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..�,....:..� _. <br />_ _...__. •. • .. .. , ..........._.. _.. _ -r �.. _ _._ �.._._.______ _ - ... . .. .. <br /> ��14�7�31 <br /> All insurance po��c�es requYred by L�nder and renetivals of suc�i policies shall�e subj ect to Lender's right ta <br /> disappr�ve such polic�es, shali in��ude a standar�.mortgage c�ause, and sha.11 name Lender as mortgagee <br /> andlor as an ad�ition��ass payee. Lender s�l�have the right to hold the pa��cies an�i renewal cerkif'rcates. If <br /> I.lender re�taires,Borra�er shail�ro�pt�y g,ive to Lender al�receipts of paid premiums and renetival na�ices. <br /> If�orrow�r obtain.s any fvrnz af insura.nce, not otherwise required by Lender,f�r damage to, ar <br /> destruct�on af,the Property, such policy shall include a sta.ndard martgage cXause and sh�all name Len�er as <br /> mortgage�andlvr as an a�.di#i�nal�vss payee. <br /> In the event of 1ass,Borrawer sha11 give prompt notice to�.he insurance carrier and Lender may <br /> make prvof of loss if not promptly�y Borrovver. T In�ess Lender and Barr�wer otherwise agree in <br /> writ�ng, �.ny in.surance proceeds,whether or not t�ae underlying insurance tivas requYred��Lender, sha11 be <br /> applied to restoration or repair of the Praperty, if the restoration or repair Ys�cono�nically feasible and <br /> Ler�der's security i.s not lessened. During such repair and restoratifln period,Lender shall have the�ght to <br /> ha�d such insi.u-ance pro�eeds un.til Lender ha.s had an opportunity ta inspeGt such Praperiy to ensure the <br /> v�orl�has�aeen Comp�eted to Lender's sat�sfact�on,provided that such i_nspection shal�be undertal�en <br /> promptly. Lender ma.y clisburse proceeds for the repairs and restora.tion in a singXe payment vr in a series of <br /> progress payments as the w�rk xs c�mpleted. Unless an.agr�ement Ys made in tivritulg or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest ta he pard on su��i insurance proceeds,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> �nterest or earnnngs an such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or oth�r thnrd parties, retained by Borrov�er <br /> shal�not be paid out of the insurar�ce prviceeds and sha11 be the sole�bYxgation of Borrov�er. If the rest�rat�an <br /> or repair is not econor�cally feasible or Lender's security tivould be Iessened,the u�surance proceeds shali be <br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrument,v�hetl��r or not then due,witb the ea:cess, �any, <br /> paid tQ Borra�wer. Such�nsuranCe proceeds sha11 be app�ied in the order prov�ded for in Section 2. , <br /> If Borra,wer aba.ndons t�i�1'roperty,Lender may fi1e, negotiate and settle any availabXe rnsurance claiam anc� <br /> related mat�e�s. If Barra�er�oes not respond with�n 3Q days ta a notice from Lender�hat�.�a.e insurance <br /> carrier has affered to settle a claim, then Lender ma.y negotiat�and settl.e the�1aim_ The 3�-d.ay period w� <br /> begin when the nat��e�.s given. In ei�er event, or if Lender acquires the Froper�y under Section��ar '� <br /> othe�wise,Borrower hereby assxg.ns to Lender(a�Barro�ver's rights to any��suran.ce proceeds�n an amount <br /> not to exceed�i�a�r�au�ts unpaid under the Note ar tbis Security Instrument, and(U} any other of <br /> Borr�wer's rights (other than the right to an�refund of unearned premiums paid�ay Ba�rov�er�un�er al� <br /> inswrance policies the Propex�ty, insofar as such rights are applicab�e to th� covera�e of the <br /> Property.Lender may use the�nsurance praceeds either to repair or restore the Property or ta pay amounts <br /> unpaid under th�Not� ar th�s Security Ins#rurnent,u�hether or not then due. <br /> 6. �]��upa���.B�rrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Proper�y as Borrou�er's principa�.residence <br /> witiv.n�D days after the ea�ecu�ian of this Security In.stn�ment and shall continue to o��upy the Proper�y as <br /> Barrower's principal residence for at�east ane year after the date of�c�upancy,unless Lender oth��vvise <br /> agrees Yn wri�g,which consent sha�1 nat be unreasona�aly v�ithhe�d, or un��ss e��tenua.ting circumstan.ces <br /> eaist which are beyond Borrov�'er's c�ntrol.. <br /> �. Pr�s�r��t�on,�lla����r�a��e a�d IProt��tio��f th� P�op�r��;l�spe�t��ns.Borrawer shali not destroy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, allou�the Praperty to deteriorate or comrn�t waste on the Property. �Vhether <br /> �r not�3orrower xs res� in the Propexty,Borra�v�r shall main�a�n the Praperty in order ta prevent the <br /> Froperty fram deter�orat�rng or decreasing in value due to its c�ndition.LTnless it is�.eterminec�pursua.nt to <br /> Section 5 th�t repair or restoration is no�ecanomxcall�feasihle,Borrower shall prompt�y repair the Property <br /> if damaged ta avaid further deteriorat�on or damage. If�n.suran.ce ar comdemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> cannect�on with damage to, �r the�ak�ing of,the Properiy,Borr�wer shall be respansible far repairing or <br /> restoring the Property only if Lender has released�roceeds for such pwrposes.Lender rr�y�.�i.s�aurse proc�eds <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fami6y-Fannie Ma�lFreddie Mac L]NIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28'f10'{ <br /> VN1P D VIUIPS(NE]�1302}.00 <br /> WoltErs Kluwer Finar�cial S�rvices Page 7 of 97 <br />