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. ��14�7�59 <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Borr�wer shall pay �o L�nder the amount necessary�o rnak�up the defici�ncy �n <br /> ac�ardance wi�h RESPA, but�n n�mare�han �2 m�nthly payments. <br /> Upan paym.en�xn full of a�� sums secured�y�h�5 Se�urity �ns�rumen�, Lender shal�prompt��refund t� <br /> Bnrrawer any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. Barrower sha�i pay al� �axes, assessm�n�s, charges, �nes, and�mpositions attribu�a�le ta <br /> �he Proper�y which can a�tain pr�flrity���r th�s Security Ins�rument, Ieaseho�d paymen�s�r ground r�r�ts on <br /> � �he Pr�per�y, �f any, and�a�nmun��y Associat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessment�, �f an�. To th��x�ent�hat <br /> th.�se�t�ms are Escrov� Items, Borrower sha��pay them in the manner provided in�e�tzfln 3. <br /> Borr�wer sha��pronlp��y diseharge any�ien whic�has priari��o�er this Secur�ty�ns�rument un�ess <br /> Borrow�r; �a}agrees �n�vr��ing�o ��e paymen�of�he o�l�gat�on secure�.b�t�.�l��n in a m� acceptab�e <br /> . <br /> �a Lender, but only. so lang as B�rrower is performing such agreement; �b} con��s�s the l�en�n go�d fa�th by, <br /> ar�efends against enfar�ement of the��en�n, �e�a1 proceedings wh�C��n L�nder's opin�an op�rate to prevent <br /> �he tnforcement of the lien wh��e thos�proceed�ngs are pending, but on�y un�il such prac�ed�ng� ar� <br /> c��c�uded; or�c} secures fronl the hoi�er af�he�ien an agreemen�satisfac�o�-y�fl Lender subardinating the <br /> Iien�o�his Securi�y �ns�rument. �f Lender determi.�es t�at any par��f the Pr�per�y�s sub�ect�o a�xen which <br /> can a��ain priarzty over�his Secur��y �ns�rument, Lend�r ma�g�ve Borrawer a not����den�xf�r�ng �h���en. <br /> �'��h�n ��days of�he date on wh�ch�hat n��ic�is g�ven, Borrower shal� satisf�r�he l�en o�r�ake one n�r more <br /> of th�a���ons s�t forth above in th�s Se�t��n 4. <br /> L�nder may require B�rrower to pay a�ne-t�me charge f�r a rea.�. e�ta�e tax v�ri�cat��n an�lar repor�ing <br /> serv�ce used b�Lender in Conn.e��ion wit��h�s Loan. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Barr�wer shall keep the�m�rovements nov�existin�or h�reaf�er erected�n�he <br /> Prop�rty insured aga�nst�oss by f�re, hazards inc�uded vv��h�n the term "ext�nded coverage," and an��ther <br /> hazards �ncluding, but n�t l�mited to, ear�hquakes and f��ods, f�r whzc�Lender r�quires insuranc�. Th�s <br /> insurance sha�1 be maintained�n the amounts �including de�.uc�i�b�e leve�s} arid for th�p�ri�ds that L�nder <br /> requir�s. �Vha�Lender r�quires pursuant�a the preceding sentences can change dur�ng th�t�rm of the L�an. <br /> The insuran��carrier providing the znsurance sha�.� be ch�s�n by Borrawer subjec�to L�nder's r�gh�to <br /> d�sapprove Barrower's ch�ice, which r�gh�sha�l no�be exe�cised unreasonably. Lender may require <br /> Barrower�o pay, in connec�ian u�i�h this Laan, eith�r: �a} a one-t�me charg�f�r flond zone determ�nation, <br /> cer�if�ca�ion and tracking services; or�b} a one-�zme charge for f�ao�zone de�erm�nati�n and cer�ificatian <br /> services and subs�quen�charges each�ime rexnapp��gs or sirnilar changes occur wh�ch reasona�ly migh� <br /> affect such determinat��n�r c�r��f�ca�ion. Barrower s�.a�l also be responsible fnr the payment of arzy fee� <br /> imposed b�the F�deral �merg�ncy Management Agenc�r xn��t�an with the rev�ew of any f�oad zone <br /> deteramzna�ion re�u��ing fr�m an�b�ec�ion�y Borrower. <br /> ��Barrower fa��s to maintain any of the coverages desc��bed a�o�re, Lende�-may ob�ain insurance coverage, <br /> at L�nder'��ptian and B�rro�er's expense. Lend�r is under no obl�ga��on to purchase any par�i�u�ar��pe or <br /> amoUnt of coverage. T`herefor�, such��verage sha���o�er Lender, but n�igh�or m�ght not pr��ec�Barrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in th�Prop�r�y, or the c�ntents�f�he Pr�p��ty, against an�risk, �azard or��abz�zty and <br /> �n�.ght pr�v�de greater or��ss�r�o�erage than was pre��ous�y�n eff�c�. B�rro�er acknow�edg�s tha�the cast <br /> of the insurance�overage so obtained might signif�cant��e�ceed the c�st of i�surance that Borrovver cou�d <br /> hav�obta�ned. Any amoun�s d�sburs��b� Lender under this Sec�ion 5 sha�l become additionai de�t of <br /> B�rrow�r secured by this S�curity Ins�rument. These amounts sha��bear in�erest at��e NQ�e rat�from�he <br /> dat�of dzsbursement and s�a�� be paya��e, with such in�eres�, up�n n���ce fr�m L�nd�r�o Borrawer <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> NE6RASKA-Sing�e�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNEF�RM INSTRUMENT l�arm 34Z8 11�i <br /> VMP QQ VMPfi{NE)t7 3p2} <br /> Wolters Ktuwer�inancial S�r�ices Pa�e�af 17 <br />