. ��14�744�
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LAWS AND HA�ARD�US SUSSTANCES. As used in this s�ct�on,
<br /> �1} Enviranmenta.l La�u m�ans, without Ixnutation, the �omprehensive Enwironmenta.l Respanse,
<br /> �ompensation and I�zability Act tCERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 96n� �t s�q.}, and aIi o�her federat, s�at� and loca.l
<br /> Iaws, r�guxation�, ordinances, court ord�rs, attorney general opi�uons ar interpretive letters conc�rnin.g the
<br /> � public health, safety, welfare, en�ironment ar a hazardous substance; a.nd�2) Hazard�us Substance means any
<br /> toxic, radioac���e ar hazardous mat�rial, waste, pallutant or conta.minant which has characterist��s which
<br /> render th� su�bstance dang�rous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, we�fare or environment,
<br /> The term includes, w�thaut �im�tation, any substances de�ned as "hazardous material," "to�xc substances,"
<br /> "hazardous was�e" ar "hazardous substance" under any Envxronmental Law.
<br /> Trustor represen�s, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A.Except as previausly disc�ased and aCkno�vledged in wr�t�ng ta Benef�c�ary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> or w�l� be iocated, stored ar released on or in the Property. This restr�ctxon does not appxy to small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous �ubstan.ces that are genera.X�y recognized ta be appropriate for the normal use
<br /> and maintenance of the Property.
<br /> B. Except as previously dxsclo sed and acknowledged �n wr�ting to Beneficia�y, Trustor and every tenant
<br /> have been, are, and shall remain in full campliance with any applicabl�Env�rflnmental Law.
<br /> C.Trustor shal.� �mmediately nat�fy Beneficiary if a re�ease or threatened releas� of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a�iolatian of any En�ironm.ental Law cflncerning the
<br /> Property. Yn such an e�ent, Trustar sha11 take al� n�cessary remedial acti�n in acc�rdance v�ith any
<br /> Environmenta� Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shal� �mmediately not�fy Beneficiary in writ�ng as soon as Trustar ha� r�asan to belie�e there is
<br /> any p�nding or threatened in�est�gation, claim, or proceeding relating to th� r�lease or threatened
<br /> release af any Hazardous Substance or�he violation of any En�xronmental Law.
<br /> 12. ES�R�W F�R TAXES AND INSURAN�E. L7nless o�herwise pr��ided in a s�parate agre�ment, Trustar
<br /> w���nat be r�qu�red to p ay to Senefi��ary funds for�axes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> duties under this Security Ins�rument are j oxn� and individua�. �f Trustar signs th�s Secur�ty Instrument but
<br /> does nat s�gn an evidence of debt, Trustor does so only ta mor�gage Trustor's x.nterest in the Proper�y to
<br /> secure payment of the Secured Debt and T�ustor does not agree to be personally�iab�e�n the Secured Debt. �f
<br /> th�s S�curi�y Instrument secures a guaranty between Benefxcia�y and Trustar, Trustor agre�s �o ura.i�e any
<br /> r��hts tha� may prevent Benef�Giary from�ringing any actian or ciaxm agai.nst Trustor or any part�r indebted
<br /> under th�ala�igatYan. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any an�i�-de�c�en�y or ane--actian Iaws.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this Security rnstrument sha].I�ind and benefi�the successors and assigns of Trustor
<br /> and�enef�cxaxy.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N'. Th�s Se�urity �nstrumen� is complete and fu11y integrated. This
<br /> Security Instrument may n�t be amended or modif�ed by aral agreement. Any section in this 5ecur�ty
<br /> �nstrum�nt, atta�hments, vr any agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts with app�icab�e Iaw w�l�
<br /> not be eff�cti�e, unl.ess that Iaw expressly or �mpl��dxy perm�ts the �ariat�ons by written agreement. Tf any
<br /> sectian of th�s Secur�ty �nstrument canna�be enfarc�d acc�rding to its terms, that section will be severed and
<br /> wi�� not affec� the enforceability of the renzainder of th�s Security Instrumen�. Whene�er used, the singular
<br /> shall include the plural and the plural the singu�ar. The capt�ons and headings of�he sect�ons of�his Security
<br /> Instrument are for convenxence only and are nat �o be us�d to interpret or define the terms of this Security
<br /> �nstrument. Time is of the essenc�in th�s Security Ins�rument.
<br /> 15. �UCCESS�R TRUSTE�. Benef�ciary, at �enefi�iary's option, may from time to tYme r�mave Trustee and
<br /> appo�nt a successar�rustee withou� any other farmaxxty than th�desxgnat�an in writing. The successor trustee,
<br /> withou�canv�yance of the Proper�y, shal,x suc�eed�o ali the title_�pawer��and duti�s�cnnferred upon Truste�by
<br /> �his Security Instrument and appl�cab�e law. `�: . - . _. - �� ::
<br /> ��. ... _-- �.. ,�._ :�'`w :n�� �
<br /> � _ {,,.� � .,-; : _ :; �� �'
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<br /> 16. N�TICE. Unless o�herv�is� r�quxred by Iaw, any notice���ail:�ber�i�e�i b���c��I�ver�ng=��tf�r by mai�ing i� by
<br /> ,,,��,..�....�. .,. ..�:.n .;......l._,. _.
<br /> f�rst class mail �a the appropr�ate party's address on page I of th�s Secur�ty �nst�-ument, or ta any other
<br /> addr�ss d�signated in writing. Notice to �ne trustor w�I1 be deemed �a be natice to al� trustors. Trustar and
<br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any notice af default, and a copy of any nfltice of sale th�r�under, be
<br /> ma.iled to each party at the addr�ss for such party set forth on page 1 af this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by �aw, Trustor wai�es all appraisement and h�mestead
<br /> exemptian rights relating tn the Propex�t�.
<br /> 1S. LINE �F CREDIT. The Secured Debt includes a revoXving line of cred�t. A�though the Secured Debt may
<br /> be reduced to a zer�balan�e, this Security Znstrum�nt wi.lx remain�n�ffect unti� re�eased.
<br /> S�curity]nstrument-Opsr�-�nd-Cvnsumer-NE ❑CP-REE]T-NE 71212Q11
<br /> VMPU gankers 5ystems� VMP�C4fi5tNEy {1 1 p7J,pp
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services c�'1994,2Q11 Page 5 af 6
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