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��14�7��7 <br /> 11. ENVIR.�NNIENTAL LAWS ANI� I3AZ.ARDQUS SiJBSTANCES. As used in this sec�i�n, <br /> (1} Env�ronmental Lav�r mea.n.s, vvithout limitation, the Compr�h�nsxve Enviranmental Resp�nse, <br /> Compensatian and Liability Ac� �CERCLA, 42 U.S.�. 96�1 et seq.}, and a1� �ther federal, state and 1oca1 <br /> 1aws, r�gulations, �rdinances, cflurt ord�rs, a��orney genera�, opinions ar �nterpreti�e letters cancerning the <br /> public h�al�h, safety, welfare, �nvironment or a hazardaus substance; and��} Hazardous Su�bstance means any <br /> toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, vvaste, pol�u�ant ar contaminant which has characteristics wh�ch <br /> render �he subs�ance dangerous or potential�y dangerous to the pub�ic health, safety, we�fare or environm�nt. <br /> The term includes, without lunitation, any substances de�ned as "hazard�us mater�al.," "toxic substances," <br /> "hazardaus waste" or "hazardaus substanc�" under any En�riranmental Law. <br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agrees tha�: <br /> A.Except as pre�xous�y disclosed and acknow�edged in wrrting to Seneficiary, no Hazardous Substance i� <br /> or wil� be loca�ed, stnred or released on or in the Properry. This restrxctxon does nat apply t� sma11 <br /> quantities of Hazard�us Substances that are g�n�rally recognized to �e appropr�ate far the normal use <br /> and maintenance�f�he Property. <br /> B. Except as pre��ausly disclosed and acknow�edged in writing to Bene�ciary, Trustflr an.d every tenant <br /> have been, are, and shal.� remaxn�n full comp�iance with any applicab�e Env�ranmenta� Law. <br /> �.Tru�tor sha1l imm�diately notify Beneficiary if a release or threatened release af a Ha.zardous Substance <br /> occurs on, under or about the Property or there xs a vioiation of any Enviranmental Law�oncerning the <br /> Praperty, rn su�h an event, Trustor shall take all necessary remed�al action in accardance wYth any <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> D,Trustor sha.�� xmmediate�y not�fy Benefxciary in writing as soon as Trustor has reasan�o bel�eve�h�re is <br /> any pending ar threatened inves��ga�ion, �laim, ar proceeding re�ating to the release ar threatened <br /> release flf any Hazardous 5ubstanc�or the vi��ation flf any Enviranmental Law. <br /> 12. ES�RC3W F�R TA�ES AND INSURANCE. Unless �th�rwxse provided in a separate agreement, Trustor <br /> wi�l not be required to pay to Bene�ciary funds for tax�s an.d insurance in escraw. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; C�-SIGNERS; Si�C�ESSQRS AND ASSIGNS B�UND. Al� <br /> duties under this Security Ynstrumen� are joint and individual. If Trus�or signs this 5�cur�ty Znstrument but <br /> daes nat sign an evidence of debt, Trustor do�s so o�a].y �o mortgage Trustar's �nterest �n the Proper� to <br /> secure payment of th�Secured Debt and Trustar does not agree to be personally xxab�e fln th�Secur�d Debt. If <br /> this Secur�ty �nstrument secures a guaranty between Senefxcxary and Trustor, Trustor agrees ta waive any <br /> r�ghts that may pre��nt Beneficiary from bringing any action or claim against Trustor or any party indebted <br /> under�he ob�igatian. These rights may include, but are n�t Iimited�o, any anti-d�fi�i�ncy�r on�-act�on laws. <br /> The duties and benef�ts of th�s Security Instrument shal�bxnd and benefit the succ�ssors and assigns af Trustor <br /> and Benef��iary. <br /> 14. SEVER.ABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Security �nstru.ment �s camplete and fully int�grated. This <br /> 5ecurity Instrument may not be amended ar modxf��d by oral agreemen�. Any section in this S�curzty <br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related ta the Secured Debt that c�nflicts with ap�Iicable�aw wYll <br /> nat be �ffecti�e, unless tha� law express�y or impiied�y permits the var�atians by written agreemen�. �f any <br /> section of this Security rnstrument cannat be enforced according to xts t�rms, �hat section will be severed and <br /> w��� nat affect th� enforceabil�ty of the rema.inder of this Securxty �nstrument. Whenever used, the singular <br /> shall �nclude�he plural and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of the sections of this Securxty <br /> Instrument are for convenience only an.d are nat t� be used to interpret or def�ne the terms of this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument. Tune is of�he essence in this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 15. SUC�ESS�R TRUS'I`EE. Benefi��ary, at B�n�f�ciary's optxon, may from time to tim� r��ove Trustee and <br /> appoint a successar trustee withou� any other f�rma�.xty�han the designa�ion�n writing. The�=uccessor trustee, <br /> without con�eyance of th�Property, shal� succeed to a11 �he title, power and duties c�nferred upon Truste�by <br /> this Security �ns�rument and app�icable law. <br /> .;._ . __. . . . .. . .. <br /> 16. N�TI�E. Unless otherwise requYr�d by �aw, any notice shall b� gz:ven:by:deli�ering it �r by ma�ling �t by <br /> f�rst class xnail to the approprYate party's address an page I of th�s 5ecur�ty �nstrument, ar to any ather <br /> address designated in writing. No��ce to one �rustar wi�I be rdeemed�to��be notice to a1I trustars. Trustflr and <br /> Benefxciary h�reby request a capy of an� notxce af defau�t, and a copy of any no��ce of sale thereund�r, be <br /> mailed to each party a�the address for such par�y set forth on page 1 of th�s Security�ns�rument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. E�cept to the extent prohibxt�d by law, Trustar waxves a.�� appraisement and homes�ead <br /> �x�mptian rzghts re�ating ta the Prop�rty. <br /> 1S. LINE �F CREDIT. The Secured Debt includes a r�volving �ine of�r�dit. Althaugh the Secured Debt may <br /> be reduced�o a zero baI.ance, this Securit��nstrument w�ll remaYn in effe�t until re�eased. <br /> Se��rity Instrument-Dpen-�ncf-C�nsumer-NE �CP-R�aT-NE 71212Q�1 <br /> VMPC►�Ban{cers Systemsn'^ VMP-C4E5fNEy (�1 Q7y.OD <br /> Wolters K[uwer Finan�ia[Services Q1994,2D1'l P�g��tit� <br /> i <br />