<br /> 'Tr�n�fer of the Property�r a Benefic�a�In�+erest im Borrower. �f aIl or any par�af the Prop�rty�r any interest
<br /> �:n it is sQld �r transferred �or if a ben�f�ciai in�eres� �n ��rrov�er �s sold or transferred and Borrov�er �s ��t a
<br /> 7�atura� pers�n} withaut Lender's pri�r v�r��ten consen�, Lender may, at ��s ap��on, requ�re �rr�med�ate p��men� in
<br /> :�ul� of al� sums secur�d by �his Security �nst�ument. Hawe�er, �his ap�}on shall n�� be exer�ised by Lender �f
<br /> ��xer�ise is proh�bited b}�federa��a�as of the date of�his Securi�Instrumen�.
<br /> �[f Lender e�ercises �h�s op���n, Lender sha11 �ive Bar�ovver no�ice af acce�era��on. The notice shall prov�de a
<br /> �period �f not less �han �he rnin�mum number �of days es�ab��shed b�r App�icable Law fr�m the: date th� n�tice is
<br /> de���ered or mail�d v���h�n «h�ch ��rr�wer mus� pay a�l sums secured hy �h1s Secur�ty Instrumen�. If Borr�v�er
<br /> fai�s �o pay these sums pri�r ta the e�p�ra�ion of t�is peri�d, Lender �r�.ay invake any r�medie a permi�t��i by this
<br /> Se�urity Instrument w�thout��r�her notice�r d�mand on Barrower.
<br /> Ba�rrvw�r'� Right to Reins�a#e. �f B�rr�v�e�- �neets certa�n condi��ons, Barrower shall have� �he right to have
<br /> eri��rcement of this Secur�ty Ins�rument discontinued at any txme pri�r to the earl�er of: �a} S days ��r su�h ��her
<br /> pe�iod as App�icab�e Lav�m�.y spec�fy f�r re�nstatemen�}befare sa�e af�he P�aperty pursuant to any po��r�f sale
<br /> co�tained �n this Secur�ty �nstrum.ent; �r �b} entry of a �udgmen� enforc�ng th�s �S�cur�ty Inst�umen�. Those
<br /> c��di��ans are tha� Borrowe�: �a} pa�s Len�e�- a�i sums v�hich then w�uld be due under th�s ��ecurity �nstrument
<br /> �n�l�he��n�rac�as if no ac���erat�on had occurred;�b�cures any default af any other c��enan�s�or agree�nen�ts;�c�
<br /> pa�s all expenses incurred in�nfarcing this Se�urity�ins�rumen�, including,bu�not limited��,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees to�he ex�ent permi�ted b��av�; and �d}takes such ac�i�n as Lender I�na�reasonably requ�re t� assur�that the
<br /> lien�f this Securifiy�ns�rum�n�, Lender's right� in�he Property and Sorra�ver's�b�igation�a pa�r the sum�secured
<br /> by �his Securi�y �n�trument sha1� cantinue unchanged. Up�n reinstatemen�by Borrower, th�s �ecurity �ns�rum�nt
<br /> and the obl�ga�i�ns secured hereby shalX rema.in fu�ly effec���e as if n� accelerati�n had occurred. Ha�r��er, th�s
<br /> right�o reins�ate sha�l n�t apply in the cas�of accelera�ion under the sectian�it�ed Transfer of th�Prap�r��ar a
<br /> ��nefc�al Int�rest in Borr�v�er.
<br /> �-I�zardous Subs�ances.B4rrower shal�na�c�ause�r permit the�resence,use, d�sposa�, storage, or release flf any
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on ar in�he Prop�r�y.Borrower shal�not do,nor allov�anyane e�se to do, any�hing af.fec�ing
<br /> �h� Pr�perty tha� is in vi�la��an of any En��r�anmen�al Law. The preceding two sen�en�es shal� not app�� to �he
<br /> presence, use,�r st�rage an the Praper�y�f small quantities af Hazardous Substances tha�are g��nerally r�c�gnized
<br /> ta be appropr�a�e�o norr�al res�dentia�uses and to ma�n�enance 4f�he Praperty.
<br /> �3orr�wer shall prampt�y gi�re Lender vv�it�en na�ice�f any�nves�iga�ian,c�a�m, demand, lavWsu��t or o�her ac��on by
<br /> a�.y gov�rnmenta� or regula��r� agenc� ar prY�ate party in�o�ving �he Property and any Hazardous Su�sta�ce or
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law af which Bo�-rovver has actual kno�vled�e. If Borrar�er �earns, or is na�ifiec� by any
<br /> ga�e�-nmen�al or regulatory au�hor��y,tha�any removal o�other remediation of any Hazardous Substanc�affe���ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty �s ne�essary, Borrawer shall �ram.p�ly take a�� necessary remed�al ac��ons �n accord�.nce with
<br /> E�av�ronmenta�Lav�.
<br /> As used xn this paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�a�nces" a�-e those substan�es def ned as toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> b� Environmen�al La� and �he f���ov�ing subs�an�es: gasaiine, kerasene, oth�r f�ammable or �oxic petr�leum
<br /> products, �oxic pesticides and her�i�ides, �o�a�ile sol�en�s, materia�s �on�aining asbes��s or formald�hyde, and
<br /> radi�act�ve materials. As used�n this paragraph, "Environmen�.al La�v"rneans federal lavsrs and�aws of t�ae state af
<br /> Nebraska that rela�e to heal�h,safe�y or env�rgnmenta�prate��ian.
<br /> Accelerations l�emedie5. Lender sha�l give notic� �a Borrovc��r prior to ac�elera��on ful]��v��ng I3�rrower'�
<br /> b�-each of any ca�enant or agreer�en�in this�ecurity Instrument ar#he Contract under�which accelerativn
<br /> i� p�rrr�itted �but not pri�r to acceleration u�der the sec�ion t�t�ed Transfer of the Praperty or a Bene��ia�
<br /> Interest Yn Borrovver, unles5 Appiicabl� I1�w provides oth�rv�vise}. The notic� shall spe�ify: �a� �he defau�t;
<br /> �b] the actia� required to cure th� defa�u��; �c3 a date, not Yess than the minimum� n�mber of days
<br /> e��ahlished by Appl�cabl� Law from th�d�t�the notice is gi�en to Borro�ver, by v�hich the d�fau��t must be
<br /> cure�; and �d} that fa��ur�-t� cu�� the de�au�� vn or befare the date sp��i�ed in the ���t�ce ma� r�sult in
<br /> acc��erat�on �f the sums secured by this ��curi�y Instrument and sale af the Prop��rty. To ��e ex�ent
<br /> p�rm���ed by law, th� notice sha�Z further inform Barrower of the right �o re�nsta�e after acce�era�i�n and
<br /> the right�o bring a �vurt�ction t�assert�he non-e�i5�ence�f a default or any other d�fense of Bo�rrower to
<br /> a�celeratian and sa�e. If the default �s not�cured an or before the da�e specified in �he noti�e, Lender at �ts
<br /> o�ptiun may require immed�a�e p��r�ent in full af ai� sums secured by this �ecurity I�nstre�men1� w�thou�
<br /> furt�er demand and may invoke th� pov��r of sa�e and any other remed�es p�r�nit�ed by Appiic�ble Law.
<br /> To the extent perrni��ed by �avv, Lender shal� be en�itled �fl cal�ect axl expenses incurr�ed i�n �ursui�g �he
<br /> r�m�dies pr�vided in this Sec�i�n, inc�uding, but no�lim�ited t�, r�asonable attorneys' fe�s and co�ts of title
<br /> ew�d�nce.
<br /> If the p�vwer of sale �s �n��ked,Truste�shall recard a n�t�c� ❑f defau�t in each county in vvhich any par��f
<br /> t��e�r�p�r�y is luca�ed and�hall ma�i co�i+es�f such natice�n the manner prescribed by App�ica�le Law to
<br /> �orr�vver and �� the o�her persons �rescr��be� by .�pplicabie Law. After the time requ�red �y .A.pplicable
<br /> Lavv, Trus�ee shal� gi�e public n�tice of sa�e t� the persans and in the manner prescribe� by App�icable
<br /> I�aw. Truste�,withou�dernand o� Borraw�r,sha�l �el�the Pro�erty at public auction to the h�g��st bidder
<br /> at the��me and p�ace and under the terms designate� ir��h�n�tice�f sale in one or mare parcels�nd in a�y
<br /> order TruSt�e de�ermines. Trust�e may pos�pone sale of ai� ar any parc�i of �h� P'rop�rty by public
<br /> ann�uncement at th�time and place�f an� pr��ious�y 5ch�du�ed sale,Lender or it5 des��n��ma�purchase
<br /> �he�'roperty a�any saie.
<br /> Upon r�ceipt af payment ❑f�he pri�e bid, Trustee �ha�l del��e�-to th� purcha5er Trus�e�'S deed conveying
<br /> the Praper�y. Th� rec�ta�� in �he TruStee's deed sha�� be prima facie e�id�nce af the tr�x�h af�he stat�ments
<br /> �2fl4�-2�14 Co�n�Iiance Systems,Inc,�1958-D384-2413L2.3.1.803
<br /> C�ns��er Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2D3fi Page 4 af 5 www.�ampIiancesystems.com
<br />