<br /> Property Cond�tion, Ait�rations and Insp�cti�n. Trustor will keep �he Property in go�d cond�tion and
<br /> make aII repairs that axe reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not comm�t or allow any waste, impairm�n�, or
<br /> deterx�rat�on of the Praper�y. Trustor agrees that the nature of the accupancy and use wi�l not substantialxy
<br /> chan.ge wi�haut Benef�ciary's prinr vvr�tten �onsent. Trustar w��� no� permit any change �n any license,
<br /> r�str�ctive cavenant or easem�nt vvithout Beneficiary's prior writ�en consen�. Trustar wili not�fy Beneficiary
<br /> of all d�mands, proceedings, claims, and actions agaxnst Trust�r, and of any loss ar�iamag�to the Property.
<br /> Bene�c�ary ar Benefxciary's ag�nts may, at Bene�c�ary's opt�on, �nter the Praperty at any reasonable time far
<br /> the purpase of �nsp�cting the Properry. Beneficiary sha11 g�ve Trustor notice at the ta�me af or before an
<br /> ins�eCt�on specifying a reasanabl�purpose for the�nspection. Any insp�ction of the Property sha11 be entxrely
<br /> for Benefzciary's benefit and Trustor wi��xn no vvay rely on Beneficiary's xnspectian.
<br /> Authar�ty to Perfarm. If Trust�r fai�s to perfarm any duty or any of�he c�venan�s conta.�ned�n�his Security
<br /> Instrum.ent, Beneficiary ma�, without no�ice, perfarm ar cause them tfl be perfarmed. Trus�or appoints
<br /> Senefic�ary as attorn�y in fact ta sign Trustor's name ar pay any amount necessary far performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's righ� to perform for Trustor sha�I not create an ab�igation to perform, and Beneficiary's fai�ure
<br /> ta perform wil� not preclude �en�f�ciary from cxercising any of Benef�ciary's other rights under the Iaw or
<br /> this S�curYty rnstrument.
<br /> Leasehoxds; Condomin�ums; Planned Unit Develogments. Trustor agrees ta comply vtr�th the provxs�ons af
<br /> any leas� �f this Security Instrument �s on a�easehold. If th� Praperty includes a unit in a condomuuum ar a
<br /> planned uzut developm�nt, Trustar will perform aI1 af Trustar's duties un.der the covenants, by-1aws, or
<br /> regulativns of the condominium or planned unit d�velopment.
<br /> CondemnatY�n. Trustor will gi�e B�n�f�cxary prompt notxce af any �endin.g or threatened act�on, by private
<br /> or public entities to pur�hase or take any or a11 of the Property through condemnation, eminent domaua., or
<br /> any other means. Trust�r author�zes Bene�ciary to intervene in Trustor's name in any of the abvve described
<br /> actxflns or claims. Trustor assigns to Beneficiary the proceeds of any award ar claim for damages conn�cted
<br /> wYth a condemnatian or other taking of a�.l ar any part of the Property. Such proceeds sha.�i be cons�dered
<br /> paym�nts and wi11 be appl�ed a.s pra�id�d �n thzs 5ecurity Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subj�ct
<br /> to the t�rms of any prior mor�gage, de�d of trust, security agreement or oth�r lien document.
<br /> Insurance. Trustor sha11 keep Property insured against Ioss by fire, flood, th�ft an.d other hazards and risks
<br /> reasanab�y assaciated w�th the Property due to its type and�ocation. This insuran.ce sha�I be mai.ntained in the
<br /> amaunts and for the perzods that �enef�c�ary requir�s. What Beneficiary requires pursuant �o th� pr�cedxng
<br /> twa sentences can change durxng the term af th� Secured Debt. The �nsurance carri�r pr�viding th� insurance
<br /> shall be chosen �y Trustor subject to Senef�c�a.ry's appr�val., wh�ch sha11 not be unreasonably withheld. If
<br /> Trus�or fa.ils to mainta.in the �overage described ab��e, Beneficiary may, at �eneficiary's optifln, nbta�n
<br /> caverage to protect Benef�ciary's rights in the Propert�y acc�rding to the terms af this Securxty Instrumen�.
<br /> A�� �nsurance polxcies and renewals shalX be acceptable to Beneficiary and sha.l.l includ� a standard "mortgage
<br /> Glause" and, where applicable, "�oss payee cxause." Trustor shalX immediat�ly not�fy B�n��ciary of
<br /> cancellation or t�rmination flf the insurance. Ben�fx�zary shall have the right tfl h�ld the pol�cies and
<br /> r�newa.l.s. Zf Benef�c�ary requ�res, Trustor shall immed�at�ly give to Beneficiary al.l re�eipts of pa�,d premiums
<br /> and renewai notices. Upon x�ss, Trus�or shal.l gxve i.mmed�at�notice to the insurance carr�er and B�ne�ciary.
<br /> Benef�ciary may make proof of loss if not made�.mmec�iately by Trus�or.
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in wrxting, all insurance praceeds sha1l be applied to the restoration or repaxr af the
<br /> Property or t� the Secured Debt, whether nr not then due, at Benefic�ary's option. Any appxi�atian of
<br /> pr�ceeds to pr�ncipal sha.l.� not extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor change th�
<br /> amaunt af any payment. Any excess wzl� be paid to �he Tru.stor. If the Prop�rty is acquired by B�nef�c�ary,
<br /> Trustor's right ta any xnsurance policies and pro�eeds resu�txng fr�m damage ta the Properry bef�re the
<br /> acquisitian sha.�l pass ta Benef�c�ary t�the extent of the Secured Debt immediately befor��he acquisition.
<br /> Financial Rep�rts and Additiona� Documents. Trus�ar wil� prnvid� ta Beneficiary upon request, any
<br /> financial stat�ment or infvrmatx�n Beneficiary may deem reasonab�y necessary. Trustor agrees to s�gn,
<br /> deliver, and f�le any add�tional documents or certxficatians that Benefxc�a.ry may cans�der necessary ta p�rfect,
<br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's abligations under �his Security Instrument and Beneficiary's �ien status on
<br /> the Prvperty.
<br /> G. VV Y �F'TITLE. Trustor warran�s tha� Trustar �s ar wi11 b� lawfu��y seized of the estate conveyed
<br /> by this Security�nstrument and has th�r�ght to irrevacab�y grant, con�ey, and sell the Property�o Trustee, in
<br /> trust, v�rith power of sale. Trustor alsn warrants �ha�the Praperty �s unencumbered, e�cept for encumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. l]UE �N SALE. B�n�fxc�ary may, a� its op�ian, declare th� entire balance af the Secur�d Debt to be
<br /> immediat�ly due and payable upon the creation of, or contra�t for the creation of, a transfer ar sale of a.X� or
<br /> any part of the Praperty. ThYs right is subject to the restrictions impased by federal �aw �12 C.F.R. 591}, as
<br /> applicable.
<br /> Sec�arity lnstrum�nt-Dpen-End-CansUm�r-NE OCP-REDT-NE 7121ZD11
<br /> VMP�Ban[cers Systems�'" VMP-C4fi5(NEy ����7�.0❑
<br /> Wolters K[uwer Fir�ancial 5e��ices Q�994,ZD1 T Page 3 oi 6
<br />