<br /> THZS SECURITY INSTRUMENT co�l7bines uni:�ort��covenants f�r nationai use and non--un�fazm cover�ants with
<br /> 1it��ited variations by jurisd�c�ion t❑ cons�i�u�e a uniForm se�L�rity instxument covering real property,
<br /> L��V1�C�RM ��1�EIV10lN��w Borr��uer and Lend�r ca�enant and agree a�fo��ows:
<br /> 1. ]Paymen��f Primc�pa�, Inter���,�scr��v I�em�,�repa�men����arg�s,and L,a�e�harge�. Bo�rrower sha1�
<br /> pay when due�he p�incipal of, and interest on, t�he debt evidenced by�he Not�and any prepay�nen�charges and 1a�e
<br /> charges c�ue unde�r�he�ote. Borrower shali a�so pay funds for Escrow�tems pursuant�� Section 3, �'ay�nents due
<br /> undez the No�e and th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� sha�1 l�e rn.ad� in U.S, curr.en�y, How�v�r, if any checl� or �ther
<br /> ins�rument recei��d b�r Lender as paymen�under�he Note or�hi� Security�nstrulnent is r��urned��Lender unpaid,
<br /> Lender���.ay req�tire�ha.t an�or a11 suUset�uent paymen�s due under the Note and�his Security Instrumen���e�nade in
<br /> one ar mo�•e af�he fallowing faz n�.s,as se�ec�ed.by Lender: �a}�ash;�b}money order;�c�cez ti�ed ch�c�,bank cheelf,
<br /> treasurer's check or cashier's check,provtded a�y such c�ecl�:is drawn u�an an xnsti�u�ion�vh�se deposits are insu�red
<br /> by a f�dera�agency, zns�rt,�men�ali�y, or en���y; ar�d) Elec�ronic Funds Transfer,
<br /> Pa��nen�s are deen�ed�r�ceived.�by Lender when received at�he loca�xan designated in�he No�e or at such other
<br /> �oca�ion as may�e designa�ed by Lender in accorda�a�:e wz�h the na�ice pro�r�sions xn Se�tzar� �4. Lender tnay return
<br /> any payment ar partial payment if�he payz�.ent o�r par�ial paym��ts are insufficie�nt to bring the Loan current. LendEr
<br /> may accep� any paymen� or par�ial paymer�� �nsufficien� to hring the L,aan curren�, wX�hou� waiver of ariy rights
<br /> hereunder or pre�udiCe to its rights ta refuse such pay�nen� or partia� paymen�s i�a the fu�ure, bti�� Lender is n�t
<br /> obligated to apply such payxnen�s a�the time such payme��s are acCep�ed. �f each Peri�dic Paymen�is applied as of
<br /> its schedu��d due date, then Le�der need not pay interes�4n��napp�ied f�.Xnds, Lender may hold such unappl��d funds
<br /> un�il Borrower mal�es paymen��o bring�he L�an curre���, �f�3�rrovver daes nat d�so wi�hin a reasonable period of
<br /> time, Lender shaXl eithex apply such funds or return them to B�rxower. If nat app��ed ea��ier, such funds w�il b�
<br /> applied to t�e ou�standing pr�ncipa� balance unc�er the Nate immedia�ely prior �a :fareclosure, No offse� or claim
<br /> which Borrov�e.r mighti have�.ow or in the futuz e aga�nst Lender sl�al�re�ieve EarxQvver from making paymentsx due
<br /> un�er the No�� and this Secu�rity�ns�rument or performing��e cavenan�s and agreeznen�s secured by �h�s Security
<br /> �nstrutxxen�.
<br /> 2. �.pp���a��on �f Paymen�� o�r �r�ceer��, Ex�ep� as otherw�se described �n this Section 2, a�X payments
<br /> accep�ed and applied by Lender sha�l be appli�d in�he fallow�ng arder of prio�xty; �a}�n�eres�due und�r the Note;
<br /> �b�principa��ue undear the Na�e; �c}amounts d�e unt�er Sec�ion 3. Such paymen�s shaXl be appl�ed to each Per�odic
<br /> Faymen�in�he ordEr�n which i�became due. Any�rema�n�ng amoun�s sha�1 be applied first to late charges, second
<br /> to any other amounts due under�his Security Ins�ruxnen�, and then to reduce the principa�balance flf t�e No�e.
<br /> If Ler�der receives a pa�ment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic payn�ent which includes a suf�cien�
<br /> arnoun��o pay any late c�arge due, the pa�ment�n.ay be applied to �he de��nquent payment and the�a�e charge, If
<br /> more than one Perxadic Fayment is outs�anc�ing, Lender may �.pp�y �.ny payment rece�ved fram Barrow�r to �h�
<br /> �repayme��t of�he Periodic�'aymen�s if, and��the extent tha�, each payment can.be paid�ri Fu�l. Ta�he ex�ent�ha�
<br /> any excess exists af�er�he payment is app�ied ta the ful�payment of one�r�nore Period�c Payrnen�s, such excess may
<br /> be app�ied to any�ate charges due. V'o�un�ary prepayxnents sha11 be app��ed firs�ta an�prepaymen�charges and�he�n
<br /> � as described in�he Note.
<br /> Any application of pay��ents, insurancc proceeds, or MisceXlaneous Proceeds�o pr�ncipa� due�.�nder the No�e
<br /> shal� n��ext�nd or postpone �he due da�e, or change the amount, of�he Per�odic Faym��.ts,
<br /> 3. �'unds f��Es�rovv zt���. Baxrav�er s�a�I pay�o Lender an�he da�Peria�ic Paymen�s are due under�he
<br /> Nate, un�fl the Na�e is pazd�n fu11, a�u�n�the "FUnC�5«}�a pravide far payn�.en��f alnoun�s due for: �a��axes and
<br /> a�sessments and other items wh�ch can a�tain prio�i�y aver�his �ec�.�rity�ns�r���llent as a�ien or encumbrance�n t�e
<br /> Proper�y; �b��e�.seho�d payment�ar groL�nc�ren�s�n the�'roperty, if any; and�c}pre�n�u�ns for any and al�insura�c�
<br /> requ�red�y Lez�der under Sec�ion 5. These ztem�are called"Escr�v�Ttems," �.�orig�nation or at any ti�rr�.e c�uring
<br /> �l�e term of�he Loan, Lender may requ�re tha� Com�nun��y Assocza�ion Dues, Fees, and.Assessm.en�s, if any, be
<br /> escrow�d by Borrower, an�. such dues, fees and assessmen�s sha�l be an Escxaw �tem, Barro�er sha11 pramptly
<br /> i`urnish to Le�de�r a11 no�ices of amoun�s�o�a�paid under�his Sec�io�a, Bar�owex sha�� pay Lender the Funds for
<br /> Escr�vv I�ems un�ess Lender waives Barrower's obligatian�o pay��e Funds:far an��r all Escrovv Items. Lender may
<br /> NEBRAS�A�Singl� Family-UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT �������� ,
<br /> M�DIFIED FOR DEPARTMEN7 �F VETERANS AFFAi�S R MERS www.docmagic,c�rra
<br /> �Rev. �In�} Pag�4 af �4
<br /> p■�r ���
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<br /> �gANK o2�0940��
<br /> �FMOE� �4ag26s�2�
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