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��14�7�1� <br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and Interest, ��her C:harges.Borrov�er shal�promptly pay vvhen due the pr�n��pal of and <br /> �n�erest on�he debt owed under the Contra��ar�d la�e charges or any other fees and charges du�under th�Contract. <br /> App�i��ble Law. As used �n th�s Se�urity �nstrumer�t, �h� term "Appl�ca�le Lavv" sha11 mean a�l ��ntro�l�ng <br /> �.pplicab�e federai, s�ate and loca� statutes, re,�ulat�ans, ord�nances and administrati�e ru��s ar�d orders ��hat ha�e <br /> �he effe��of�a�}as we�l as a11 appli�a�Ie f na:l,n�n-appealable�udicial�pinions. <br /> �harges; Lier��. Borrflvver shall pay a�l taxes, assessmen�s, �harges, fines and �mpasitians attr�butabl� �� �he <br /> Pr�perty vvhich may at�ain priority o�er�his �ecur�ty�nstrument, and leasehfl�d payments or groun�i ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the r�ques��f Lender,Borrower shal�pron�p�l�furnish to Lender re�e�pts evid�ncing the pa�ments. <br /> B�rrflw�r shall promptly discharge any �ien v�hich has prior��y aver thzs Securi�y Instru.ment unless Borrower: �a} <br /> �grees �n writing �o the payment of�he ab�ngation secured by �he lien in a manner accep�a��e to L�nder; �b) <br /> �antests �n gflod faith the lien by, flr defend�► against enfflrcement of the lien in, �ega1 pro�e�di�gs v�h�ch in the <br /> L�nder's �pin�on opera�e �o pre�ent �h� enfarcement of the ��en; or �c} se�ures from �he ha�lder �f�he �ien an <br /> a.greemen�satisfac�ary t� Lender subardina�irng�he �i�n�o�his Seeuri�y �nstrumen�. �f Lender�ie�erm�n���hat any <br /> par�of�he Pr�per�y is su�j ec��o a lien which may at�ain pri�ri�y o�rer th�s Se�urity Instrum�r�t, �►end�r may g��e <br /> B�rrow�r a no�ice identifying the lien. Barro�ver sha�I satisfy�he �ien ar�ake one flr more of the �.c�ions s�t fflr�h <br /> a.bove wx�hin �4 days af�he gi�ing af no�ice. <br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower s�hall keep the �mpro�emen�s now ex�s��ng flr he�ea.fter erected an the <br /> Property insured against 1�ss by fire,hazards�nc�ud�d�wi�hin�he�erm"extended co�erage"and any oth�r hazards, <br /> rncludi.n.g flflac�s ar flooding, for which Len:d�r requires �nsurance. This znsuran�e sha�l b� m�.intai�ed �n �he <br /> amoun�s and for the periods tha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier prfl��ding the insuran��sha�l be chosen by <br /> B�rr�wer sub�ect ta Lender's appra�al �vhic�� sha�� no� be unreasonably withheld. �f Sorrovv�er fails to main�ain <br /> �o�erage descri�ed above, Lender may, at Lender's op�ian, a�ta�n co�erage ta pro�ec� L�nder's r�ghts �n the <br /> Pr�perty in acc�rdance vv�th section���Ied Protection of L�r�der's Rights in the Pr�perty. <br /> A11 insu.rance policies and renev�als sha1� be accep�able �o Lender and shal� �n�lude a s�andard mortgage c�ause. <br /> Lender shal�ha�e�he righ�to hol�the polrc�e�s and renewals. If Lender requ�r�s,B�rro�ver sha1�promp��y gi�e�o <br /> L�nder aIl receipts of paid premium.s and ren�wal noti�es. I�the ev�nt of�oss, Borrower sha�I�give prornp�notice <br /> to the i�suranc�carr�er and Lender.Lender�nE�.y make proof of loss if not made prompt�y by Bvrro�ver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver atherwise agree in wrzting, xnsurance proc�eds sha1� be app��e� �o res�oratiQn or <br /> repair of�he Proper�y damaged, �f, in Lende�-'s so�e discre�ion, the r�s�taratifln �r repa�r is ec�riomxca��y feasible <br /> a�d Lender`s securi�y zs not lessened. �f, in Lender's sole discretion, �he restora�ion or repair �s nat economica�ly <br /> f�asib�e or Lender's secur�ty would be lesseneti,the insuran�e proceeds sha�1 be applied to the sums secur�d by this <br /> Security Instrumen�, whe�her or not then d��e, with any excess paid to Borrower. �f Bflrrow�r aba.r�dans the <br /> Proper�,or do�s not answer within the numb�r af days pres�ribed by App�i�able Lavv as se�fQrth in a n��ice frorn <br /> Lender�o Barr�wer that the �nsurance carr�er has offered�o set��e a claim, �hen Lend�r may�ollec��h� �nsurance <br /> praceeds. Lender may use �h� proceeds to rejpair or restore the Proper�y or to pay sums secure�by�his Security <br /> �nstrum�n�,wh�ther or no��h�n due.The period af�irne for Barrawer�o answer as s�t f�r�h in�he notice will�egiva <br /> �v�en the no��ce is gi�en. <br /> I.l��ess�.ender and Borrower o�he�-vvise agree in wri�ing, any appl�ca��on of proceeds ta princ���al shall not extend <br /> ar postpane�h� du� date of the payments due under the �ontrac�❑r change�he amount af�he paymen�se �f under <br /> �he section titled Ac�el�ratian; Remedies, the Property is acqu�red by L�nder, Barrflvver's right�o any insurance <br /> �olicies and pr��e�ds resul�ing from damag� �o �h� Proper�y pr�or�a the acquis�tian shall pass �o L�nder t� the <br /> ��.tent of�he sums secured�y this Securi�y�nstrument immediat�ly prior to the ac�uisiti�n. <br /> 1'�eservation, Maintenance and Protect���1 of the Proper�y; Borrower's Loan Applicat�on; L��seh�ids, <br /> �orrower shal�not destroy, damage or�mpair�he Pr�perfiy, al�ow the Proper�y�o det�rYnra�e, �r comm�t was�e fln <br /> th�Prop�rty.B�rr�v��r sha�l�e�n defau��if a�r�y forfe��ure a��ion or proceed�ng,whether c���l or�rim�na�,�s begun <br /> �h�t �n Lender'� good fai�h judgm�nt cvuld r�su�t in forferture of the Property or otherwise materia�Iy impair the <br /> ��en crea�ed hy �his Securi�y �nstrumen� or :Lend�r's secur�ty inter�st. B�rrov�er may cure �uch a d�faul� and <br /> reins�ate, as pra��d�d in section�itied�vrrvvver's Right to Reinstate, by�aus�r�.g�he ac�z�n�ar praceec��ng�o be <br /> dxsmissed w��h a ruling�hat, in Lender's ga�d fa��h de�ermina�ion,precludes forfeiture�f the�orrower's�nterest�n <br /> th� Prflperty or other material impa�rm�n� o�f the lien created by th�s Security znstru�men� or Lender'� security <br /> �n�eres�.Borrower shall alsfl be in defau��if B��rrov�er,dur�ng the loan applica�ron pra�ess,ga�e ma�er�a�ly fals�or <br /> �.xa�.ccurate infa�-ma�ion or statements to Lencler ��r fa�led �o provide Lender wi�h any material �nforma��on� in <br /> ��nr�ec�i�n vv�th�h� �oan �v�denced by�he �ontract, �f thzs Secux��y �nstrumen� �s on a leasehold, B�rr�vwer shal� <br /> c�mply v�i�.i all the prov�szons of the�ease. If Borrower acquires f�e�itl�ta the Propez�y,the�e�.sehold ar�d the fee <br /> title sha��not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger�n�riting, <br /> Pr�tection of Lender's Rights in the Pr��rer�y. If Barrawer fa�1s to p�rf�rm fh� covenan�s and agreements <br /> ��n�a�ned in�his Security�nstrument, o�there is a legal proceed�ng that may s�gnif cant�y affeG�Lender's righ�s in <br /> �h� Prapert�y �such as a proceed�rig in bankruptcy, probate, for �ondemnati�n or forfeiture �r to enfor�� Iaws or <br /> regu�a�ions�, �hen Lender may do and pay f�r what��r�r is necessary �o protect the �alue af�h� Pr�perry and <br /> L�nder's r�gh�s in�he Properfiy. Lender's ac�ians may include paying any sums secured by a liern v�h�ch ha.s.priority <br /> over�his 5e�urity�ns�rumen�, appear�ng in ca�xr�,pay�ng reasonab�e attflrneys'f�es and en�ering on�he Proper�y t� <br /> make repairs.Although Lender may take action under�h�s se�tion,Lend�r does not have to d�so. <br /> Any amflunts d�sbursed by Lender under thzs sec��on shall become additional debt af Bnrrov�er secured by �his <br /> Secur��y Instrumen�. Unless Borrower and L�ender agre� t� terms of payment, �h�se �maunts shal� bear <br /> C���Q4-2�I4 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.4958-517E-2Q13L2.3.i.803 <br /> Consurner Real Estate-Security Ir�sLrument DL2�35 Pa�Q 2 of S wtivw.carr� <br />