<br /> �otices. Any n�t�ce to Borrovver prov�ded for rn this Securi�y �nstrumen� shall be given b� de���erxng it or by
<br /> mai��ng�t by f rst class ma�1 unless Appl��ab�e Lav�requires use af another me�hod. The notic�shal�b��ire�ted ta
<br /> th� Property Address or any o�her address Borrower �esignates by nfltice�o Lender. Borrower agr�es��pro��de
<br /> Lender w��h�flrrower's most curren�rnailin�address, as it may change fram��me-�o-��m.�. ,A�.ny no��c� �a Lender
<br /> �hal�be g�ven by f�.rst class mail to Len�ier's addr�ss s�ated herein or any other address L�nder des�gna���by nat�ce
<br /> ��Barrower. Any not�c�pro�ided for�n�his Secur�ty�nstrument shai�be deemed to have been gi�en to Borrovver
<br /> �r L�nd�r when gi�en as pro�ided in th�s par�graph.
<br /> �o�erning Law; Severability.Th�s Security Instrum�nt shal�b�governed�y federal law and�he laws�f th�sta�e
<br /> of Nebraska. 7n th� e�ent �hat any prov�sion or clause of th�s Security Instrumen� or the No�e con.flic�s vvxth
<br /> 1�pplicable Lau�,such conflict sha�l not affe����her pro�is�ons af this Security rnstrument or��e N��e wh�ch can be
<br /> �i�en effec�wzthout the conflic�ing pro��sion. �"o�h�s end the provis�ons of this Securi�y �nstrumen�and the Note
<br /> �re declared�o be severable.
<br /> BorroWv�r's Copy.Borrov��r shal�be given on�c�py of th�s Se�urity�nstrumen�,
<br /> '�''ransffer of the Pr�perty or a Beneficial Imter�st in Borrower. �f a�l or any par�of the Property ar�ny interes�
<br /> i�. �t is so�d ar transferred �ar �f a benefici�.l int�rest in Borrower is sald or �ransferred and Borrov�er is no� a
<br /> rnatural person� un�ess the Note shaws �ha� Borrov�er's Ioan is assumabl�, Lender may, a� its aptian, r�quire
<br /> x�m.mediate payment in fu1l of al� surns secu.red �y �his S�curi�y �nstrumenti. �owe�er, th�s option sl�all not be
<br /> exer�ised�ay I�ender zf exercise is prohi�it��by federal law as �f�he date of th�s Security�ns�ent. �f�he Nfl�e
<br /> shaws tha�Borr�wer's I�an�s assumab��,Bfl�-rower mus��b�ain Lender's vvr�t��n permissinn f�r an assur�.p�zon and
<br /> f���o�v any other r�qu�rements of Lender rela�ted to an assumptian.rf Bflrrower does nat do so,Lender may require
<br /> im�mediate paymen�in full of a�l sums secured by�h�s Security In�trument.
<br /> �f L�nder exercises th�s option, Lender sha�I g�ve Borrower notrc� of a�ce�era�ion. The n�t�ce sha�� pravide a
<br /> peri�d of not Iess �han �he minimum number of days established by Applica�Ie Lav� firflm �he da�� �h� notice is
<br /> de�iv�red or mail�d vvithin wh��h Sarrower must pay alI sums s�cured by this Se�urity �nstrumen�. �f Borrower
<br /> f�.ils �Q pay �h�se sums prior to �h� expira��an of�his per�od, Lender may in�o�e any remed�es permi�ted by this
<br /> �ecurity Instrument w��hou�further no�ice or demand an B�rrower.
<br /> �orrovver's l�.ight t� Reinstate. �f B�rrower meets cer�ain condi�io�s, Borrawer shall ha�e �he right t� ha�e
<br /> enf�rcemen�flf thzs Secur�ty �nstru.ment d�sc�n�inued a� any��me prior�o�he ear�i�r of: �a� 5 da}�s �or such other
<br /> period as Applica��e Law may specify for re�ns�atemen��before sal�of�he Praper�y pursuant to any power�f sa�e
<br /> conta���d in �h�s 5ecur��y Znstrument; or �b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Securityr Instrum�n�. Those
<br /> �ondit�ans are �ha� Borrower: �a� pays Lend�r aIl sums which then would be due under�h�s Securiiy Instrumen�
<br /> and�he No�e as if no accelerat�on had occurred; �b) cures any defau�t of any other covenar�ts or agreemen�s; �c�
<br /> pays a��expenses incurred in enfar��ng th�s S ecurity�nstrument, including,bu�not limi�ed��,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> f�es to the exten�permitt�d by Iativ; and�d�takes su�h a��ion as Lender may reasona��y require t� assure tha�th�
<br /> �ien�f�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�,Lender's rig�.�s in�he Praperty and Borro�er's obligation to pay the sums se�ured
<br /> by�his Security �ns�rumen� sha�� con�inue u�chang�d. Up�n r�ins�a�emen� by Borrower, �h�s Security�ns�rumen�
<br /> a�d th� obliga�ians se�ured here�y sha�I rema�n fully effect�ve as �f na acce�erati�n had oc���rred. �o�e�er, this
<br /> righ�to reinstate shall no�app�y in�he case o�accelera�ion under the sec�i�n�i�led Transfer of the Pr�perty or a
<br /> F�en�f���al Int�rest in Borrawer.
<br /> Sale of Note �hange of Loan Servicer. The Nate or a par�ial �n�eres� in the Note ��ogeth�r v�ith th�s Securi�.y
<br /> �nstrumen�}may be so�d on� or mare�imes v��thou�priar no�ice ta Borrower. A sale may result�n a change in the
<br /> emtity �knovsm as the "Loan Ser�icer"} �hat callec�s periodic payments due under the N��e and this Se�urity
<br /> Instrumen�.There a�so rnay be one tir more changes of�he Loan Serv��er unrela�e�to a sa�e of the Note.If there is
<br /> a�hange flf�h�Loar�.Ser�rcer, Borrov��r wi1l b�given written no��ce of the�hange in accordan�e�vi�h the se�t�an
<br /> titled Notices and Applicable Law. The noti�e w��� s�ate the name and address nf�he nevv L�an S�rvrc�r and�he
<br /> a�dress �� which paymen�s should �� n1ad�. The no�ice wi�l a�sa contain any other informa�ion r�quired by
<br /> Appl��able Law.
<br /> I�a�ardou5 SubStances.Borrower shal�not Gause flr p�rm�t the presence,use, disp�sal, stora�e, or release of any
<br /> Ha�ard�us Subs�ances on or in�he Prop�r�y,Borrov�er shall no�do,nor allow any�ne e�se�o do,any�hir�g affect�ng
<br /> t��e Pr�p�rty tha� �s �n �i�la�i�n af any En��ronmenta� Law. The preceding two sen�ences shal� n�t ap��y �o the
<br /> p��esen�e,use,or storage on�he Prop�r�y�f smal�quan�i��es of Hazardous 5ubs�an��s�hat are gen�ra��y r�cogn�zed
<br /> t�he apprflpria��to normal resrdential uses a.r�d ta ma�ntenance af�he Property.
<br /> Borrower shaX�promptly gzve Lender written no�ice of any�n�es�iga�ion,��a�rn, demand, Iawsuzt or other act��n by
<br /> any governmen�a� or regu�a�ary agency or pr�i�ate party in�olving the Proper�y and any Haz�.rdous Substan�e or
<br /> E�vzronmenta� Law of which Borrow�r has ac�ual know�edge. �f Borrower learns, or �s notif ed by any
<br /> go�ernmen�a�or regulatory authority,�hat any removal or�ther remedia�ion of any Hazardous Subs�anc�affecting
<br /> the Praperty is n�cessary, Barrovver sha�l �romptly take aI� necessary remedzal actiflns �n �.ccardance v���h
<br /> ��v�ror�mental Law.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subst�.nce�" are thase suhstances defined as to��c or hazard�us substanc�s
<br /> b,� Enviranmental Law and �he fo�low�n� substances: gasoline, kerasene, other f�ammabl� or �ox�c petroleum
<br /> products, toxic pesticides and her�icides, �o�atrle soi��n�s, mater�als con�a�ning asbestos ar f�rmaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�i��ma�erxals.As used�n thxs paragraph, "En�iranmental Law"means federal lavvs and laws of the s�ate of
<br /> N�bras�a tha�relate�o hea�th, safety or environmen�a�protec��an.
<br /> A�celeration; Remedies. L�nder shall g��e not�ee to Borrower prior tv ae�elerativn fol�tiwi�g B�rrower's
<br /> breach of any co�enan� or agreement in this �e�uri�y Instrument �bu� no� prior t� ac�eleration �nder the
<br /> C�2404-2�I4 Compiiance Systems,In�.4958-0563-�Q13L2,3,1.8fl3
<br /> Cflnsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL243d Page 4 of 5 www,�ampiian�esystems.cam
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