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��14�755� <br /> Applicable Law pro�ides a time per��d which must elapse before cer�ain action can be ta.ken,that time <br /> periad will be deemed to be reas�nable for purpases of this paragraph. The natice of accelerati�n and <br /> o�portunity to cure given ta Borr�wer pursuant to Section 2� and the notice of acceleration gi�en to <br /> Barrower pursuant to Section 1 S shall be deemed t�satisfy the natice and apportunity t�take c�rrective <br /> aCt1nI1�7r�V151�175�f�115 S�Ct1�I1 2�. <br /> �'I. Hazardaus Substan�es. As used in this Section 21: (a} "Hazardous Substances" are those <br /> substances def�ned as t�xic or hazardous substances,pollutants,or wastes by En�ironmenta�Law and <br /> the following substances:gasoline,kerasene,ather flammable or taxic petr�leum products,t�xi�pesticides <br /> and herbicides,volati�e s�lvents,materials containing asbestos ar formaldehyde,and radioactive materials; <br /> �b� "Enviranmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> that relate to health, safety or environmenta�pratection; �c� "Environmental�lea.nup" includes any <br /> resp�nse action,remed�a�acti�n, or removal a�tion,as defined in Envir�nmen�al Law;and�d}an <br /> "Environmenta.l Condition"means a c�nditi�n that�an cause,contribute to, ar atherwise trigger an <br /> Envir�nmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sha11 n�t cause ar permit the presence,use, d�sposa�, storage, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threaten to release any Hazaxdous Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Barrower shall not <br /> do,nor a�l�vv an�one else to do,an�thing.a.ffecting the..Pr�perty�a� vio�at��n of any Environmentai <br /> Law,(b}which creates an En�ironmental�ondition,or�c�which,due to the presence,use,or release of <br /> a Ha�ard�us Substance,creates a canditi�n that adversely afFects the value of the Pr�perty.The preceding <br /> two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or storage an the Pr�perty of small quantities of <br /> Hazard�us Substances that are generally recognized ta be appropriate to norma�residential uses and to <br /> maintenance�f the Property(including,but nat l�mited ta,hazardous substa.nces in consumer products�. <br /> Borr�vver shal�prompt�y give Lender written n�tice of(a�any investigation,��a�m,demand, lawsuit ar <br /> other action by any g�vernmental or regu�atory agen�y or private par-ty in�olving the Froperty and any <br /> Hazard�us Substance or En�ironmental Law of which Borrawer has actual knowledge, �b}any <br /> Environmental Condition,including but not limited ta, any spilling, leaking,discharge,re�ease ar threat <br /> of release of any Hazardous Substance,and�c}a.ny c�nd�tion caused by the presence,use ar release of <br /> a Hazaxdous Substance wh�ch ad�ersely affects the�alue�f the Property.If Barrower learns,or�s notified <br /> by any g��ernmental or regulatory author�ty,or any private party,that any remova�ar other remediat�on <br /> of any Hazardaus Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrovver sha��pr�mptly take aII necessary <br /> remedial actions in accvrdance with En�ironmental Lavv.Nothing herein sha11 create any�bligati�n on <br /> L�nder for an Enviranmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Unif�rm Co►►enants. Borrawer and Lender further c��enant and agree as f�l�aws: <br /> 2�. Ac�eleration; Remed ies. L�nder shall give noti�e to Borrower prior to acceleration <br /> following Borrower's breach of any covenant �r agreement in this Security Instrument (but <br /> not pri�r t� acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicabl� Law pro�ides otherwise}, The <br /> notice shall specify: (a} th� default; �b} th� action r��uired ta cure the default; (c} a date, nvt <br /> �ess than 3� days from the date tbe not��e is gi�en to B�rrflwer, by which the default must <br /> b� cured; and (d} that failure to cure the default on �r befare thQ date �pecified in the notice <br /> may re�ult in acc�leration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sal� af the <br /> Prop�rty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration <br /> 1378�85�9 <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFQRM INSTRUMENT p28��p� <br /> VMP� <br /> ��1�4 <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financiai Servi�es 2�14��2114.2.D.2944-J2Q140429Y Inifial : 14 af'17 <br /> * 1378255��9 05 3* <br /> � <br /> � <br />