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��14�7�59 <br /> B�RR��VER��VENANTS tha�Barrov�er is lawfu�ly se�sed of�he�sta�e hereby�on�reyed and has the right�o <br /> grant and c�nvey�he Property and�hat�he Prop�rty �s ur��ricumber�d, exc�pt f�r encumbrances af reG�rd. <br /> B�rrower warran�s and w��� defend genera�ly the����e tfl th�Pr�perty aga�ns�a��c�a�ms and demands, subject�a <br /> an�r�ncumbranc�s of record. <br /> TH�S S�CI3R�TY INSTRUMENT c�mbints un�f�rm co�enants for nati�na�use and non-un�form cov�nan�s wi��i <br /> �im�te�.�ar�a��ons by jurisdict�on t�c�nstitute a unz��rm security �nstrumen�cavering rea�prop�r�y. <br /> Uniform �nr►enants. Borro�ver and Lende�co�enant and agree as f�lio�s: <br /> '�. Rayment of Rr�nc�pa�, �nter�st, Escrvrlv �temsr Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borr�w�r <br /> shal.�pay v�rhen due�he principa� of, and intere�t�n, �he de�t evidenced by the N�t�and any prepa�ment <br /> ��aarg�s ar�d late charges due under the����. Barrow�r sha�� also pay funds for Escrow I�ems pursuan�t� <br /> Sect�vn 3. Pay.�men�s due und�r the N�te and�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument shall be made�n U.S. curr�ncy. <br /> �3o�vever, �f an�r check or�ther instrument reC��ved b� L�nder as paym.en�urzder the No�e or this Security <br /> �n��rumen��s returned�o Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re�hat any or a�� subsequent paym�n�s due under <br /> �he Note and this Secur��y�nstrument be made�n one or m�re�f the fo��ow�ng forms, as selec�ed��L�nder: <br /> �a}cash; �b}mon�y arder; �c} cer�x�ed check, bank�heck, treasur�r's che�k or cash��r's c�eck, provzded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an�ns�ztu�ion whose depas�ts are insur�d b�a fed�ral agency, �nstrumenta�xty, or <br /> entity; ar�d} ���ctronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are d�emed received by Lender wh�n received at th��aca�ian designated�n�he Note or at�uch <br /> other���at�on as may be designat�d by Lender xn accordance w�th�he not�ce pro��s�ons in Sect�on 15. <br /> Lender ma�return any payment or partial paym.en��f the payment or par��al.paymen�s are insufficient�o <br /> bring the Loat�.current. Lender ma�accept any pa�men�or partia�paym�nt insuff�c�en�to br�ng th�Loan <br /> current, �vi�h�ut v�a.iver of an�rzghts hereUnder or pre�ud�c�ta �ts rights to refuse such paymen�or par�ia� <br /> pa�men�s in the futur�, but L�nder zs na�a��igated to app�y su�h paym�n�s at the tim�su�h paymen�s are <br /> accep�ed. If each Per�od�c Paym�n� is app�zed as of i�s schedu�ed due da�e, �hen Lender need n�t pay int�rest <br /> an unapp�zed funds. Lende�may ha��such unapp�ied funds un�i�Barrower makes paym�.en�s to bring the <br /> Loan curre�.t. �f B�rrower do�s nat da so w�thin a reasonable per�od af�ime, Lender shall e�ther appl�r such <br /> fund��r returx�.�hem ta Borrawer. �f not applied earlier, such funds wii�be appli�d t��he outstand�ng <br /> princ�pal balance under the Na�e immediat���r prior to farec�tisure. No offse�or claim wriich Borrawer migh� <br /> have now or in th�future against Lender sha�� re��e��Barr�w�r frflm mak�ng pa�men�s due under�he Nate <br /> and�his Se�ur�ty�ns�run�.ent t�r perform�ng the covenan.��and agreem�n�s secured b�r�h�s Se�ur��� <br /> �ns�rumen�. <br /> 2. Applicati�n of Payments �r Prnceedsx Except as��herw�se described in this Section�, al1 pay�nents <br /> a�cep��d and appl�ed by Lender sha11 be app��ed�n the fallow�ng order of priorzty: �a} int�r�s�due under the <br /> �ate; �1�}pr�ncipai due under�he N�te; �c} amt�un�s due under Sect�on 3. Suc�payments sha1l be appiied to <br /> each Periad�c Pa�ment in�he arder in wh�ch it became du�. Any rerr�a�ning am�un�s sha��be app��ed first t� <br /> la�e charges, secon�t� any���er amounts due under th�s Se�uri�y Instrument, and�hen to re�.uce the <br /> principal balance af the Note. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a paym�nt from Borra�ver for a delinquen�Perzod�c Paymen��h�ch includes.a sufficient <br /> amount�o pay any la�e charge due, the payment may b�app��ed to th�de��nquen�pa��nen�and the�ate <br /> charge. �f m�re than ane Per�odic Pa�ment is�utstand�ng, Lender ma�r app��any payment received from <br /> Borrower to the r�payment nf the Peri�dic Paym,e�t� zf, ar�d to the ex�en�tha�, each paymen�car��e paid in <br /> ful�. T��he extent�hat any excess exists after the pa�ment is appl�ed�o the fu��pa�ment af one�r more <br /> Periadic Pa�ment�, such excess ma�be app�ied�o any�ate charges due. �Ta�un�ary prepayments shal��e <br /> app�ied f�rs�ta ar�y pr�paymen��harges and then as described �n�he Note. � <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINl�ORM�NSTRUM ENT F�rm 3fl�8�1�� <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�y�1302f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />