<br /> Transf�r�f the Pr�perty or a Benef�cial Irnterest in Borrovver. �f a���r any par�of th�Pro�per�y or any�nterest
<br /> zr� �� is s�l�i or transferred �or if a benef cial interest in Borrawer �s sold or transferred an� Borrow�.r is no� a
<br /> na�ural p�rson� without Lender's pr�or writte,n cfl�sent, Lender may, at its �p�inn, require i�n�nedia�e payment �n
<br /> full of al� sums secured by �his Security In�;trument. Hawe�er, this op��on shall nfl� be �xerc�sed by Lend�r if
<br /> exercis�is pr�hibi�ed by federallaw as of the date of�his Securifiy�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender ex�rcises this aption, Lender shall give Barrav�er notice of accelera�ion. The no���e shall provide a
<br /> per�od �f n�� less than the m�n�mum numbe�• of days es�ab��shed by Appl�cable Law fr�m �h�e da�� the noti�e �s
<br /> d�li�ered or ma�Ied within vvh�ch Borrow�r :mus� pay al� sums secured by th�s Securi�y �ns�rum�n�. I�'Borrower
<br /> f�.i�s to pay �hes� sums prior �o �he expira�io:n. �f�h�s p�r�od, Lender may inv�ke any remedi�s permit��d by �his
<br /> S�curit�znstru�nent v�ithaut fur�her not�ce ar t�emand an Borrawer.
<br /> �orr�vver's Right to Reins�ate. �f Borrov�+�r mee�s cer�ain condi��Qns, Borro,wer sha11 have �he r�ght to have
<br /> enforc�m�n�of�his Securi�Instrument discontinued at any time prior tfl the ear�ier�f: �a} 5 days �or such ather
<br /> p�riod as Applicable Law may specify f�r reins�atement�befare sa�e of the ProperCy pursuan�1:o any pov�er of sa��
<br /> con�ain�d �.n ��is Se�urity Znstrument; or ��} entry of a judgmen� enfarcing �his Securi�.y �nstrum�n�. Thvse
<br /> �flndit�ons are that Borrower; �a} pays Lend��r a�l sums v�hich then wauld be due under�h�s 5ecurity Instrument
<br /> and the�ontra�t as if no acceleration had acc�urred;�b� cures any default of any other cflvenants or agre��nents;�c�
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enforcing�his S�curi�y�nstrument, inciud�rl.g,but not limited�o,r�asanab��attarneys'
<br /> fees���he e��en�permi�ted�y Iaw; and�d�t�kes such action as Lender may reas�nably require to assure that�he
<br /> �i�n of�his Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender's r�ghts in�he Property and Borravver's oh�iga�ion to p�.y�he su.rns secured
<br /> b� �his Secu.rifiy Instrument sha11 continue un�hanged. Upon re�instatement by Barrower, this S�curity Instrument
<br /> and�he abliga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effec��ve as if no accelera��on had o�cu.rred. Ho�ever, �his
<br /> righ��o reinstate shal�no�app�y�n�he case of:'acce�era�ion under�he sec�ion�it�ed Transfer���h�Proper�y or a
<br /> Beneficia�Inter��t in Borrower.
<br /> I�azardous Substances. Borrower shal�not�ause or permi�th�pr�senc�,us�, disposal, s�ora�e, ar rel�ase of any
<br /> �3azardous Subs�ances on ar in the Prop�rty.BarroWer sha��no�do,nor aXIoW anyone e�se t�da,any�h�r��affe�ting
<br /> t�e Praperry �hat is in �iola�ion of any Env��-onmenta� Law. The preceding twa sentences shal� not app�y to �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage on the Prflper�y of sr.r�a�I quan��ties af Hazardous Subs�ances tha�are genera��y r�cogn�z�d
<br /> t�be appropriate t�norma�r�siden��al uses and to maintenance of th�Property.
<br /> Borrower shaTl promptly gx�e Lender written:notice of any investigatian,�laim,demand,lawsuit or o�her actian by
<br /> any governmental or r�guiatflr� ag�ncy or private party inva�ving the Property and any Haz�rd�us Subs�ance ar
<br /> Environmental Lavv of v�hich Borra�ver has actual knowl�dge. �f Borrovver Iearns, flr �s no��f ed b� any
<br /> g�vernmental ar regulatory authority,tha�an}r removal or��her remed�at�on of any�a.�ardous Substance affecting
<br /> th� Pr�perty �s necessary, Barro�er shal� .pramp�Iy ta�e al� necessary remed�a� ac�ians �.n a�cardance wi�h
<br /> En��ronmen�a�Law.
<br /> As us�d in thzs paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs��nces" are those subs�ances defined as toxic ar h�.zardous su�stances
<br /> b� Envrronmenta� I�aw and �he fflllaw�ng s�abstan�es: gasol�ne, k�rosene, ather flammable or taxic �etroleum
<br /> praduc�s, �oxic pes�ic�des and her�icides, va�atile solvents, ma�er�als can�aining asbes��s or forma�d��yde, and
<br /> ra�dxoa����e materials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmental Law"m�ans federa��aws and�aws of�he state of
<br /> Ne�raska tha�re�ate�o health,safety ar enviranmen�al protec�ian.
<br /> Acce�eration; Remedies, Lender shal� give notice ta Borrower prior to accelera�ion f�ll[ovving �orrower's
<br /> breach af any covenant or agreemen�in this Se�urity Instrument�r the Contract under�which ac�eleration
<br /> is permxt�ed �but no� prior to acce�eration und�r the sect�on titled Transfer flf th�Propert�vr a B�neficial
<br /> Interest �n Borrower, unless Applicable L�w pro�ides otherwi5e}. The noti�e 5haI1�pe�ify; �a} t�� defau�t;
<br /> �b} �he acti�n required �o �ure th� defa�u�t; �c} a date, no� less than the m�nimum number of days
<br /> establ�shed by Applicah�e Law from the da�te the ntit�c��s given to Borrower, by wh�ch t�he defau�t mus��e
<br /> cured; an�i (d} that failure ta cure �he de�au�t �n or bef�re the date 5pec�fied in th� �ot�ce may r�su�� �n
<br /> a�celeration �f the sums �ecured by th�s Security In�trument and sa�e of the Property. To �he �xtent
<br /> p�rm�tted by lavv, the n�tice�hall further �inform Borr�wer of the right to re�nsta�e af�er ac�e�eration and
<br /> t�e right to br�ng a court action to asser�the non-exi5tence vf a defau�t or any other defe��e vf Borro�vver�o
<br /> a�celeration and sale. If the default �s not�ur�d vn ar before �he date specff�ed in the �a�ic�, L���Ier at its
<br /> op�ion may require immedia�e payment ��r� fuli of al� sums 5ecured by this Security In�trumen� without
<br /> f�rther deman� and may in�oke �he povver of sale and any other r�medies permxtted b� Applic�ble Law.
<br /> T� the extent permitted by �aw, Lender s:ha�� be en�i�led ta c�llect alI expenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> remedi�s pro�ided in this Section, xneluding, but not�xmi�ed t�, rea5�na��e attorneys' f��5�r�d co�ts of title
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee sha��� record a nfltice of default in ea�h county in which any part �f
<br /> the Property is �a�ated and shall mail copxes of such not��e �n the manner pre�cri�ed b�Applicab�e Law to
<br /> B�rrower and to th� vther persons pres�r�bed by Applicable Law. After the t�me required by A�plxcab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public notice of s��e �� the person5 and in the manner pre5cribed by .A.�pl�cable
<br /> Law, Trus�ee,w�thvut demand on Borro��r, shall�ell the Property at public auction t� the high�st bidder
<br /> at the t�m�and p�ace and under the t�rms designatecl in�he notic�of sale in ane or mor��arcels and in any
<br /> �rd�r Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale af al� vr any parce� of the P�r�perty by public
<br /> announcem�nt at the time and place�f any prev�ously��hedu�ed sa�e. Lender or its des�gn��ma�purchase
<br /> the Property a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon r�ceipt of payment of the pric� bxd, 'Trustee shall deliver �o the purchas�r Trus��e's deed ��n�eying
<br /> �he Proper�y. The re�xtals in �he Tru�tee's €deed shall be prima facie ev�dence of the truth of the st�tements
<br /> �2444-2014 Compliance Systems,Inc.4958-5I7E-24J 3L�.3.I.843
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrurnent DL243d Pa�e 4 of S www,�amptkancesystems.corn
<br />