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��14�7�53 <br /> B�RR�'UVER��V ENANTS �hat B�rrovw�r zs Iawfully seised�f th�estate hereby conveyed and has �h�rzght t� <br /> grant and can�ey the Prflper�y and tha�the Pr�p�r�y is unencum�ered, excep�far encurnbrances of rec�rd, <br /> Borrawer warrants and w���defend g�nerai�y the�itle to�he Proper�y against a�l c�aim�and dem�and�, �ubjeG�to <br /> any encumbrances�f r�c�rd. <br /> THIS SE�URITY�NSTRUMENT cnmb�n�s unif�rm�ovena�ats for natiana�use and nan-un�form co�enants with <br /> ���n�t�d�ariat�ons b�r jur�sdicti�n�a const��ute a unif�rm securi�y instrument c�ver�ng real prape�y. <br /> Un�fvrm Co►�enants. Barrower and Lender c�venan�and agre�as f�llows: <br /> '1. Payment af P�rincipa�, lnterest, Esc�rvw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges, Borro�v�r <br /> sha��pa�when due the princ�pal of, and�nterest an, the d�bt ev�dtnced by��e No��and any prepa�men� <br /> charges and la��char�es due under�h�Note. BQrrower sha�� also pay funds fvr Escr�w I��ms pursuan� to <br /> Sect�on 3. Pa�ments due under the Note and�hzs Secur��y �nstrument sha�l be rnade in U,S. curr�ncy. <br /> H�wever, if a.r���he�k�r other ins�rument rece�ved by Lender as paymen�under th�N��e�r�his Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender ma�require tha�any�r all subsequ�nt pa�men�s due under <br /> the Note and this Securi�y�nstrumen�b�made in one ar m�ore�f the f��low�ng farms, as se��cted by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; ��}m�ney order; �c}cer�zfi�d check, bank check, tr�asurer'�check�r cashier's�heck, provided any <br /> such check�s drav�n upon an instztution vvhose deposits are insured by a federal agency, �nstrumen�ality, or <br /> entity; or�d� E���tr�ni� Funds Transfer. <br /> Payme�ts are deemed recei�ed by Lender vvhen r�ce�ved at the l�cation d�s�gnated �n�he Note�r at such <br /> other�ocatian as ma�b�designa�ed by Lend�r�n a��ordan�e w�th�h�n�t�ce pravisians in S�ction �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment or partial paymen� if�he paym�nt or par��a�paym�nts are insuf�cient ta <br /> �ring�he L�a.n�urr�n�. Lend�r ma�accept any paymen�or par��a�paymen�insuff�ci�nt to bring�he Loan <br /> curren�, ur�thou��aiver af any rights hereunder or pre�udice ta its rxghts t�refuse such paymen�ar partial <br /> payment� in the futur�, but Lender is no��b�igat�d��app�y�uch payments at the t�me such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. If each Per��dic Payment�s appl�ed as of its s�hedu�ed due date, ��en Lender need n�t pa� �nterest <br /> on unapplied funds. Len�er may ho�d such unapp��ed funds untii Borrower makes payments to bring t�ae <br /> Laan current. If Borrower does n�t do so w�th�n a r�asonab��period af time, Lender sha11 ei�her apply such <br /> funds or r��urn them to Borro�ver. If no�applied earlier, su�h funds w����e applied ta the out��andir�g <br /> principa�ba�ance und�r the Note�mm�diat���pri�r�a forecl�sur�. No�ffse��r c�axm wh�ch B�rr�vver migh� <br /> hav�n�w or zn the future agains�Lender shal� r��ieve B�rr�w�r from mak�ng payments due under the Note <br /> and�h�s Securi�y �ns�rument or�erforming the cQ��nants an�agre�m�n�s secured by�his Security <br /> �nstrum.en�. <br /> �. Applicatifln of Payments or Praceeds. Except a�o�herw�se descrxbed�n th�s Sec�i�n 2, al1 payments <br /> a��ep�ed and appl�ed by Lender shal�be app���d zn the fo��awing order of pr�or��y: �a� z�.terest due under the <br /> Nate; �b}prznc�pa�due under the Note; ��) am�unts due und�r Sec�ian 3. Such pa�rments sha�l be app�xed�o <br /> each Periadic Payment in�he order�n vvhich it became due. Any r�maining amounts shai�b�appli�d�rst�o <br /> �a�e charges, se�ond to any other am�unts due under this Security Instrumen�, and�hen t�r�duce the <br /> pr�n��pa�balan�e af the N��e. <br /> �t Lender receives a payrxzen�from B�rr�wer for a delinquent Per�adi� Payment wh�Ch includes a sufficient <br /> amount t�pay any Iate charg�due, th�payment may be app��ed to�he delinquent payment and��e�ate <br /> charge. �f more�han�ne Peri�di� Payment is ou�stand�ng, Lender may apply any paymen�rece�ved from <br /> Borrower tn the r�payment of the Per�odi�Pa�m�nts �f, and to the extent that, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fu��, To the extent that any exce�s�x�sts af��r the payment�s app��ed to the fuil paymen�of one�r m�re <br /> Per�odic Payments, such excess�may b�appli�d to any�ate charges due. Volun�ary prepayments shall he <br /> app�ied f�rs�t� an�prepaymen�charges and then as described�n�he N��e. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingl���mily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM iNSTRUMENT Form 3D2$1101 <br /> VMP(�] VMPfitN�y{�3p2Z <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page 4 a#17 <br />