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��14�71�7 <br /> �]EE� �F TRLJ�T <br /> L�an N[o: 1�'l�8��88 �C�ntinued� Page 7 <br /> rentsf issues and pro�its o��he Property, including those past due �nd unpa+d; and apply the same. less <br /> cos�ts and expenses of op�ratian and collectian attorneys' �fiees, to any indebtedne�s secured by this Deed <br /> o� Trust, afl in such arder as L�nder may d�termine. The entering upon and taking possession vf the <br /> Property, the callection af such ren�s, issues and pro�Fits, and the application �hereof shal[ n�t cure or <br /> wai�e any defaul�t o� natice of default und�r�his L�eed ❑f Trust�r in�alidate any act done in response to <br /> such de�aul�or pursuan�ta such nv�ice o�default; and, notwithstanding the��ntinuance in p�ssession �f <br /> the Property or the cvll�ction, r�G�ipt and app�icatifln o�F rents, issues or pro�i�s, Trustee ar Lend�r shall <br /> be entitled to exerc�se e�ery right prv�ided far in the Note or the Rela�ed Dacuments ar by law upan th� <br /> accurrence of any event of default, including the right to exercise the power af sal�; <br /> �b� Commence an a�tion �o foreclase fihis Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoin� a recei�er or speci�Fically <br /> en�orce any of the cvWenan�s hereof; and <br /> �c} De[iver tv Trus�ee a written declara�tion of default and demand f�r sale and a wri���n notice af d��auit <br /> and elect�on to cause Trustor's interest in the Praperty ta be sold, which natice Trus�ee shall cause to be <br /> �uly fifed for recard in the apprvpria�e❑ffices �f�rhe County in whi�h the Property is loca�ed; and <br /> �d� Vllith respect t� a�[ ❑r any par�vf the Personal Proper�y, Lender shal! have all the rights and remedies <br /> of a secured party unde�fhe Nebraska Unifarm Camm�rcial �od�. <br /> Fvreciosure by Pawer❑f 5ale. I�Lender elec�ts�to far�c�ose by�xercise af fihe Power af 5a1�herein cantained, <br /> Lender shall no�ifiy Trustee and shall deposit with Trust�e this Deed a�f Trust and th� No�e and su�h receipts <br /> and eW�dence o�expenditures mad� and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may requir�. <br /> {a} Upon receip�of such notice fram Lend�r, Trustee shall cause to be �ecorded, published and delivered <br /> �o Trus�or such Notice o� a�fault and Notice af Sale as �hen required by law and by this Deed v�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, a�ter such time as may then be requir�d by law and af�er . <br /> recvrdation vf such Nofice of �efiaul� and after Notic� of Sale havin� been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> the Prvperty at the tim� and place af sale fiixed by it in su�h Na�ice ❑f Sa�e, either as a whale, vr in <br /> separate lvts or parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may�etermine, <br /> a� public auc�ion to the h�gh�sfi bidder for cash in 1aw�Ful money vf the �nited 5�ates payabfe at fhe time <br /> af sa�e. Truste� sha11 deli�e�- �o such purchaser or purchasers th�r��f its gaod and su�ficient deed or <br /> deeds cvn�eyin� �h� praperty sa sold, but without any �a�enant or warranty. express or imp[ied. The <br /> re�i�als in such deed ❑f any matters or facts shall be conclusi�e provf of th� truth�ulness �her���. Any <br /> persan, including without�imitation Trustor, Trus�ee, or Lend�r, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b� As may be p�rmit�ed by law, af�er d�duc�ing all cvsts, f�es and exp�nses of Trus�tee and of this <br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence af title in connection wi�h sale, Trustee shall appfy the prac�eds a�sa�e <br /> to payment of �i� all sums expended under the terms of this Deed of Trus�or under the t�rms o��he Not� <br /> not th�n repaid, �ncfuding but not fimited to accrued interest and late charges� �ii� all other sums then <br /> sscured hereby, and �iii� the remainder, if any, ta the person ar persans fegally enti�led there�o. <br /> {c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law pos�pane sale o�all or any portion afi the Property. <br /> Remedies Nv� Exclusirre. Trus��e and Lender. and each o�F �hem, shalE be entitled ta enforce payment and <br /> performan�e of any indeb�edness or obligatians secured by�his Deed ofi Trust and t❑ exer�ise all rights and powers <br /> under �his Deed �f Trust, under �he Note, und�r any �f the Related Documents, or under any flfiher agreement or <br /> any laws now or hereafter in f�rce; notwithsfianding, svme or all of su�h indebtedness and ❑b[iga�ions secured by <br /> �his Deed vf Trust may now or h�reaf�er be otherwis� secured, wheth�r by mvr�gage, deed �f trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment or vtherwise. Neifiher the acceptance af this Deed af T�ust nor its �nf�r�ement, whe�her by cour� <br /> a�tion �r pursuant tv the power of sale or vther paw�rs contained in �his aeed of Trus�. shal[ pre�udice or in any <br /> mann�r a��ect Trusfie�'s or Lender's r�gh� to realize upan Qr en�orc� any other s��urity naw or hereafter held by <br /> Trus�ee�r Lender, it being a�reed tha�t Trustee and Lender� and each ofi them, shal� be enti�led fio en��rce this Beed <br /> of Trus� and any other security now ar hereafter held by Lender vr Trustee in such order and manner as they or <br /> eith�r afi �hem may in their absalute discret€on determine. Na r�medy �anferred upnn or reser��d tn Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is int�nded to be exclusi�e o� any other remedy in�this Deed of Trus�or �y law pro�ided ❑� pe�mi�ted, but <br /> each shall be cumufative and shall be in addition �a ev�ry ��her rem�dy gi�en in this Deed of Trust or naw or <br /> hereafter existing at law or in equity or by sta�ute. E�ery�awer❑r remedy�iven by the N��e �r any of�th� Re�ated <br /> Documents t❑ T�usfiee or Lender or to which either c�f them may be otherwise �ntitied, may be ex�rcised, <br /> can�urr�nt[y or indep�ndently, from �ime tQ �im� and as o�ten as may be deemed expedien� by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either ❑� th�m may pursue inconsisten� remedies. Nath�ng in �his Deed �f Trus� shall �e canstrued as � <br /> prohibiting Lender fram seeking a defici�ncy judgment aga�nst the Trus�or tv the extent such ac�ivn is permi��ed by <br /> law. Ele�tian by Lender to pursue any �-emedy shall nat exclud� pursuit af any other r�medy, and an el�ction �� <br /> make exp�nditur�s or �o take ac�ian �ta per�arm an obligation �f Trust�r under this D��d af Trust, af�er Trustar's <br /> failu�e ta perform, sha�l no�affect Lender's right t❑ declare a defiault and exercise its remedies. <br /> R�quest for Nvtice. Trustor, �n behalf of Trustor and L�nder� hereby requ�s�s that a �opy of any Notice of Default . . <br /> � and a copy af any NotE�e of SaI� und�r�his De�d of Trust be mailed to them at the address�s set far�h in the�first <br /> para�raph of this De�d af Trust. <br /> A�torneys' Fees: Expenses. if Lender �nstitut�s any sui� or action to enfarce any vf the terms ❑f this De�d of <br /> Trus�, Lender shall be en�itled ta recoWer such sum as the court may ad�udge reas�nable as attorneys' f��s at�rial <br />