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� ---- , . i i _ - -- - -- � --- -. <br /> � <br /> ��14�71SS . <br /> �. <br /> B. �han e. The �bligations may, from t�me to time, be amended, <br /> modif ed, extended, ren�wed, restate�., increased, rep�edged, supplemented, or athervvise <br /> changed (any of the foregoing, a"�han e"}. �hanges may�nclude any or all of the fol�o�wing: � <br /> �i� complete or part�al amendment and restatement of any or a11 terms and condit�ans of the <br /> �b��gatians; (ii}mod�fications of the requ�red pr�ncipal andlor interest payment dates, def�rring <br /> �r acc��erating such payment dates in whole or in part; ��ii} modifications, extensi�ns ar <br /> renewals at a d�fferent rate of interest; �iv� increases in any amount in the principal or interest � <br /> rate of the �bl�gations; andlor (v� modif cat�ons or ad�itiona� am�unts advanced v�ith re�pect to <br /> the �b��gat��ns, a1�in accardance w�th and pursuant ta the �redit Agreement. <br /> 4.� ��t�ice to Junio� Lien Craiman�s. The Existing Deed �f Trust provided, <br /> and gave fu�1 record natice to a11 potentia�Junior Lien��aimants, that the Exxsting Deed of Trust <br /> was intended to secure the �bl}gations arising not on�y under the �redit Agreement, but also <br /> under any amendments, restatements, supplements, waxvers, refinancing or other modifications <br /> of the �red�t Agreement. Any of the fnregoing may potent�al�y resu�t in a�hange to the <br /> �bl�gations,whether or not; �a� any nat�ce is recorded with respect to such�hange; �b) su�h <br /> �hange rncreases the principal amount�subj ect to any express limrtat�ons thereon set forth�n the <br /> Existing Deed of Trust� or the interest rate or other�wise adversely affects Jun�or Lien C�aimants; <br /> or�c� Trustor e�ecutes ar de�ivers new or addit�onal note�s}to evidence or confirm such�hange. <br /> All actual and potentia�Junior Lxen Claimants axe hereby placed on natice that the �bligat�ons <br /> are subject ta �hange�s}. The e�ecution and de�ivery af this Deed of Trust Amendment, �r of <br /> any subsequent or prior�if any� amendment af the Ex�sting D�ed of Trust, shall not�mpair, <br /> redu�e or subordinate, in vvho�e or in part,the priority�f the Existing Dee� of Trust. Further, by <br /> taking or accept�ng its int�rest in the M�rtgaged Property �as defned in the Existing Deed of <br /> Trust� subj ect to the E��sting Deed of Trust, each Junior Lxen-�laimant understands and <br /> ackn�wledges that the priorzty and validity�f the lien of the Existing Deed of Trust sha��not be � <br /> �mpa�red or�imited in any way by any�hange. Noiw�thstand�ng the magnitude ar nature of any <br /> Change, such�hange sha11 under no circumstances be deemed to c�nstitute a novat�on�ith <br /> respect ta any �bligation, or�therwise impair or reduc�the priority of the �zen of the E��sting ; <br /> D�ed of Trust. <br /> 5. 14m�ndmen�s. <br /> The parties hereb� give notice that�i}the Borrovver,the lenders party thereto, <br /> Bank�f Ameri�a,N.A., as administrat�ve agent, and the other paxties thereto, hav� a.mended and <br /> restated the �redit Agreement and �ii�the �bl�gations under the �redit Agreement are secured <br /> by the lien of the Exist�ng Deed�f Trust, as modified and amended by this Deed of Trust <br /> Amendment. <br /> �. �'utu�e�4m�ndments. <br /> The Existzng Deed of Trust cann�t be further altere�l, amended, modified, <br /> t�rrnxnated, wa�ved, re�eased, or dischaxged, except in accordance with the provisi�ns of the <br /> Cre�.it Agreem�nt. Any amendment of the L�an Dacuments or of the �b�igat��ns may�r may <br /> not be r�corded. Any such amendment sha��be fu11y effect�ve v�rhether or not recorded, W1�}.1�Ut <br /> Cx�and Island Nebraska First Amendment <br />