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��14�75�9 <br /> �otice�. Any notice to Barrower pravided for in �his Security Instrument shall be given by� deli�er�� i� or by <br /> mai�ing it by�rs�class ma�l unl�ss App�icable Law requ�res use of another method.The notice:sha11 be directed to <br /> �he Pr�per�y Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice tfl Lender, Borrfl�4�r agr�es to prav�de <br /> Lender w��h Borrov�er's most curr�nt mai�ing addr�ss, as it may change frflm ti.m�-t�-��me. Any notic�to Lender <br /> sha11�e gi�en by f�rs�c�ass mail to Lender's address stated herei.�a or any o�her address Lender f3es�gna�es by no�ice <br /> �o B�rrower. Any no�ice provide�for in this Se�urifiy�nstru�n�n�shall b�deemed to ha�e bee��given�a Borro�v�r <br /> o�L�nder wh�n gi�en as pr�vided�n th�s paragraph. <br /> �o�erning Law; Se�erabil�ty,This Security Instrumen�shall be governed by fed�ral 1aw and the laws af the state <br /> af Nebraska. rn �he ev�n� tha� any pravision ar clause of th�s Security �nstrument ar the Note con�licts v�i�h <br /> .A.ppl�ca�le Law,such�onfli��shall not affe�t other provis�ons of this Securzty�nstrum�nt or�h�:Note which can be <br /> gi�e�effec�v�i�hout the conflic�ing pro�is�on. To�h�s end�he provisions af fih�s S�curi�y�nstxument and the Nate <br /> are de�lared��b�severab�e. <br /> �orrovYer's�opy.Borrower shall be given flne�opy of�his Security Instrument. <br /> T'ra�sf�er of the Praperty or a Beneficiai I�terest�n Borrovver. �f al�ar any pa.rt of the Pro_�erty�r any in�erest <br /> in �� is so�d ar transferred �ar �f a� benef cial inter�s� in Borrawer is sold or transferred ancl Borro�er is nat a <br /> natural persan} unless �h� No�e shov�s tha� Borrov�er`s loan �s assurnab�e, Lender may, a� i�s aptia�, requ�r� <br /> immedia�e payment in full �f aII sums secured hy �his Securi�y �nstrumen�. However, �h�s �p�zon sh�X� n�� be <br /> e�er�ised by Lender if exer�Yse is�rohib��ed by federa� Iaw as of the date of�his Securi�y Instrument. ���he Note <br /> shovvs tha�B�rrower's lvan�s assumable,Borrawer must obtain Lender's v�r�tten permissifln for an assu�r�ption and <br /> follawv any oth�r requrrements of L�nder rela�ed ta an assump�ion. �f Barr�wer does no�do so,Lender may require <br /> ixnmed�ate payment in fu�l af aII sums secured by this Security�nstrument. <br /> If L�nder exer�ises this �pti�n, L�nder sha�I gi�e Barrow�r no�ice of accelerat�on. The no�kice shall pravide a <br /> per�od of not �ess �han �he min�mum number of days es�a�b�ished by Applicable Law from t�e da�e �h� n��ice is <br /> d�l��ered or mailed w��h�n vvh�ch Borrower must pay a11 sums se�ured by this Secur�ty �nst�umen�. �f Borrower <br /> f�.ils �o pay these sums prior �o the expira�iom of this period, Lender may invake any remed�tis permitt�d by this <br /> S�curity Instrument vv�thou�further no�ice�r demand on Barrow�r. <br /> Borrower'S Right �o Reinstate. If Borrovver m�e�s �er�ain conditiflns, Borrow�r sha�� hav� the righ� to have <br /> enfor�cemen�t�f this Security �nstru.ment d�scon�xnued at any�ime pr�or�o the earl�er flf: �a} S days �or�uch flth�r <br /> p�riod as Appli�a��e Lav�may spe�ify f�r reinstatemen�}before sale of the Proper�y pursuan�1.�any pourer af sale <br /> �ontain�d in this Secur��y �ns�rum.en�; or �b} entry �f a judgm�nt enforcing this Securi�y Instrum��t. Those <br /> conditions ar� �hat Borrovver: �a} pays L�nder alI sums which then would be du� under�his Se�urity I�strumen� <br /> and �he Nate as if no acceleration had �ccurred; �b� cures any default af any other cavenant� or agreements; ��� <br /> pays all expernses incurred in enfar��ng this Securi�y�nstrum�nt, including,�ut nat limited to,r#�asonable at�orneys' <br /> f�es�o�he ex�ent permit�ed by Iaw; and�d}takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y requ�re to assure�ha��he <br /> I��n�f�his Secur�ty�ns�rument, Lender's r�ghts in the Pr�perty and Borrflwer's obliga�ion t�pay�he surr�s secured <br /> b�this Security Instrumen� shall c�ntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Security I�strumen� <br /> and�he obl�gations secured hereby sha�l remain fully effec�ive as if no accelera�ion had oc�urred. �o�vev�r, this <br /> righ�ta reins�ate sha11 n�t apply xn�he case of acc��eration under�he sec�ion�i��ed Transfer oi'�he Pr�perty or a <br /> Beneficial In��rest in Borrower. <br /> Sale of Note �hange af Loan Servicer. The N�te flr a partia� �n�eres� in �he N��e �tog��her with this Se�urity <br /> �nstr�xm�n��ma�be sold one or more times vvithout prior not�ce�o Borrower. A sale may resu;�t in a change in�he <br /> �I�t�� �1Ci7DV�I� �5 t�.� "Laan Serv�cer"} that co��ects periodic paymen�s due und�r �he No�:� and th�s Secur��y <br /> Ir�strument. There a�so may be ane or m�re�hanges of�he Loan Ser�icer unr�lated�o a sale of�h�Not�.If�here is <br /> a change flf th�Loan Servicer,Borr�v�er will�e g�ven�vritten n��ice of�he�hange in accorda��ce v�ith�h� sectifln <br /> titled Notices and App�icable Law. The no�ice wi�l state the nam� and address of the new L�an Servicer and�h� <br /> addr�ss tv which paymen�s should be made. The noti�e vvill also con�ain any other infor��na�ion requ�red by <br /> App�icable Lav�, <br /> Hazardous Sub�tances.Borr�wer sha�l nat�ause ar permit�he presence,use,dispasal, s�orag;e, ar re��ase of any <br /> Ha��.rdous Subs�an�es an or in�he�'raper�y.B�rr�vver shall no�do,nar allow any�ne else�o d�,anyth�ng affecting <br /> �he Properry �ha� �s �n v�ola�ion of any En��ronmen�al Law. The pre�eding �o sen��n��s sh�.�l no� apply �o the <br /> presence,use,or storage on the Proper�y�f sxnall quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances�hat are g�neral�y rec�gn�zed <br /> to be appropria�e to normal residen��al us�s and�a main�enance of the Property. <br /> B�rrower shall promptly give Lend�r writ�en notice of any investiga��on,claim,dem�.and, lawsu:�t ar other action by <br /> any gov�rnmenta� or regulatory ag�ncy ar private party invo�ving the Property ar�d any Hazardous Subs�ance or <br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has ac�ual knowledge. �f Borro�er �earns, or is not�fie� by any <br /> go�ernmental or regulatory authflrity,that any remova�or o�her remediati�n of a.ny Hazard�us �u�stance aff��t�ng <br /> the Property is necessary, Borra�er shal� promp��y take all necessary remedia.� act�ons in accordance wi�h <br /> Environmental La�v. <br /> A� used in this paragraph, "Hazard�us Substances" are those suhstances d�fi.r�ed as�ox�c �r h��zardous s�bs�an�es <br /> by Env�ronm�ntal Law and the f�llow�ng 5L1�75��I�C�S: gasoline, kerosene, a�her flammable or �ox�c petro��um <br /> produc�s, �oxi� pesticides and herb�cz�es, va�a�ile solwen�s, ma�erials contain�ng asbes�os �r forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioac�i�e ma�eria�s.As used zn th�s paragraph, "Env�rvnmental Law"means f�deral laws and�aws of�he state of <br /> N�braska that relate�o health,safety or env�ronmen�al�aro�ectian. <br /> A�celeratian; Remedies. Lender shail g�ve noti�e to Barrawer pr�vr to a�cel�rat�on fvl�ov��ng Borrower'S <br /> brea�h of an� cavenan.� �r agree�nent �n �hi5 Securi�y Instrument �but not priar to acce�eration under the <br /> C�2�Q4-241��ompliance 5ystems,Inc.�4958-442A-2413�.�3 <br /> Cansurr�er Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument I]L243d Page 4 af 5 www.coFnpliancesystems.corn <br />