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<br /> t ��14�7133
<br /> Insurance.Trus�or shall keeg Pro�erty insured agavnsti loss by f�re, fl.aod, �.eft and ot�.er�az�rds and
<br /> ris�s reasonab�� as�oc�ated with the Property due to it� type a�d �ocat�on. This insurance sh�ix be
<br /> mais�ta.in�d �i.n t.�e amounts and for the gerio� �ha� Bene�icia� requires. �hat Benef cia�y requires
<br /> pwrsuant to the pre��ding tw� �en�ences can change �.u�ag the term of �he Secured Ileb�. The
<br /> in.surance ca.rrier prc�vidu�.g�.h�in�uranc� sha�l be chosen by Trustor su�bject�o Ben�f ciary's a�rpr�val,
<br /> which sha.�I nat he unreasonabl�withheld. If Trustor fa,�I� �a ma�.ntain the coverage d�scribed above,
<br /> �enef�c�a�ry may,ar B�nefxc�ary's option,ohta.in co�erage�a pra�ec�Beneficiary's r�gh�s in the Prop�r�
<br /> a.c�ord.ir�.g�o the ternis of this S��urity Ins#rumen�.
<br /> A�1 insura.nce policies and rex��wa�s sh��� �e acceptabie to �3enefieiary and shall inc�u�e a stanc�a.rd
<br /> "mor�gage clause" and., wher{e a�glicable, "�oss p�y�ee clause." Trus�or sha�� i.mmedi.a�e�y n�t�fy
<br /> �ene�iciar�of canc�l�at�fln or t�rm�at�on of�e insurance. Benef�ciary�ha1�have t�i�right�o hold�he
<br /> palicies and rene�va�s.If r3en�f�ciasy requir�s,Trusfvr shall iaanmed�a�eiy g�ve to B�nef��ax�y a11 receip�s
<br /> af gaid�aremiums and renew�l.notices.�Jpon 1pss, Trustor shall gji�e�mmedia�e na�ic�ta�a.e i�.surance
<br /> camer and�ene�c�ary.Bene�iciar�may make pxoof of ltiss if no�made immeda.��el�b�T'rus�vr.
<br /> Unless otherwi.�e agreed in writing,a�1 inswran.c�prace�ds sb,a.x��e applied�o the res��rat�on or repair of
<br /> �he Property or to�he Secured Deb�,whe�her or not�hen due,at Bene�ciar�s ap�ian.Any app�icat�an of
<br /> pra�eeds�o princ�pal sha�l not ex�end vr p4st�one�h.e c�ue date af t�e s�hedu�ed payment nor chang�tb�e
<br /> am�un� of a,n� payment. A�.y �xcess w��� be paid �o the Trus�ar. If �he Proper�y is acquired b�
<br /> Beneficiary,Trus�ar's right�o a�.y insuran.ce palici�s a�d proceeds rssu�.lting from damage to the Propex�t�
<br /> �efore the acqui�i�ion sha�1 pass to Benefxciar�to th�ex�ent a�f f�.e Secured Debt�mmed�ately before xh.e
<br /> acquis�t�am.
<br /> Fiunancf ai lteport��nd Addit�ona�,l]ocnments.Tru�t�r wi�l pr�avride to Bene�.ciary upon reques�, any
<br /> �inancial s�atemen�or infarmativn Beneficiar�may dee�xa�a reasonably necessa�y. Trustor agre�s tn s�gn,
<br /> deliver, and fi�e any a.d.dit�onal �.ocu�nents or�cations tha�Bene�.ciary may c�n��d�r n�c�ssaxy ta
<br /> perfect, conxinu�, and pres+e�r�re Trus��r's abligat��n� under thi.s Secunty Instx�xm.en� and Beneficiary's
<br /> ��en s�tus on�1i�Prop�rty.
<br /> 6. ASS���NT QF LE�SES AND RENTS. Tru�tor �rr�vocab�y assig�s, gra.n�s and canve�s, �a
<br /> Trus�ee, in�rus� for the b�nefi� of B�nef�c�a�y as �d.d�ti.ana� securit� aIl �he r�ght, t��1e and va��rest in
<br /> �he follow�ng ta�I refe�rred to as "PrvPertY"}: existing �r future le�ses, sub�eases, Iieensesg guaranties
<br /> and an� a�her vvritt�n ar verbal a.gr�ecemen�s for the use and accupancy of the Praper�y, i�c�ud�ng any
<br /> extens�ons, renewa�s, modi�.cat�ans ar rep�acemen�s[a.��refe�red�v as"L.e�ses"}; and rent�, iss�es and
<br /> prof�ts [a�l referred xo as "R.ents"}.In the e�ent any item�xs�ed as L�ases or R�nts i�deter�mi.ned to be
<br /> persan�� proper�, th�s Assignm�nt wi1� alsv b� regaarded as a securi.ty agreeme�.t. Tx•ustar w�i�l
<br /> pron�pt�y pro�ide Ben�ficiax� vvith copies of the Leases an.d wil� cer�ify �he�se Leases are true a�d
<br /> cflrrect copxes. The ex�sting Leases �ri�1 h� gravided on e�ecutivn of�he Assi�amen�, and a1� fut�are
<br /> Lea�es and any other infanmation w�.th res�c�to�h.ese Lea�es�vill b�pravid�d. im�edai��ely after they
<br /> are executed. Trus�or may collect, recei�e, enjoy an.d use �he Rents so �on� as Trus�ar �s not in
<br /> defau��.
<br /> UpQn defau��Trust�r wi11 receive any Ren�s in brus� for Bene�ciasy a�nd v�II not�amming���he Ren�s
<br /> v�th any ather funds. Trustar agrees that �us S�curi�y Ln,strument is imYnedi�te�y effect��re betv�een
<br /> Trustor and Beneficiary a.nd effect�v� as�a �urd par�ies on�he recQrding af t�i.s Assig�men�. As long
<br /> as�us Assignment is in effect,Tarus�or wamants and represents �hat no d.efaul� �xists under�he Leases,
<br /> and the partie� su�ec� tn the Leases ha�e no� violated �ny applic�b�e lav� on �eases, licen.ses and
<br /> Iandlords and�enants.
<br /> 7. W aF TITLE. Trustor wa�rrants �ha� �'rustor �s or wi�i b� Iawfull.� seize� of�he es�a�e
<br /> - �on�eyed by �his Secu.rity Ins�rumen� and has the right xo ixre�ocabl� grant, conve�r, and se�� the
<br /> Property to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. Trustar a�sa �an�.n�s t�a� the ProperCy is
<br /> unencumb�r�d.,e�cep�for eneumbr�.nces af r�corti.
<br /> lp�ge�of9)
<br /> �1984 Wo[ters Kfuwer FlnancIal Servir,�s-�ank�ra Syat�ms� Fvrm USAAHEDT NE 813�1207 3
<br />