<br /> �a� An�su�h agreem�nts will no��ffect�he am�unts�ha�Barr�wer h�s�gre���4���'fbr Mb�'tg�g�
<br /> Insuran�e,or any v�he�terms of the I�oan.Such agr�ements will not�ncrease th�amount
<br /> B�rrower wil���e far Mvrt�age In�urance,�nd the��ll not entitie B�rrv�er tti any refund.
<br /> 4#�� Any suGh agreem�nts wi11 n�t Rffect the rights Borr��er has-if an�-w�th respec�to the
<br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the H�rr�eawner�Pratectron Act of 1�98 or an�fltt�er la�v.These rights
<br /> may include the right tv receive certain dis��vsures,to request and ab�tain canceliat�vn of th�
<br /> Mortgage Insuran�e,ta have the Mortgage Insuran�e term�n�ted�utqmatfealxy,andlor to re�ei��
<br /> a refund�f any M�ortg�ge Insuran��prem�ums that�vere unearned at�he time vf such
<br /> C�nCe�latiDn pr t�rm�nati�n,
<br /> �1. Assignment�f IlAiscellan�ausPr�oceeds;Fv�fe�ture.A�l IVliscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned ta
<br /> and shall b e pa�d to Lender,
<br /> If the Property is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proc�eds shall be applied t�restoration or repair of the
<br /> Propert�r, �f th�rest�rati�n�r repair is economica��y feasib�e a�d Len�er's security is not�essened. During
<br /> such repair a�d restoration period,Lender shall ha�re the r�ght to h�Id such Misc�l�aneous Pro�eeds unti�
<br /> Lender has had an oppvr�unity to inspect such Pr�perty�o e�sur�the�vork has been compl�ted ta Lender's
<br /> satisfaction,pro�ided tha�such�nspection shatl be underta.ken�romptly, Lender may pay fot the repai.rs and
<br /> restorat�on in a sin�le d�sbursement or in a series of pro�ress payrr�ents as the�vark is comp�e�ed.Un�ess an
<br /> a�reement is made�n�vriting�r Applica�le�a�r requ�re�interest to be pa�d or�such Miscellaneous Proceeds,
<br /> Lenrler shall not be required�o pay Borrawer�.ny interest or�arnings on such M�sce�ianeaus Proceeds. If the
<br /> restvra�ion or repair�s no�economical�y f�a�ible�r Lender's s�curity�vould be l�ssened,the Misce��aneous
<br /> Proceeds sh�I�be app�ied to the sum.s secur�d b�this Security Instrument,�hether or not then due,with�he
<br /> excess, if any,paid to Barrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied in the arder provided far in
<br /> Section 2.
<br /> �n the event of a tatal ta.king,de�truc�ian,ar loss in�alue of th�Proper�,the Miscella�eous Proceeds sha�I
<br /> b�appl�ed to the sums secu.red by�his Secu.rity�nstrument,whether ox not then due,wi�h the excess, if any,
<br /> paid�o Barrower.
<br /> In the e�en�of a p�.rtial tak�ng,destruction,Qr lass in value of the Property�n�vhich�he fair market value of
<br /> the Prape�t�r immediately befare�he partia�taking,destruction,or�oss in�ralue is equai�a or greater than the
<br /> a�nount of the sum.s�ecured by th�s Securit�Instrum�nt immediate�y before th�pa.rtiai taking,d�s�'uc��on,or
<br /> l�ss in value,uniess Borra�rer and L�nder other�ise agree in writing,�he sum�secured by this 5ecuri�y
<br /> Instrument s�all be reduc��by the amount of the Miscellan��us Proc�eds mu�tip�ied by�he fallowing
<br /> fraction: ��)the tot�l amount of the sums secured imxnediately befare the part�al takin�,destru��ian,�r�oss
<br /> i�,value dYvided by�b}�he fair market value of the Proper�y�mmediately�efare�he partial tal��ng,
<br /> destructi�n,�r loss in value.An.y balance sha��be paid t�Borr��er.
<br /> In the e�ent af a part�al ta.king,destructian, or 1�ss�n va�ue of the Prop�rty in tivbich the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Prop�rt�r immedia�ely before the partia��aking,de�truction,or l�ss in value is�ess�han the amount�f the
<br /> sums se�ured�rnmediate�y before the partia��aking,destruction,or�oss in�alue,un��ss Borrawer anct
<br /> Lender otherwise a.gree in�v�r�tin�,the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied ta t�e sums se�ured by this
<br /> Security�nstrumen�whether or nQt th�sums are�hen du�.
<br /> If the Property is a�aandoned by Borro�er,or if, af�er notice by Lend�r to Barrovv�r that th��7pposing Party
<br /> �as defined�n the next sen�ence}offers to m�.�e an award ta sett�e a clairn for damages,Borrativer�ai�s to
<br /> respond ta Lender within 3�days a�ter th�da�e the n.otice is given, L�nder is authorized to co�Iect and appty
<br /> the Miseel�aneous Proceeds either��r�storat�on or repa�r of the Prop�rty ar�o the sums secure�by this
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fannie Nl�elFr�eddie 11Aac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT tNtTH MERS Form 3�28 9l��
<br /> VMP� VMRSA�NE}��342}.Og
<br /> Wolters Kiuwer Finan�ia�5ervices Page 1�of�7
<br /> q�33�9378$58 4�33 375 lpl�
<br />