<br /> ��14�71�7
<br /> �]EE�] C]F TR�J�T
<br /> L��n iVo: 'I�'��8��88 �C�]nt�rlu�d� Page 5 �
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lend�r in connectian with�he condemnation. . . � �
<br /> IIViP�SITI�N []F TAXES. FEES AN!] CHAR�ES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RiTIES. The folfawing pravisions re[a�ing
<br /> to gv�ernm�ntal tax�s, fees and charg�s are a part of this Deed of Trust;
<br /> �urrent Taxes. Fees and Charges. �pan request by Lender, Trus�or shall �xecute such documents in additian �o
<br /> th�s Deed ��F Trust and take whate�er other acti�n is re�uested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien �n
<br /> the Rea� Praperty. Trustor shall r�irnburse Lender fvr all taxes, as descrihed below, to�ether �nrith all expenses
<br /> incur�ed in recarding, perf�cting or continuing �h�s Deed a� T�us�t, including without limitation all �kax�s, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and other charges for recardin� or registering this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The foll�wing shall �ons�itute taxes t� whi�h this sec�ion applies; ��� a specifi� �ax upan this type of
<br /> ❑�ed of Trust vr upon all or any par� vf the Indebtedness secured by this Dee� of Trust; ��7 a speci�i� �ax an
<br /> B�rrawer which Borrawer �s au�harized ❑r requir�d �o deduct from paym�nts on the lndebtedness secured by�his
<br /> type of Deed of Trust; {3} a tax on this typ� of aeed o�Trust charc�eable agains�the Lender or the hold�r af the
<br /> Not�; and �4� a specific tax an all or any portion of the lndebtedness or on payments of principal and interest
<br /> made by Borrow�r.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes, lf any tax ta which this sec�ifln applies is enacted su�sequent t❑ the da�e of this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall have the same ef�ect as an E�ent of Default, and L�nder may exercise any or all of its
<br /> a�aila�le remedies far an E�en�t af 1]��ault as provided beiow unless Trustor either {1 y pays the �ax bef�re i�
<br /> hecomes delinqu�nt, or {�} can�ests the tax as pro�id�d above �n th� Tax�s and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient cvrparate sure�y bond or ather se�urity satis#ac��ry tv Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT: FINANCING STATEMENTS. The �ollov�ring pro��sions rela�ing to this ❑e�d of Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part o�this �]��d o�Trust:
<br /> Security A�reem�nt. This ins�rumen� shall cons�titute a Security Agreement ta the extent any of �he Proaerty
<br /> canstitutes fiixtures, and Lend�r sha�l hav� a�l of the rights of a secured par�y under�he LJn�form C�mmercial Cade
<br /> as amended from tim��to time.
<br /> Security int�rest. Upan request by Lender. TrustQr shal! take whate�er action is requested by Lender �o perfe�t
<br /> and continue Lend�r's security interest in the Ren�s and Persanal Property. In addifiion to recording this Deed o�
<br /> Trust in the real praperty records, Lender may� at any �ime and wi�hout further au�horiza�ion from Trus�or, file
<br /> execut�d counterpar�s, copies vr r�pr�duc�ians �f �his Deed of Trust as a financing statement. Trus�or shall
<br /> reimburse Len�er for a�E expenses incurred in p�rfec�ing or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustor
<br /> shal� not rema�e, se�er or de�ach the Personal Proper�y �rom �he Property. Upon de�ault� Trustor shal� assemble
<br /> any Personal Proper�y not af�ixed tn the Property in a manner and at a pla�e reasonab[y �on�enient�o Trus��r and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ailabie �Q L�nder ►rvithin three {3} days aft�r receipt of written demand from Lender to the
<br /> exten�permi�ted by app�icab�e law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailin� address�s o� Trustor {debfinr} and Lender tsecured par�yy fr�m whi�h in�ormation
<br /> concerning the security int�rest �ranted by this ❑eed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uni�orm
<br /> Commercia! Cvde� are as sta�ed on the�irst page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATTDRNEV-lN-FAGT. The fQElawing provisions relating to further assurances and
<br /> attorney-�in�fact are a par�of this Deed ��Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time. and from time ta tirne, upon request of Lender. Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> d�liWe�, or will cause to be made, execu�ted or de�i�ered, to Lender or�o Lender's d�signe�, and when reques�ed f�y
<br /> Lender, cause �o be �iled, reco�ded, refiled, or rerecorded, as �he case may be, at such times and !Cl SUCh O��IC�S
<br /> and plac�s as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such mortgag�s, d�eds of trust, securi�y deeds, security
<br /> agreem�nts, financing s�atem�n�s, continua�ion statemen�s� instruments o� turther assurance, certifica��s, and
<br /> ather documents as may, in the sole opinian of Lender, be necessary or d�sirable in �rd�r to e��fec�uate, cvmpfe�e,
<br /> p�rfect, cont�nue, or preserWe ��y Barrower's and Trustvr's obligations under �he N�te, this Deed of T�ust, and
<br /> th� Relat�d Documents, and ��y �he liens and security int�r�sts crea�ed �y this Deed of Trust as firs� and prior
<br /> liens on the Proper�y, whe�her nvw o�rvned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. Unl�ss prohibi�ed by law or Lender
<br /> agrees to the c�ntrary in writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender far all casts and expens�s in�urr�d in conne�tion
<br /> wi�h ths ma�ters referred ta in�his paragraph. .
<br /> Afitorney-in-Fa�t. If Trustor fails to do any o�the �hings r�f�rred to in the pr�c��ing paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and in �he name of Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre��cably appaints
<br /> L�nder as Trustor`s attorney�in-fac�fvr the purpose of mal�ing, executing, deliv�ring, filing, recarding, and doing a1�
<br /> o�her things as may �e necessary ar desirable, in Lender's sale opinian, �C� accomplish the matters re�erred to in
<br /> the pr��eding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RNIANCE. If Borrow�r and T�ustor pay all the Indeb�edness, inc[uding withau� limitation all future
<br /> advances, when due, and Trustor otherwise perfarms al!the obligatians imp�sed upon Trust�r und�r this D��d ��Trust,
<br /> Len�er sha�l execute and delii�er�tv_`�rus�ee a r��ues� for full recon��}rance and shall execut� and deliWer to Trustar
<br /> suitable statements r��termination o� any financing statement an file eWidencing Lender's seGurity �nterest in the R�nts
<br /> and the Personal Pr�perty. Any re�onveyanG� fee required �y law shall be paid by Trustor, Ef permitted by applicable
<br /> la►nr.
<br />