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��14��9�9 <br /> fu.11 of�.�1 sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�rumen�. H�wever, th�s op�tion shall no� be e�e��c�sed by Lender �f <br /> ��erc�se is prohibited by federal la�as of the da�e of this Security�nst�ru�men�. <br /> If Lender �xer��ses this aptian, Lender shal� give Borr�v�er no�ice of acceleration. Th� notice �ha�I �rov�de a <br /> p�rifld af no� less �han�h� minimum number flf days established by App�i�a��e La� fram �he date th� not�ce is <br /> d�li�ered or maxl�d vvithin Which Borrower must pay a�l sums seGured by th�s Security �nstrumen�. If Bflrrower <br /> fails �� pa� �hese sums prior�o �he exp�ration of th�s p�riod, Lender may �n�ol�e any r�med��s perm�t��d b�th�s <br /> 5�curi�y�ns�rument vvi�hout fur�her notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> B�rrov�erts Right �o Reinstate. �f Barrow�r meets cer�ain cond�tions, Barrawer shall ha�e the right ta have <br /> enforcement of�his Security �nstrumen� discon��nued at an�time pr�or ta the ear��er of: �a) S �iays �or such o�her <br /> p�riod as App�icab�e Law may spec�fy for reir�sta.tement�before sale of the Properry pursuan�ta any pa�ver of sale <br /> con�a�ned in �his Secur�ty Instrumen�; or ��� �n�ry of a �udgmen� enforc�ng thzs Secur��.y �nstrum��at. Those <br /> conditions ar� �hat Barr�wer: �a} pays Lend�r a�l sums which �hen would b� due under this Securi�y �nstrumen� <br /> and the Contract as if no a��e�era�ion had occr.�rred;(b}cures any default of any other cavenax�ts or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays all expenses�ncurred in enforcing this Securi�y�ns�rument, zncluding,but n�t lirnite��o,r�asonable at�orneys' <br /> fees to�he extent permitted by Iaw; and����akes su�h action as Lender may reasflnably requ�re�o assure�ha�the <br /> li�n�f�his Securi�y Instrum.ent, L�nder's r�gh,ts in the Property and Bflrrower's obligati�n�o pay�he sums secur�d <br /> b� this S�curity �nstrument sha1l cflntinue un�changed. Upoxz re�ns�at�m�nt by Borrower, �his �5ecuri�y I�s�rumen� <br /> and th� o�ligations se�ured hereby shall remain fu�Iy effective as �f no acceleration had occurred. Hti���er, this <br /> ri�h�to reins�ate shall no�apply in the�ase of accelera�ion under the section titled Transfer�f the Pr�perty or a <br /> B�nef��ia�Int�rest in Barrower. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances.Borrower sha��na�cause or permit the pres�nce,use, disposa�, starage, or re���.se of an� <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in th�Proper�y.F3orrower shall no�do,nor a�lav�anyone else�o do,any�hing affec�ing <br /> the Prop�rfiy that is in �iolation of any Envirflnmental La�v. Th� preceding �wo sen�ences sh�.l� not apply �o the <br /> presence,use,nr storage on�he Property of sn�all quan�i�ies af Ha�ardous Su�stanc�s�hat are generally recogn�zed <br /> to be appropriate to narmal residential uses and t�ma�n�enance af the Praper�y. <br /> B�rrov�er sha��prompt�y g�v�Lender�ri�ten��at�ce af any investxga��on,��aim,demand, lav�su�t�r other action by <br /> any governmer�ta� or regula�ory agency ar private party inWalving the Property and any Ha�ardous Subs�ance or <br /> E�.�irorz�men�al Lav� of v�hich B�rro�er has a�tual kno��edge. �f Borrawer Iearns, ar is no��fzed by any <br /> ga�ernmental�r regulatory authority,tha�any removal or vther remedia�zan�f any Hazardnus Substanc�affec�ing <br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borrower shal� �romp�Iy take all necessary remed�al ac�ians in accardance vvith <br /> Enviror�.menta�Law. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Su�st��nc�s" are �hose subs�an�es defined as�ox�c ar hazardous substances <br /> b;� Envir�nmental �.aw and the follov�ing s��bstances: gas�l�n�, keros�ne, ��her flammab�e or �ox�c pe�ra�eum <br /> produc�ts, tox�c pes�icid�s and herbicides, �o�a�i�e so�ven�s, mater�a�s con�ainin� asbes�os or formald�hyde, and <br /> rad�oac��ve ma�erials.As used�n th�s paragraph, "Envirox�mental Law"means federal Ia�s and laWs of��e s�a�e of <br /> N�braska�ha�relate to heal�th, safety or exzvzronmental pro�ec�ion. <br /> A�celeratian; Remed�es. Lender shall g�ve no���e to Borrower prior �o acceleratian fvllowing B�rrower's <br /> breach of any cvvenant or agreemen��n th�s Security InStrument vr�he�on�ract under r�vh�ch ac�e�erat�an <br /> is permitted �but not prior to acceleration und�r the sectian tit�ed Transfer of the Property or a �3enef�ciaZ <br /> Irnteres� in B�rrower, unZe�s App�i�able La�w pro�ides �therw�se). The natic� sha�I 5pe�ii�y: (a� th� defaul�; <br /> (�� th� act�on required ta cure the defau�t; �c} a date, nnt IeSs than the minimum number of day5 <br /> �stablished by Applz�able Law from the da�e�he notice is given �o Borrower, by which t�a.e defau�t must be <br /> ��red; and �d) tha� failure to cure the default vn or before the date specx�ed in the natice may result in <br /> accelerati�n of thQ sums secured by this Seeur�ty In�trument and sale of the Property. T� the extent <br /> permi�ted by�aw, the not��e shail further �nform I3orra�ver af�he right �o r�instat� af�er acce�er�t�on and <br /> �he r�ght ta bring a court action to ass�r���e n�n-existen�e of a default or any oth�r defense of I3�r°rower�fl <br /> a�celeration a�d sale. If the defau�t is not �ured an or before the da�e spe�ified in the nvt��e, Lender at its <br /> �p�ion rnay r�qu�re immed�ate payment in fuil af aIl 5ums secured by this Security Instrument w�thout <br /> further demand and may in�oke the pov�er of sale and any flther remedies permitted b;� �►ppl�cahle Law. <br /> Tv �he extent perm�tt�d by law, Lender slhal� be entitled to co��ect a�� expenses incurr�d in pur�u�ng the <br /> r�medi�s prov�ded in this Se���on, �ncludin�, but not��mite� �o, reasonable attorneys' f�e5 a�ad co��s of t�tle <br /> �vidence. <br /> If th�pow�r of sale is in�oked,Trus�ee shal� record a n�tice of default in each c�un�y x�n which any part of <br /> the Proper�y i� Iocat�d and shall mail capi�s of su�h notice in the manner pr�scribed by Applicabl�Law to <br /> �3vrr�wer and to the other persons prescr�ibed by Applicable Law. After th� time required hy A�pl�cable <br /> �..�aw, Trustee sha�l g�ve pubt�c notrce �f s�le �Q the persons and in �he manner prescr�bed by Applicab�e <br /> �aw. Trustee,withaut demand vn B�rrower, shall seli the Prflper�y at pub�ic au�t�on ta��h�high��t b�dder <br /> at the t�me and pia�e and under the��rms designated in the nv�iCe of sale in❑ne or mor��parcels arnd�n any <br /> order 'I`rustee determ�nes. Trustee may p�stpone sale of a�l or any parcel af the I'�-vperty by publ�� <br /> ar�nouncement at the txme and place of any pre��ously 5ch�duled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> the l�roperty at any sale. <br /> iJ�pon r�ceipt of payment af the price bid, 'Tru�tee sha�� deliver t� the purchaser Trustee's deed �onvey�ng <br /> the Property. The rec��als in the Trustee's r�eed sha�l b� pr�ma facie evidence of�he trut� of�he s��te�nents <br /> �n�de there�n. TruSte� shal� appiy the proceeds of the sale in the fo��owing order; �a} �o all �o�t� and <br /> expe�s�s of exercising the power of sale, and the sate, including the payment of the Truste�'s fee� actual�y <br /> �2444-2�13 Comp�ian�e Systems,Inc.�F96-d279-24i 3L2.0,72l <br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity�nstrument DL2435 Pag�4 of 5 wr,r�w,�ampliancesystems.cQFn <br />