<br /> �n�he Property and rights un�er this Securx�y�n�trum�nt; and�d}takes such act�on as Lender may
<br /> reasonab��r r�quire to assure�ha�L.�nder's in�erest in�he Proper�y and righ�s und�r this �ecurity �ns�rum�n�,
<br /> and Borrov�rer's ob��gation to�ay the sums secured by this Securit�Instrurnent, shail cont�nue unGhanged.
<br /> Lender ma�r require�hat Borrower pay such re��statiem�n�su�ns and expenses in one or m�re af t�e f�llowing
<br /> forms, as se��cted by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}�er�i�ed check, �ank check, treasur�r's ch�ck or
<br /> cash�er's check, provided any such�heck�s drawn upan an�nst��ut�on v��.ose d�p�sits are�nsured by a
<br /> federa� agency, ins�rumental�ty or en�ity; ar�d} E�ec�ranic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nsta�ement b�Barrower,
<br /> �h�s Security�nstrument and abligat�ons secured hereb� shall rema�n fully effec���e as if no accel�ration had
<br /> occurred. I-�owever, this righ��� reinsta�e sha�l no�apply in�h�case of accelera��on under Sectian 18.
<br /> ZD. Sale �f �ote; �hang� of Laan Serr�icer; Notice of Grie�ance. The No�e or a partial in�erest�n t�e
<br /> Note�toge�her w��h.�h�s Secur�t� Ins�rumen�} can be sold one or more times w��htiut pri�r no��ce t�
<br /> Borrower. A sa�.e xn�g��resu�t�n a change�n�he en�i��r�known as�he ".Laan Servicer"��hat collec�s F�r�odic
<br /> Paymen�s due under�he N��e and th�s Securi��r�nstrumen�and performs a�her mor�gage l�an servicing
<br /> �bl�gations und�r�h�Na�e, �his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�, and Appl�cable Law. There aiso mi.ght be one or mor�
<br /> changes�f the L.�an Servicer unr�ia�ed to a sale af the Nofie. �f there is a change af the Loan S�rvic�r,
<br /> Borrower w���be�iven wr��ten n�tice�f the change whi�h wii� state the name and address of the new Laan
<br /> Ser��cer, �he address to v�r�iiC�paym�nts should be made and ariy o�her information R�SPA r�qu�res in
<br /> cann�ct�on v�i�h a not��e flf�ransfer af servicing. If the�o�e�s sold and�hereafter the I.aoan is ser��ced by a
<br /> I..nan Ser�icer ather t�.an�he purchaser of the Note, ��ie mor�gage��an serv�cing obliga�ions�o Barrower wi1�
<br /> rem.ain w�th the L.�an Servicer or b�transferred�o a successar L.oan Ser�icer and are no�a�sum.ed by�he
<br /> �Co�e purchaser unless��herw�se pro�id�d by�he N�o�e purchaser.
<br /> �either Borr�vver nor L,�nder may com�n�.ence,,�o�n, or be joined�o an�r�udxc�a� act��n�as e��h�r an
<br /> zndivxduax ����gan�or the member�f a class}�hat ar�ses fram the other par�y's ac��ans pursuan���this
<br /> Secur��y�ns�rument or that a��eg�s that th�o�her par�y has breached an.�pra�ision of, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, this �ecuri��r Instru.m.en�, untx�such Borro�er�r Lender has na�zfied th�o�her party�wi��such
<br /> notice g�ven in compliance v�r�th�he requirements of Sect�on �5}vf such alleged Y�r�ach and afford�d the
<br /> other party her�ta a reasonabl�periad after�he g��v�ng of such no�xce ta�ake�arrec���ve ac�ion. �f Applicable
<br /> Law prov�d�s a t�me periad w�ich must elapse before certa�n action can be talfen, �hat��me per�od�vxxx be
<br /> deemed to b�reasonab�e for purp�s�s of�h�s paragraph. 'I'he no��ce of accelerat�on and appar�un�ty�o cur�
<br /> g�v�n�a B�rrower pursua.nt to Se��ion 22 and the n��ice of acce�eration gi�en�o Borr�wer pursuan��o
<br /> Sec��on �S sha��be de�med t�sa��sf�the nat�ce and oppor�unit�ta�ak�c�rrec�ive action pro�r�s�ans of th�s
<br /> Sec��on Za.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Substances� As used�n�h�s Sec�ian 21: �a} ".I�'a.�ardous Su�stances"are��iose subs�ances
<br /> de�ne�as��xic or hazardous subs�ances, pallu�ants, �r wastes by Environ�m�nta� Lav� and the fal��w�ng
<br /> su�stances: gasa�ine, k�ros�ne, other flammable or�a��c petroleum produc�s, to�ic pes�icides and herbic�des,
<br /> vo�a��le so�vents, �naterials containing a�sbes��s�r formaldehyde, and radioac���re ma�erials; �b} ,
<br /> "Environ�en�al Law"means federal iaws an��aws of�he�ur�sdict�on where�he Proper�y is�oca�ed�hat
<br /> re�ate ta heal��, safe�y nr en��ronmenta�pratection; �c} ".En�ironmenta�Cleanup"inc�udes any response
<br /> ac�ion, rem�dia� act�an, or re�r�.o�al act�on, as de�ned �n�n��ronmental Law; and�d� an "Ertvir�nmen�ar
<br /> C�ndition"means a conditian tha�can cause, c�n�ribut��o, or otherwise�rigger an En�ironmen�al���anup.
<br /> Barrow�r sha��not cause or pernut the presence, use, disposal, s�arage, flr r��eas�of an�Hazardous
<br /> Sub�tances, or��.rea�en ta r�lease any Hazardous Substances, on or in�he Property. Borrawer sha��not do,
<br /> nor a�low an��ne e�se�o do, an.y��i�ng affec��ng��e Property�a}��iat is in��ola�ion of any E��ironmen�al
<br /> Law, �b} wh�ch crea�es an Enviranm�n�a� Condition, or�c} wh�ch, due�fl the presence, use, �r release af a
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tance, cr�ates a condi��on that adverse�y affec�s�he�a�ue of the Pr�per�y. The preced�ng two
<br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3028'1109
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NEf�13�21
<br /> Wvlt�rs Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page i 3 vf'#7
<br />