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� ��14�7�41 <br /> BQRR��R C�VENANTS thax Borrawer is�avvfully se�sed.of the es�ate hereby con�e�ed an.d has�he right ta <br /> grant and con�ey�he Proper�ar�d that the Prop�r�y is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> B�rrower wa.rrants and wi11 defend genera].�y�he tit�e xa Che Property agaxnst a�.i c�axms and dem,ands, subje.ct�o <br /> any encumbrances of recc�rd. <br /> THiS SE�UR�TY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants for nationa.�use and nan--uniform co�enants with <br /> Iirnit�d.�arxations by jurisdictian to con�titute a uruform s�urity ins�rument co�ering reai,property. � <br /> Un�form Co�enants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agr�e as falio�vs: <br /> '�. Payment of Princrpai. Interest, Escrow �tems. Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha�.x pay when due the princxpal of, and int�rest on, �he deb�evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the Note. Borro�er shali ais�pay funds for Es�row Y�ems pursuant to . <br /> Section 3. Paymen�s due under the Nv�e and�his Securi�Instrument sha�I be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, if any check or other ins�tru.ment recei�ed by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security f <br /> Instrument�s returned ta Lender unpa�.d, Lender may require that any or ai� subsequen�payments due und�r <br /> � the Note and th�s Secwr�.ty Instrument be made in one or more of the follo�ving forms, as sexect�by Lender; <br /> �a}cash; �b}m�ney order; �c}cert��ed check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any <br /> such cheCk is drawn upon an institution�rhose deposits are in,sured by a f�derai a�ency, insxrumenta.�ity, ar <br /> entity; or�d} E�ectronic Funds Tran.sfer. • <br /> Payments are deemed received by Lender�vhen r�ce��ed at the l�ca�ion the Note or at such <br /> �ther xncation as may be designated by I,ender in accordance wi�h the notice pro�isions in Se�txon �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment or par��al payment xf�h�payment or par�ial payrnen�s ar�insufficient�a <br /> � �ring�he Loan current. Lender may accept an�r payment or partxa�payment�nsuff cient�o bring the Loan <br /> curren�, w�thaut v�ra.i�rer of any r�ghts hereunder ar prejudice�a i�s r�ghts�o refuse such pa�rmen�or part�al <br /> payments in the fu�ure, but Lender is not obX�gated tio app�y such payments a�th.e�ime suc�.paym�nts are <br /> accepxed.. �f each Periodic Payment�s applxed as of its schedu�ed du�date, then Lender need.not pay in�ere�t <br /> on unappl�ed funds. I.�nder may�o1d such unapg�xed funds un���Borrower makes paymen�s to br�ng�he � <br /> Loan curren�. �f�rrawer does nax do so w�thin a reasonable period of�ime, Lender sha��either appXy such <br /> funds or return them to Barrawer. If na�app�ied earlier, such funds will b�applied to the vuts�anding <br /> przncipal balance under Yhe No�e imm�dia�eiy prior�o foreciosure. No offset or which E�rrovver might <br /> have now or in�he fu�ure again�st Lender shal.I relie�e Borro�rer from ma.king payments due under the Note <br /> and fihis Security Instru.ment or pe�-forming the covenants and agreements se�ured by th�is Securi�y <br /> Instrumenti. <br /> 2. App�ication of Payments or Proceeds. Exc�pt as o�hervvise descr�bed in this Secti�n 2, a1I payments <br /> accep�ed and appx�ed by Lender sha11 be app�ied in the fol�ow�ng order of prio�.ty: �a}interest due under�he <br /> Note; �b}princrpa.�due under the Note; �c}amounts due under S�ctian 3. Such payments shall be app�xed�o <br /> each Periodxc Paymen��.n the�rder in vvh�ch xt became due. Any remaining amoun�s sha11 be app�ied fxrst to <br /> 1a�e charges, second to any o�her amnunts due under�iis SeGuri� Instrument, and�hen to reduce�he <br /> principa�balance of the Note. <br /> If Lender receives a payment from Bc�rrower for a delxnquen�Per�odic Paymen�which inCludes a suffYcien� <br /> amount to pa�any late charge due, tihe payment may�e app��ed to the de�inquent payment and the�a�e <br /> charge. If mor��han,one Per�odic Payment is ou�standing, Lender ma.y app�y any paymen�received from <br /> B�rrower to the repayment of the Period�c Payments if, and ta the ex�en�th.a�, each payment can b�paid in <br /> fu11. To�he extent that any excess exis��after�he paymen�is app��ed�o�h.e fu11 payment of one or more <br /> Per�odic Paymenxs, such excess may be applred ta any�ate charges due. �'aluntary prepaym�n�s sha11 b� <br /> app��ed first to any prepayment charges and th�n as described in the Noxe. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famzfy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUIIIlENT Form 3028 1!01 <br /> VMP C� 1fNiP6tNE}(13�2�,00 <br /> . Wo�t�rs KIuwer Financia�Ser�ices Pag�4 of 17 <br /> .. <br />