> L��an No: '[�'���8738 {Con��llued} Page � <br /> DEED aF TRUST i5 GIVEN ANa A�CEP�'EI]�N TH���LL�1r1�I�G�ER[�A�: <br /> PAY�IENT AN� P�RF�RMANC�. �xcept �s othen�vis� �ra�ided in this �ee� of Yrust, �rustor shal# pay #o Ler�d�r all <br /> amou nts secured by thi� Deed of Trust a s they �eco�� d�e, and shal I stri ctl y ar�d in a ti m��y rna n n�r �e�forr� al I �f <br /> Trustor'�a�ligat�ons under the N�te, this Qeed af Trust, and the f�ela#ed �ocurner�ts. <br /> R�SSESS�ON A�l�3 �I A!h�TENANC� �F TH E PRaP ERTY. 3rustar agrees t�at �ru�t�r's p�ssesston a nd us� nf th� <br /> Property��ail be go��r��� by the follpwing pravision�: <br /> f'os�essian ar�d Use. �Jr�lir ���e ���c�urrenc� af �n Cv��i c�f C7c;�u�t, T�ustor may �'f) r'�����ir� irl passe�si�� and <br /> �:��7�r�nf c�i��e Pro��rty; ��� us�, csp��r���cyr r��nage th�Praper-ty; G�i�i �'3? calfect tl���ents fro�7�� ����: ��'�-o�eriy. <br /> Duty to r►�ai��#ai�i. T�ustar shail rn�in���E�i t':-��3 �'�-����r�y in �o�d con�i�ti�:i� Gr-��f �rot�ptly perform �f� ������ir�, <br /> �epfacements, �:nd ���:�:'��t����}:�cc����ess��y to prese,~4�Ey i�� ���lue. <br /> �'on�r�li�nc� 1Ni#h �nr�irar�n�c«t�i 1.���vs. �rusf�r repr�sanis �r��.f �r•.'.=sr,-t���ts to Ler��er ihat: ��) i�ttri��c� t}�� �eriad af <br /> "�E-�:������':-, r}��,�,��rship af the Pro{��rty, �!�E��c� I��s be�n na�se,g�:►�eratir���, r���nuiacture,stor�ge, trc�'-.n����t, c�i�posal, <br /> release �E �:�:��-�r{-��}�c� release af ai�y Fi:�r�t�tt{ca::� ;;����t�nre by �ny pers�n �l'�, ���cfer, ahaut ar fr�ri� ti�� i=r�]perty; <br /> ��� Tr�star#�as r�❑ t���c����l���qc of, or r��sUr� tU b�fic:`,�� th�t there F�as been, exce�� ��s �r��Eou�ly �i��l���d ta ����i <br /> ��ck�o��edged by L�i��i�:r ir1 t��ritiR��, {ay �r�y �reach c.�r ��i���tion of any Envi�an�r��nt�l L_�ws, 4b} any use, <br /> !;�'��r�iiC]�l, mar�ufa�tur�, .��D�t��jF:, ������f7'7Efl�, C�IS�]�S��, f2lGci�E; Uf� ��1r"[?r���,'�1G� f$�@�S� C]i �?�1�� ����:'�:�t;`}..JS �UE7S���'1C� <br /> ��i, ��i-�r_i�,;�, �bn�ii or #r�r� the Pro�����y E��r ���y �rEor owners or o�;G�����r�?� of the P�op�rty, or �cj �7na� s,ctu�! [�r <br /> fhrealen�ci i�i�gt�t�or� c�r claims of any k�n� by ar�Y �e�son relatir�g to su�:h t���i�f�r�; anti �3� ExG�pt �s pr�vio��Gly <br /> d��closed t�and ac�:,��v��l�c�c�ed t�y Lender in writi�-}c�, (�3� n�ither�rustor nor a��y te�ant, contractor, �gent or ot��er <br /> t u�tiori�ed user af thc Pr-o�c;�ty sf��:i'� u�e, �enerate, rna�7u��,C;�Uf�, s�a��, tre�t, dfspose o�o�-release an� Hazardous <br /> Su�st��nc� on, �nder, a�aut ar tr-r�.��t'�� P�op�rty;and 4b} �ny r,i�tit� actj�ity�hall be c�nd�ctec; in co��pliance with <br /> al� �;:���i�:,�t�j� fc3���a�, �t�t�, a��t� ic���� l�vvs, regufati�r�s �nc� c�r�;in�r��es, ir��iud�ng wifl����l '-iE��t�tion ��I <br /> ��Wi ron���E�t�[ L��rti�s. Tr�a s�or a uth�riz�s L�i i�i�.�r a nd its a�ent� to e nte r u po�� the Prppe�ty to r1-ia ke s�[:f� <br /> inspections �r�d t��i5, �t ��r�tsior's �xpense, as Le��c�e� n�ay deern �p�ropri�t� to det�rrr�ine complian�e vf �he <br /> P�aperty witF� this s�ctio� of #h� �e�d of Trust. l�ny ir�spe�tio��s or te�t� m�de by �.ender ��all be t�r� �er�d��'� <br /> ���r���ses o n ly and s�all noi be cc�n�f r�ed #o e�e�te�r�y res�onsi�il ity�� I"s�bi lity on�he pa�t�f L.e r�de r ta Tru st�r ar <br /> �o a�iy ntt��� �::�s�n. 7he ��presentatior�s �nd warranties conta�ned h�r�in �re ba�ed or� Trustor'� d�� ��fic�enc� in <br /> ir�ve�tig�tiE�g tf��: Property for Ha�ardous Sub�t���c�s_ Trus�ar hereby �'�} ���L'�5�5 'c3f1C� wai�es any f�tur� ����ir�s <br /> ag2�inst L�nd����r i r�c���nr7ii}� or contributi on i n tf�e ev�r�� �ru�#�r becom�� li�bl��c�r clea n�p or other costs u nder <br /> any such law�; and {2� ��rees to�ndern�ify, defend, �nd hol� �iarm�ess Lende�against an�an� �EI cl�ims, losses, <br /> liat�ilit��s, damages, penalties, ���d expenses which Lende�m�y d:r��t�y or indir�ctly sus#ain or su�fer�esulting from <br /> a b�e�ch af th�s sect�on of the �eed Qf �'r�st vr as a cor�se�uer�ce af any �se, gener�ti�n, ma�ufactur�, stor�g�, <br /> di�pos�l, r�i�ase or threatened release occurrinq pr�vr��Trust�r'��wr��rship or interest�n the�rop�rty,whether or <br /> not the s�r+'ti� was or shauld ��ve been know� tQ Trustor. The provisior�s af tt�i� s�clian af the deed ❑f Trust, <br /> incl�rdir�g the ablig�tion to ir�d�mnify and defer�d, Sh��l sur'vEv� the p�yrnent of the Indeb�edness an�the satisfact�on <br /> ��r� reca n veyance of th� I ien af th�� aeed �f Tru�t�n d shall ri ot be af�ected by Le r�de r's�cq uisi�ion oi�ny i�te res� <br /> in the �rope�ty,whether by forecEos�re or otherwi��. <br /> Nt�isance, V�laste. Trusto� shal! no# caus�, cor�duct or permit an}r n�isance r�o� comr�it, �ermit, ar suf�er ai�y <br /> str�ppin� of ar wa�ie on or to the Prope rty or any poriio r� �f f�e Property. 1lllithaut l im iting tt�e g�n ara lity of�he <br /> fareg�Rr�g, T�ustar will not r�rr�o�e, �r��ant �a any ather party the rzght ta remove, any tir�-tiber, minerals �including <br /> oi I a r�d g a�}, coal,cl�y, sGv ri a, ��il, g r�Wel ar ro�k prad��ts withQut Le n de r's privr written�.or�se nt. <br /> Remova! af Im prov�me�ts. Tr�stQr shal I not d�r��}is h or remQ�e�ny�m�ro�e r►�ents fror,n the R�al ProperLy wif ho�t <br /> Lend�r'� pri�r written consen�. As a c�nditiar�ta th�rema�al af ar�� �m�ro�em�nts, Lender may require�rustar�o <br /> rnake a rrangemen�s sati�factary to L.e nde r ta replace such I m�ro�e�nents with �m prove r�er�ts af at I�as# equ al <br /> va�u�. <br /> Lende�'s Rig�t to �r�ter. �end�r�nd L�nder's agen�s and represent�ti�es m�y enter upor� the Real F�roperty at all <br /> reasonable tim�s tQ attend t� Lende�'s inter�sts �nd to �nspec� the R�al ��a�ert�y for purpases of Trusto�'s <br /> carr�pli�nce wi�h the terms and �on�itions of this Dee�o�Yrust. <br /> Compl iance wit� �ar►em m�ntal Req ui re mer�ts. Trustor s hall p rampily comp�y wit� a�I laws, ord�nances, ar�d <br /> regulations, now or h�r�after in eff�ct, of a�! g��e�nmental autharities �pplicable to the �se or v�cupancy of the <br /> P�operty. Trustar may�antest in gQ�d��ith any such Isw, ar�inance, or r�gula�ion and w€thhold corr�plian�e during <br /> any pra�eed�r�g, �ncluding appr4priate appeals, so long a� Trustor has not�fied Lender in writin� p�ior t� do�ng sa <br /> a n d s�lonc�as, in Lend er's sol��pin ion, L�nder's interests i n the Prope r#y are not jeopa rdized, L.ende��nay req uire <br /> Trustar to post�de��sate security ar a�urety bond, reasonably satisf�cto�y t� l��nd�r,ta pr�te�t Lender's inierest. <br /> D�ty to �r�te�t. Tr�stor agr��s n�ither to a ba n d on a� ieave u n�tte n�#ed the Prvperty. Trustor shal� d� al I ot�er <br /> acts, in a�dition to those act�set far#h abave in�his �ection,wF�ich frarr�t#�e ch�ract�r 2r�cf usa a�the F�rap�rt���� <br /> reason�bly necessary to pro�ect and p�eserve the �rop�erty. <br /> DUE ON SAL� -C�NSENT BY LENaER. Lender m�y, at Le�der'�opt��n, declare imme�iately due�nd p�yable all surns <br /> secu�ed by t�i s �eed of Trust upon th e��I��r tra nsf��, rn►ithaut Lend er's prior writt�n��nse r�t, �f�I I or any p��t of the <br /> F�ea I f�rope rty, or an�i nte rest in the Rea C �ro pe�ty. �"�al� or t�a ns�er" means the canveya��e af Re�� Pro p�r#y�r any <br /> ri�ht, titie ar int�r�st in the Rea� Proper��; whether tec�al, b�ne�icia� �r eq�itabie; wheth�r W�luntary o� in��luntary; <br />