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��14�7��1 <br /> sa��sfaction, pra�id�d�hat such inspe��ion shai�be under�a�en promp�l�. Lender may pay far�h�repa�rs <br /> and rest�ration in a singie disbursem�nt ar�n a seri�s�f progress paym�en�s as�he�nrk is c�mpl�te�. <br /> Un�ess an agreement i� made in writ�ng or App��cabie Law requires interest�o be pa�d an such <br /> M�s����aneous Proc�eds, Lender shal� no�be r�quired�a pay B�rrow�r any interes�or earnings on�u�h <br /> M�sce��aneous Praceeds. If the restora��on ar r�pair is nat economical�y feasible or Lender's s��ur�ty wou�d <br /> be less�ned, �he Misce��aneous Proc��ds shall be appl�e��o the sums secured by�his ���ur�ty �nstrum�n�, <br /> whe�her�r nat�hen�.ue, wi�h the ex��ss, if an�, paid ta Borrower. Such Mis�e��ane�us Pro�eeds �hal�be <br /> appiied in�he ord�r pro��ded for�n Se�tian 2. <br /> In the even�of a tata� taking, destruct��n, or lnss �n va�ue of th� Propert�, �he M�sce�laneous Proc��ds shail <br /> be app��ed�o�he sums se�ured by�h�s Securzty �nstrum�n�, wh�ther or n�t�hen due, wi�h tht exce��, if any, <br /> paid�o B�rrav�er. <br /> In the even�of a par�ia� taking, destruc�ian, or loss in va�ue�f the Prop�r�y in which the fa�r market�a�ue of <br /> the Proper��immedzate�y befare the partial tak�ng, des�ru��ion, or�ass in va�ue�s equal �o ar gr�ater than�he <br /> amount of�he sum�s secured�y th�s 5ecuri�y �nstrumen� immed�a���y�efore��e pa.rt�al �aking, destruction, or <br /> �ass �n�ralue, unl�ss Barrower and Lender otherwis�agrte in wri�ing, �h�sums se�ured by th�� S�cur��y <br /> �nstrum�nt sha�l be reduced by the amoun�of the Mi��e��aneous Prac�tds mu��ip�ied by�he fo�l�w�ng <br /> fract�an: ta��he tota� amount of th�sums secure� immed�a�ely b�f�re th�par�ia� tak�ng, destruct�oz�, or loss <br /> in�a�ue d�vided by �b} the fa�r mar�e��alue�f the PrQper�y �xnrnedzat��y bef�re��e par�ial taking, <br /> destruct��n, or�ass �n value. Any�a�anc�sha��be paid to Barrov�er. <br /> �n the e�en�of a pa�ial taking, destruc��on, or�oss in va�ue af th�Proper�y in which the fair market�a�ue of <br /> the Prop�r�y imm�dia�ely befor�th�par��a� tak�ng, ��S�I[i��1D�.1, or��ss in�aiut is�ess than the am�unt of the <br /> sums s��ur�d immed�ately bef�re th�par�ial taking, de�truc�ion, or loss in�a�ue, un�ess Borraw�r and <br /> Lender�therwis�agree in wr�ting, th� Mis�ellanenus Praceeds shai�be app��ed�o the sumE.s�e�ured by�his <br /> �ecur�ty �ns�rument whether ar na�th�sums are then due. <br /> Xf�he Pr�per�y �s abandon�d b�Barr�wer, or�f, after notic�by L�nder to Borr�w�r that�h�appasing Party <br /> �as def�ned �n�he n�xt sentence�offers�o make an award to se��l�a cla�m f�r�amages, Borrower faz�s to <br /> respand to Lend�r wi�hin 3�days aft�r the date the notic�i�given, Lender is au�h�ri�ed to�����G�and apply <br /> the Mis��l�aneous Pr�ceeds either to r�s�oration or repazr�f the Property or to��e sums secur�d�y this <br /> �ecur�ty �ns�rument, �vhether or n�t then due. "�pp�s�ng Par�y" means th��hird par�y that�wes Borro�v�r <br /> N��sce�laneous Pr�ce�ds or the party aga�ns�whanr�Borrower has a right�f actifln in regard�a Miscellaneaus <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Barrower s�a.�� b�in default if any actzon or proc�eding, wh��h�r c�vil or criminai, is begun�hat, �n Lender's <br /> judgrnent, cou�d resu�t in forfe�ture of the Property�r other ma�eria� impairment of Lender's�nterest �n the <br /> Pr�perty or rights under�his S�curity Instrument. B�rrower�an cure such a defau�t and, if acceleratian has <br /> �ccurre�, reinstate as pravided �n Sect��n 19, by cau�ing the ac��on or praceeding ta be dismissed wi�h a <br /> ru��ng that, in Lender's judgmen�, prec�udes forfe��ure�f the Prop�r��r or other nlateria� impa�rment of <br /> Lender's in�erest�n�he Proper��r or r�ght�und�r t�is Security �n��rumen�. The proceeds af any award�r <br /> c�a�xn for damages that are attributab�e t�the impairmen�of Lender's interest in the Prop�r�y are hereby <br /> assigned and shall b�paid�o Lender. <br /> A�1 M�s��lianeaus Proceeds �ha�are no�applied t�restorat�on�r repa�r of�he Praper�y s�al�be app�ied in�he <br /> order pr���ded far�n Se�t�on 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fami[y-Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNiF4RM INSTRUM�NT �orrn 302$�J07 <br /> VMP Q VMP64NEy{13�2) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 14❑f 17 <br />