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��14�75�9 <br /> Applicat�on of Payments. Un�ess App�ica��� Law pro�ides otherwise, a�l paym�nts recei��d�y Lender shall be <br /> applied: f rs�, �� any prepaymen� c�arg�s due under the No�e; secand, �o �.nterest due; th�rd, tc� pr�nczpa� du�; and <br /> las�,ta any Iate charges due under th�Not�. <br /> Cha�ges; Liens. B�rrawer shall pay a�1 taxes, assessrnents, charges, and �mposi��ons� atl,ribu�ab�e to �he <br /> P�operty wh�ch may attain priority aver�h�s Security �nstrument, and leas�hold paymen�s �r���und r�nts, if any. <br /> Sorrower sha�l pay�hese obliga�ions on time and d�rec�ly��the person owed pay�nent. A�th�:r�quest�f Lend�r, <br /> Barr�wer sha��pramp�ly fizrx�.ish to Lender receipts e�idencing�he payments. <br /> Barravver sha�l prompt�y discharge any lien v�hich has pri�ri�y o�er�his Secur��y Instrum�n�u�nl�ss Borrov�er: (a� <br /> agre�s in v�rri�ing to �he paymen� vf�he obl�gati�n secured �y the l�en in a manner accept�able �� Lender; �b} <br /> contes�s �n. g�od faith the lien by, or defends aga�rzs� enforcement of�he ��en ir�., legal pro�e��di.ngs vvhi�h xn �he <br /> L�nder's opin��n opera�e �o pre�e�.t the enfvrcement vf�he 1ien; or �c} secures fram the h�lder of�he Iien an <br /> agre�m�nt sa�isfac�ary to Lender subor�iina�ing the lie��fl�h�s Security�ns�rumen�. If Lender�e�erm�nes�ha�any <br /> part of�he Pr�per� is sub�e���o a �ien which may at�ain priority over this Securi�y �nstrumer�t, Lender may g��� <br /> Borr�vsrer a n��ice identif�ing the lien, B�rrower shal� sa�zsfy th� lien or take one or mor� of��he actions set for�h <br /> abave v�i�hin I D days af�he giving�f not�ce. <br /> Hazard or Praperty Insurance. Barrawer sha��keep �he �mprovernents now existing or here�fter ere��ed on the <br /> Prapert�insured against loss by f�re,hazards included wi�hin�he term"extended�a�rerage" an�any oth�r ha.zards, <br /> �n��uding floods flr fl�ading, for which Lender rec�uir�s insurance. Th�s insurance sha1l b�� maintained in �he <br /> amaun�s and for the per�ods�hat Lender requires. The insurance carrier provi�ing the insuran��shall b��hos�n by <br /> Borr�wer subject �o Lend�r's approval �hich shal� nflt be unreas�na��y v��thhel�. If Borrower fails t� ma�n�ain <br /> c�verage described ab��e, Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, obtain coverage tfl protec� Ler�der's r�ghts �n the <br /> Property in accordance wi�h sec�ior��itled Protec�ion of Lender�s Rights in th�Praperty. <br /> A�� i�surance pfll�c�es and renewa�s shall be acceptable �o Lender and shall include a s�anda�•d m�r�gage clause. <br /> Lender shall�ave the right to hold the po��cies and renev�als. If Lender requ�res,�orrawer sh�.11 promp�Iy g�ve to <br /> L�nder alI r�Cezpts of paid prem�ums and renewal na���es. In th� event of Iass, B�rrower shall g��e prompt no��c� <br /> to th��.nsuran�e carr�er and Lender.Lender may make proof af loss if not mad�pr�mpt�y by Bc}rrower. <br /> Linless Lend�r and Borrower ��her�v�se agree �n wri�ing, insurance proceeds sha�l �e app���:d ta res�ara��on or <br /> repa�r �f the Properfiy damaged, if, in Lenderrs sa�e discretion, the res�aration or repair is ec�onflm�ca�l� feasible <br /> and Lender's securi�y is not �essen�d. �f, in Lender's so�e discre�ion, the restorat�on or repair is n�� ecanomica�Iy <br /> feasib�e or Lender's se�urity vvoul�be��ssened,�he insurance proc�eds sha�1 be applied to the sums secur�d i�y this <br /> S�cur�ty �nstrument, vvhether or nat then due, wi�h any excess paid to Borrawer. If Borrr�wer abar�dons the <br /> Proper�y, or d��s no�answer within the number�f days prescribed by Appli�abl�Law as se�farth in a nati�e fram. <br /> L�nder to Borrower�ha��he insuran�e carrxer has affered�o set�le a�Ia�m, then Lender may c����ct�h� insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use fhe proceeds �o repair or restore th� Property or to pay sums secu.�-ed by thzs Security <br /> Ins�rum�nt,v�hether or na�then due.The period�f time for Borrawer�o answer as set forth in tl�e notzce v��ll begin <br /> whe��he nfl�i�e is g��en. <br /> U��ess Lender and Borrower o�her�v�se agre� in writing, any app��ca�ian of proceeds ta princi��al sha��no�ex��nd <br /> or postp�n� �he due da�e of the paymen�s referr�d �o in the sec�ifln �i�le� Paym�nt �f Princ:igal and Interest; <br /> P�-epayment and Late Charges ar chang�the amount af the payments. �f under the sec�ion t:�tled Acc�lerat�on; <br /> R�m�di�s, �he Property �s acquire�by Lender, Borravver's righ��� any insuran�e poli�ies�eeds result�ng <br /> fr�m damage to�he Property pr�or�o�h� acqu�sition shall pass to Lend�r to�he extent of the si.�.ms s�cu.r�d by this <br /> Securit��nstr�en�imrnediateiy pr�or ta�he acqu�si�ion. <br /> PreS�r�ation, Maintenance and Protecti�n of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appiic;�tion; L�aseholds. <br /> BorrQwer shall not destray, damage or impair the Property, allov��he Froperty�o de�eriorate, ar commi��as�e on <br /> th�Praperty.Borrower shall be�n defau��if any forfei� action or pr�c�eding,whe�her c���l o�criminai,is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's good fai�h judgment could resu�t in forfeiture of�he Property or otherw�se ma�erial�y impair the <br /> lien crea�ed by �his Security Instr�ment ar Lender's security in�erest. Borra,wer may cure ��uch a d�faul� and <br /> re�n.s�a�e, as pro�ided in sec�ion t�tl�d�orrovver's Right to Reinsta�e, by causing�he ac�ian or proceeding�o be <br /> dismissed�vi�h a ruX��n.g tha�, in LenderTs good faith de�ermina��on,precludes forfei� flf the Bt�rrower's int�rest u� <br /> th� �roper�y or o�her mater�a� �m�airment of�he lien crea�ed by this 5ecur��y �ns�rument �r Lender�s se�urity <br /> in�erest,Borrower shall also be in d�fauT�if Borrower,during the�oan appl�cation pro�ess,gav�:materza��y false or <br /> in.accur�.t� �nformation �r statements to Lender �or failed to pra�ide Lender w��h any ma�erial inforn�.atian3 �n <br /> canr���tion w��h the �oan e��denced by the I�ote. �f this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt is �n a leaseha�d, Borro�ver sha�l <br /> comply with a���he prnv�sions af�h��ease. �f�arrovver acquires fee�itl��o the Property,the�e�.seho�d and the fee <br /> �i�I�sha�I no�n�.erge unless Lender agrees�o�he merger�n writing. <br /> Protect�on �f I.renderTs Rights �n the Property. �f Borrovver fa��s to perform th� co�enar:�ts and agre�men�s <br /> �flr��ained in��s Security�nstrume�.t, ar there is a legal praceeding that may signif�a.ntly affe�t Lender's r�ghts in <br /> the Praperty �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, fflr condemnati�n or f�rfei�ure or �o enforc� Xaws or <br /> regulations}, �hen Lender may do �.nd pay for whatever �s n�cessary ta protec� the �alue o�the Prvperty and <br /> Lend�r's rights in the Proper�y. Lender's ac�ions may include paying any sums secured by a lien v�hi�h has priorz�y <br /> o�er�his Se�urity Instrumen�, appearing in cour�,pa�ing reasana�ble att�rneys'fees a.nd;on�he Praperry�o <br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lender may take ac�ion under this sec�ron,Lender does not have to do s�n. <br /> Any amounts d�sburs�d by Lender under �his sectian shall become add��ional debt af Borrou��r secur�d by �h�s <br /> Securi�y �ns�ment. Unless Borro�ver and Lender agree �a �ther terms of payment, these t�mounts shall bear <br /> �2��4-2414 Campliance Systems,Inc.�g58-44�A-2413L2.3.�.803 <br /> Consum�r Reai Estate-Security�nstrument DL2435 Page 2 of5 w�rn�,�ampiiance� <br />