<br /> �o�E�v�.�vTs
<br /> �. Payments. B�rrower agr�es ta make all paymenfis on the secured d��t wh�n due. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree oth�rwise, any
<br /> paym�nts Lender recei�es from Barrower ar for Bonawer's benef�wil� be applied f rst to an}�amaunts Borrower awes ❑n the secured deb�
<br /> exciusi�e of ix�t�r�st ar principa�,sec�nd ta interest,and th�n�a principal. If partial prepayment of the secured deht oGcurs fnr any reason,�t wiil
<br /> not reduGe ar ex�use any scheduled payment un�il the secured debt is paid�n fu11.
<br /> 2. Claims A�ainst Titic. Borrower w�ll pay a�l taxes,assessmentsa and other charges attr�bu�able to the praperty when due and will defend
<br /> t�tle�a the p�-aperty agains�any cla�ms which would impair the lien of this deed af trus�. Lend�r may require Bo�rower to assi�n any ri�hts,
<br /> claims ar defenses which Bonawer may have aga�nst part�es v►r)�o supply]abor or materials to impr��e ar maintain�he prop�rty.
<br /> 3. Insurance. Sonower will keep the pr�pert�insured under terms acceptab��ta Lend�r at Barraw�r's expense and for Lend�r's ben�f t. AIi
<br /> Insuran�e palicies shall include a standard mortgage c�ause in fa�or af Lcnder. Lender wiI]be named as loss payee or as the insured on any su�h
<br /> insurance policy. Any insuran�e proceeds may be applied,within Lend��r's dis�retion,ta either the restorati�n ar repa�r of the damaged property
<br /> or to fihe secured dcbt. If Lender requires m�rtga�,e insurance,Borr�wer agrees�o maintain such insurance�'or as Ion�as Lender requires.
<br /> 4. Property. Borrower wi�1 keep t��e p�operty in gn�d condition and mak�all repairs r�asonab�y necessary.
<br /> 5. Expcnses. Barrower agrees ta pay ai� Lender's expense�, including reas�nah�e attorneys' fees, if Bonawer hreaks any co�enants in�his
<br /> deed of tru�t or in any obligatian sccured by thi�deed of trusf. Bnrrower wilI pa�these amounts to Lender as provided in Cnvenant 9 af this de�d
<br /> oF�rust.
<br /> d. Priar Se�urity Interests. Unless Barrov��er f rst obtains Lend�r's written contest,Borrawer wi�l nnt make ar permit any ch�n�es tn any
<br /> prior s�curity�nterests.Borrower wil�perform a�l af Barrawer's obligati�ns und�r any prior mortga��,dced af trust ar o�her security a�reem�nt,
<br /> �ncluding Borrower's coWenants to makc payments when d��c.
<br /> 7. A►.ssignment of Rents and Pr�f ts. Bo�-rnwer assi�ns tv Lender the rents and prof ts of th�praperty. Un��ss Barrower and Lender ha�e
<br /> a�reed otherwise in writing, Barrawer may callect and retain the rents as ��ng as Bo�rower is r�nt in default. �f Borrower defaults, Lender,
<br /> Lender's agent,or a court ap�oinfied rece�ver may take possession and manage the praperty and co�l�ct the rer�ts. Any rents Lender callects shall
<br /> be appl�ed first to the �vsts af managing the praper�y, including court cosfis and attorneys' f�es, commissions ta rent�l agents, and any other
<br /> necessary rela��d�xpenses. The remainin�amount of rents will t1�en app�y��payments�n the secured deht as provided in Go�enan�1.
<br /> 8. Leascho[ds;C'ond�miniums; Planned Unit D�velopments. Sarrower a�rees to comply wit���he praW�sions of any tease if�his deed�f
<br /> frust is nn 1eas�h�ld. If this decd of trust is on a unit in a condominium ar a planned uni�dc�elopment,Barrow�r wi�l p�rform a11 of Bonower's
<br /> duties und�r the co�enan�s,h}�laws,or regu�a�ions af the condamin�um or planned unit dc�e��pment.
<br /> �. Autho�ity of Lender to Perform fa�r Borrvwer. If Barrower faiis to perfc�rm,any af Borrower's dut�es und�r�his deed af trus�,Lender
<br /> may perfflrm the du�ies or cause them ta be perfarmed. Lender may si�n Barro�►�ver's name❑�pay any amaunt if necessary far perfarmance. If
<br /> any constr-u�tion an the property �s discat���nued or n�� carried on in a reasonab�e manne�, Lend�r may do w]�ate�er is necessary to protect
<br /> Lender's securi�y interest in th�prapert�y. This may inciude campletin�the cans�n.�ction.
<br /> Lender's faiIure ta perform w�i�I not prec�ude Lender from exercising an�of its oth�r ri�hts under�he Iaw❑r this deed of trust.
<br /> Any�maunts paid by Lender ta prntect Lender's s�curity interest will be se�ured by this deed of tr-ust. Such amaunts w�Il he due on demand and
<br /> wi�l bear interest from the da�e af fhe payment un�il�aid in full at the interest rate in effect an�he secured debt.
<br /> ID. Dcfauit and Acceleration. If Borrower fails tv make any payment when due ar breaks any co�enants under th�s deed of trust ar any
<br /> �bl�gatian secured b�this deed of�rust flr any pri�r mart�age ar deed❑f trust,Lender may accelerate�he maturity nf�he secured dehf and demand
<br /> immediate payment and may�nvoke the power af saI�and any other remedies permitted by applicable taw.
<br /> ��. Request For Notic�o�'Def�u�t. It is hercby requested that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent ta�ach person wna is a party
<br /> ��ereto,at�he add�-ess of each such persan,as set f�rt��herein.
<br /> 1 Z. Pnwer�f Saie. If€he Lender invokes tlae pnwer af sale,th�Trustee sl�aIl f rsfi r�c�rd in the off ce af tlae reg�ster of deeds of ea�h�aunty
<br /> wherein the trust prop�rty or same par�o�parcel t)aere�f is si�uated a notice of default c�ntaining�h�inf�rmation reyuired by Iaw. The Trustee
<br /> shall also mail copies of the notice af defau�� ta the Barrawer, tc� each person who is a party hereto, and t� other pers�ns as prescrihed by
<br /> appli�ab�e Iaw. Not �ess than ane month af�er the Trustee records the natice of defauIt, or �wo m�n�hs if the trus� property is not in an�
<br /> incarpora�ed ci�y or�illa�e and is used in farming operations carried on by�he�rustnr,the Trustee sha�l�i�e public notice of saIe to the pers�ns
<br /> and �n t�e manner prescrihed by applicab�e Iaw. Trust�e,wi�h�ut demand on Borrower,sha��sell the praperty at pubIic auc�ion to the highest
<br /> bidder. If rec�u�red by the Farm Homestead P�o�ectiar�Act,T�ustee shall affer the property in two separate sales as required hy applicab�e�aw.
<br /> Trustee may pos�p�ne sale of all ❑r any parcel af the property by pu�lic announcement at the time and ptace af ar�y pre�rausly scl�eduled saie.
<br /> Lender�r its designee may purchase the property at any sale.
<br /> Upvn receipt of payment�f th�pr�cc b�d,Trustee shal[deliWer�o the purchaser�"rustee's deed conveying the pz�perty. T1�e recitials contaaned in
<br /> Trus�ee's deed sha�I be prima facie evidience�f t�te truth of the statemen�s contained therein. Trustee s�a�l app[y the proceeds af fhe sa�c in the
<br /> foIlowin� vrder: �a) to a[I expenses af the sale, incIuding, but not limited �o, reasanable Tru�tee's fees, reasanable attarney's fees and
<br /> reinstatement fees;�b}to aII sums secured by�his deed of�rust,and(c}t�e balance,if any,to the persons Ie�al�y en�itled t�receive i�.
<br /> I3. Far�clasure. �t Lender's op�ian, �his deed af trus� may b� forecl��ed in the manner pro�ided by applicab�e Iaw for foreclasure af
<br /> m�rtgages on reat praperty.
<br /> 14. �nspect'ron. Lender may enter th�praperty�o inspect it if Lender gives B�rrower notice befarehand. The notic�must state the reasonabie
<br /> cause for Lender's inspection.
<br /> �5. Condemnatian. Borrower assigns ta Lender thc proceeds af any award or claim fo�dama�es connected wit}a a condemnatian ar other
<br /> taking of ali o�-any part of the proper�y. Such procecds wi11�e appiied as pravided in�a�enant�. This assignment is suhje�t to t��e terms of any
<br /> prior security a�reemen�.
<br /> �6. Wai�e�r. By �xe�cising any remedy a�ailahle to Lender, Lender does not give up any ri����s ta lat�r use any �ther remedy. By not
<br /> exereisin�any remedy upan Ba�-rnwer's default,L.ender daes not�ai�e any right ta later consider the even�a default if it happens a�a�n.
<br /> �7. J�int and Se�eral Liabili�y;Co-signers;Succes�ors and Ass��ns Bound. All duties und�r this d�ed af trust are jo�nt and se�e�al. Any
<br /> B�rr�wer who co-si�ns this d�ed di trust �ut does not co-sign �he under�ying debt instrum�nts�s} does so only fia grant and con�ey fha�
<br /> Bo�xawer's int�res�in�he property�a the Trustee under the terms of this deed af trust. In addition,such a Borrower a�rees t�at tt�e Lender and
<br /> any at��er B�rrower under this deed af frust may ex��nd,modify or make any ather changes in fihe terms af this deed of trust or the secured deb�
<br /> witnout�hat Bor-rower's c�nsent and withaut releasing that Bonower f�rom the terms af this deed of trust.
<br /> The duties and benef ts of this deed of trust shall bind and benef t the successors and assigns of Lender and B��rower.
<br /> �8. Nvtice. Unless �t}�e�-wise required by law, any n�tice �a Sorrower shaII be gi��n by deIi�erin� i� ar by mailing �t by certif ed mai�
<br /> addressed�v Bnrr�wer at the property address ar any ather address that Barrower has�iWen ta Lender. Borrower will�i�e any n�tice�o Lendcr
<br /> by cer�ified mai�to Lender's address an page I of�his deed af�rust,or�o any other address,whi���Lender has desi�nated. Any other noti�e t�
<br /> Lender shall be sent ta Lend�r's address as stated on page i of�his deed�f trust.
<br />