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��14�74�4 <br /> fu�I of a�1 sums secur�d by tl�is Se�urity �nstrutnent. However, this op���n shall n�� be exer��ised by Lender �f <br /> �ex�rcise is prohibi�ed by federal 1aw as of�he date af this S��ur�t���ns�rument. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his � �iap, Le�der sha�l gi�e B�rrower notice of accelera�ian. The n��i�e sha�l �r�v�de a <br /> p <br /> per�od of not less �han �he m�nimum number of days es�ablished by Applicable L�w from th�� date �he notice is <br /> deli�ered or mailed �i�h�n which �orrav�er �nus� pay a1� sums secured by th�s Se�urity �ns�rL�m.en�. �f Borrower <br /> fai�s to pay these sums pri�r.ta �he exp�ra�ion of�his period, Lender may inv�ke any remedies p�rmi�te�i by �h�s <br /> Security�ns�ru�n�r�t without fur�her notice or demand�n Bo��ro��r. <br /> Borrnw�r's h��ght t� Reins�ate. I� Barr�wer meets ce�ain co��d��ions, Borrov�er shal� have the righ� to l�a�e <br /> er��For�er��n�:o��h�s Secur�ty Ir�st�unnent d�scantinued at any time priflr�o�he eariier of �a3 5 c�ay� �ar such ather <br /> period as Applicable La�nr may spec�fy far reinst�tement��befo�e sa�e of t1�e Property pursuan�t��any pow�r af sale <br /> contained 1I7 this Security �ns�rum�nt; or �b� ent�y af a �ud�lr�ent enforc�ng thts Secu�-i�y �nstrumen�. Thase <br /> c�ndi��ons are tha� �3or��ovver: �a� pays Lender a�� sulns which then v�rou�d be due under this ��ecurity ��s�rumen� <br /> and the C�n�ract as if na accelera�io�n had��cu��r ed;�b}cures any default�f a�y ath�r coWenan���or agreemei�ts;�c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred�n�nf�rc�in��h�s Secu�-ity��strument, �ncluding,bu�not 1�rrii�ed to,re:asanab�e att�rneys' <br /> fees�o th� exten�perm�tted by Ia�v; and �d��a�es such ac�ian as Lender may reasonably re�uir•e to assur��hat the <br /> lien �f����s Secur��y 7nstrument, Lender's rights �r��he I'�-o�er�y and B�rrower's obliga�ion�o pay�he sur�s secured <br /> Uy �his Securi�y Ins��umen� sha�I c�n�inue unchanged. �pon re�s�a�ement by Borr�wer, �his ��ecurity �ns�rument <br /> and t�e ���igat�ons secured herehy shall remain fu�Iy effective as if no accel�ra��an had �ccu��ed. Howe�er, th�s <br /> r�ght�o re�nstate sha11 n�t apply in the case of accelerati�n under�he sec�i�n ti�led Tr�nsfer of�h�Prop�r�y or a <br /> Benef�ci���n�erest in B�rrower. <br /> H�.z�rdous Substances.Borrower sha}1 n��Gause �r pe��mi��h��resen�e,use, d�sposal, st�rage, or release of any <br /> �aza�-daus Subs�ances on or in t��e Pr�per�y. Borrower sha�l no�do,n�r at�o�v any�ne else�a da�,any�hing affec�ing <br /> the Fraper�y �hat is in viola��on of any Env�ron�-nen�a� Law. The pr�ced�ng �vv� s�ntences sl����l nat app�y �� �h� <br /> presence,use,flr storage on the Pro��er�y of small quant�ties�f Hazardous Substanc�s�hafi are generai�y recognized <br /> �o be appropri��e to norma�residential us�s and to mainte��ance of�he Property. <br /> Borraw�r shal�pr�mp��y g�ve Lend�r wr���en no�i�e�f any in�estig�tian,claim, der�and,lawsu�i�ar o�her a�tian by <br /> any go�ernmen�ta� or regula�o�y ag�r�cy or prir�ate par�y in�olWing i:he Prop�rt�y and any Hazardous Subs�a�nce ar <br /> En�i�ant��en�a� Law of which Barr��ver has ac�ual I�no�ledge. �f B�rr�vver �ear��s, or �s notife� by any <br /> go�ernrr��n�al or regula�ory au�hor�fiy,tha�any removal ar ather rernedia��on of any Hazardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> the Fr�perty is necessary, Barrov�rer sha�I pr�mptly �a��e al� necessary r�media� ac�iar�s in accord�.nce w�th <br /> En�i�onmen�a�Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "�[aza�c��us Substances" are those suUs�ances defned as tax�c �r�����ardaus substances <br /> by En�i�onmen�ai Law and �he f���owing substa�ces: gasoline, kerosene, other f�ammab�e or ��xic �e�roleum <br /> pr�d�zc�s_ toxic pesticid�s and herbicides, vo�a�ile sol�ven�s, materiats containing asbes�os �r for�r�a�deh�de, and <br /> radi�ac�ive materials. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Enviro��meri�a�Law"m�ans fede�al laws and laws�f��e state�f <br /> Nebraska�hat rela��ta health,safety�r environmental protec�ion. <br /> A�ce�era�iong Re�n�di�s. L�i�der shali giWe n�tice �� �orrower pri�r �a ac�eleration fol��ov��ng �orr�wer's <br /> b�-each v�an�c�ve�ant ar��;reernen�in this�ec�uri�y ����rum�r�t or th��on�ra��under�which accQ�eration <br /> is permit�ed �bu# �not prior �a accelera�ian und�r the s�c�io�� �i�ied Transf�r af the P�ope:rty�r a Benefic�al <br /> �n�e�est in ��rrower, unless Ap��icable Law pravides o�herwise�. '�I'he na�ice shal� specify: �a} th.e default; <br /> �b} �he acti��� r�quired to cur� th� defau�t; �c} a da�e, no� less than the minimurrn number af days <br /> e��ab�i�hed by App��cable LavW from the d��e the�a�ice i�gi�e�to�arrower, b�v�hich the defaul�must be <br /> cured; and �d) tha� failur� �o cure tne d�faul� an or b�fore the date �pe��f�ed in the �nc�ti�e may result in <br /> �ccelera�ivn of the s��ms s�cured by this S�cur�ty Ynstrumen� and sale of �he:Prop�r�y. To �he extent <br /> perr��t�ed by law, �he notice sh��� fur�her inform �or�-a��ver of the right �a r�instate afte:r ac�elera���n and <br /> �he right to�r�ng a court ac�i�n to a�sert��e non-exis�er�ce�f a defau�t�r any other defen�e of Bo�rovver to <br /> ��celeration �nd �aie. If the defau�� is r�ut ���red �n �r �efare �h� date sp�cified �n �the n���i�e, L�nd�r at i�s <br /> o��ivn �ay require imrx��diate paymen� in �'uli of a�l sum� s��ured h� this S��uri�y I�ns�rumen� withau� <br /> f��r����r demand and may invoke t��e povver af sa�� ar�c� ar�y Qther rem�dies perm��ted by App�i��ble Lavc�. <br /> To �he extent perr�i��ed b� la,r�v, Lend�r �h�ll h� ���i��e� ta coilect all expenses incurrEed in �ursuing the <br /> rem�d�e� pr��i�ed in �his �ection, in��ud�ng, bu� n�� ��rr�ited to, reasonabie at�orneys' �e�Y�and co�ts of tit�e <br /> eviden�e. � <br /> I�the povwer of�ale is in�ak�d,�'rus�ee sha�l recorc� a no�ice of defaul� �n ea�h ��ur�ty �n vvhich �ny par� of <br /> t��e lProperty is �ocated and�hal� ma��c�pi�s�f�u�� ��o�'r�� in the manner presc�ibed hy Applicab��Law fi❑ <br /> Bor�-orver and �o the o�her persvns pre��r��ed �by ������ab�e Law. After the �i�e requ�red by App�icab�� <br /> Law, 'T`ruste� sha�� g�ve pub�ic matic� of sale t� �he pe�s���� �n� �n fihe rr�anner prescr�bed by Applicable <br /> Lav�. '�'rustee,�vi�hou�demar�d on B�rrow�r� sh��l sell �h�� Pr���r�� a�pub���a��ction �� �he high�st b�dder <br /> at�he�ime and piace and und�r�he �erms d�esigna��d i�����nvti��uf sa�e��n on��r mo�e�arcels and in amy <br /> vrder Tru��ee de�ermines. 'T`ru5t�e may p�stpon� �a�e of ��� or a�y p�rcel af th� �'r��er�y U� pub��c <br /> announcement a�the#�me a��d �I�ace of any �re��n���ly s�h�c�uied sale.�ender ar its des���r�ee ma�pur�hase <br /> the lProperty a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip� nf p�yment �f the pri�e bid, '�'�u5te� s����� c�eli�v�r �o �he pur�h�s�r Trus�ee's deed cvnveying <br /> t�e Property. Th� re�����s in the'Y`rr�s�ee's deed �h��l be �rima f�ci�e��d[ence of the truth of the�tatQments <br /> mac�e �herein. Trustee 5ha1� apply the pro�eed� of the s�l� i� �he fo�i�wir�g �rder: ��a� t� ali �ost� a�d <br /> ex�ense� of exercising the power af sal�, and th� sal�, �n��uding �he �aymen� �f the Tr�.�st�e's fe�s actually <br /> C 20��-24F4�ampliance Systen�s,Inc.4958-E59C-2DI3L2.3.1.8a3 <br /> Co�su�nar Reai Estate T Security Tnstnirnent DL2�36 Pa�e 4 ax 5 www.cornpliancesyst�ms.cflm <br />