<br /> Ap��ic�b�e Law. As used �n �h�s Security �nstrumer�t, �he term "App�i�able Law" shall m�eam aIT �ontro�l�ng
<br /> applicable federal, state and Xoca� statut�s, r�gulations, ordinances and adm�n�stra�ive rules arnd orders ��ha�ha�e
<br /> the�ffe���f�aw},as wel�as al�applicabie final,nomwappea�able jud�cial�pinions.
<br /> �harges; Liens, Borrov�er shall pa� a�l taxes, assessments, charges, fines and imposi��ons attribut�.bl� �o �he
<br /> Pr�pert�which may at�ain priarity�v�r this �ecur��y �nstrumen�, and leasehold paymen�s or�round re��s, if any.
<br /> A��he r�quest�f Lender,Borrower shal�prarr�pt�y furnish to Lender r��eipts e�idencing�he paymen�s.
<br /> Barr�v��r shal�promptly discharge any I�en��hich ha�pr�orz�y over this Securi�r Instrumen�unl�ss B�rrower: �a}
<br /> �.�rees �n v�riting �a �he payment of the obl�gati�n s�cured by the �ien in a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> �an�es�s ux gflod fai�h the lien by, �r defends aga�.nst enfnrcement of the Iien in, lega� procePdings w�ich �n�he
<br /> L�nd�r's flpin�on �perate ta pre�ent �he enf�r�ement of the Ii�n; or �c� secures fram �he halder of�he lien an
<br /> �.greement satisfac�ory to Lender sub�rdina��r�zg�he lien to thi� Secur�ty Instrument. �f Lender�determin��that any
<br /> par� of�he Proper� is sub3e�t�o a lien wh�ch may a�tain pr�ori�y over�his Security �nstrum�r�t, �end�r may g��e
<br /> B�rrower a nat�ce iden��fying the l�en. Borra�ver shall satisfy th.e l��n ar take on� or m�re af�he ac�ior�s se�farth
<br /> �bave v�ithxn ��days of�he gi�ing flf notice.
<br /> Hazard or Proper�y Insurance. Borrower s�hall keep�he impro�emen�s now exis�ing or h�reaft�r erec�ed on the
<br /> Proper�insured aga�nst�oss by f re,hazards�nc�uded wi�hxn�he term"extended coverage" and any o�h�r hazards,
<br /> including floods or floodzng, for wh�ch Len�der requires insurance. Th�s insurance sha1� b� ma�nta�ned �n �he
<br /> a�ounts and for the periods tha�Lend�r r�qu�res.The insurance carr�er pro�xd�ng�he insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> B�rrov��r subjec� to Lender's approval which shall no� be unreasonably withheld, rf Barrov��er fails �o maintain
<br /> �average described above, Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, obta�n caverage t� pro�ec� Len�er's rights in the
<br /> Proper��n acc�rdance v��th sec��on t�t�ed Protect�an of L►ender's Rights in the Praperty.
<br /> A�� insurance palicies and r�newals shal� b� ,a.ccep�ab�e to Lender and shall �nclude a s�andard mor�gag� c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have�he righ��o hold the po��cies and r�newals. If Lend�r requires, Barrower sh���promp�ly g��e�a
<br /> Lender al�receipts of paid premiums and renewal no�ices. In the e�ent af Ioss, Borrower sha�� gi�e prampt notice
<br /> �o�he i�zsuran�e carrier and Lend�r.Lender may make�roflf of loss if no�made pramptly by Barrower.
<br /> ZJ�less Lender and B�rravver ��herwise agr�e �n wr�t�ng, znsurance praceeds shal� be applied �o res�oration ar
<br /> repair af the Property damaged, �f, ir� Lender's sole discretion, �he restorat�an or repair is ecranom�cally feasible
<br /> ar�d Lender's secur�t� �s no� lessened. �f, in Lender's sole discretion, �h� res�ora�ion or repair �s not econflmically
<br /> fe�s�b�e ar Lender's secur��y v�ould be Iess�ned,the�nsurance prflceeds shal�be applied�o�h�s�xms secur�d by�h�s
<br /> Security �nstruxnent, whether or not �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d �o Borrawer. If Bo�rqv�er abar�dflns �he
<br /> I'rapert�y,ar do�s na�answer W��hin the num��r af days pr�s�r�bed�y Applicable Law as set for�h in a n�tice from
<br /> Lender ta Borrower tha��he �nsurance carrier has �ffered to s�ttle a c�a�m, then Lender may c�ollec�fihe �nsurance
<br /> pr�ce�ds. L�nder may use the proceeds to repa�r vr restore the Properry or ta pay sums secuu•�d by th�s Securxty
<br /> �ns�m��t,vtrhether or n�t�h�n due.The periad of time for Borrower�o answer as se�forth in the nfl�ice�v�II beg�n
<br /> when the notice is gi�en.
<br /> tJ�less Lender and Borrawer a�her��se agree �n wr�t�ng, any app�ica�ion of proceeds to principal sha�l no�extend
<br /> or postpane the due date of the paymer�ts due under the �ontrac�or change�he amour�t af the paymentsa If under
<br /> �h� se�t�on�i�Ied Acce�eratifln; Remedies, the Propert� �s acquired by Lender, Borrovc�er's r�ght to any �nsurance
<br /> policies and proceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Froper�y prior to the acquisition shall pass t� Lex�der to �he
<br /> extent af�he sums secured hy this Security Instrum�nt im�med�a�ely prior�v the acquis��ran.
<br /> I'reservation, Main�enance and Protectio�� of �he Property; Bnrrower's Laan Appiication; L�aseho�d5.
<br /> �orr�u�er shal�no�destroy, damage flr impa�r the Property, al��w th�Proper�y�o de�eriora�e, ar cammi�waste on
<br /> �h�Property. Borrower sha1�be in defauit�f any forfei�u.re ac�ion or proce�ding,whe�her civil flr crrminal,�s b�gun
<br /> that in Lender's good faith judgmen� �ou�d resul� in farfeiture of the Proper�y or ��herv��se ma�er�a��y �nn.pair the
<br /> l��n cr�a�ed by th�s Se�urity �nstrumen� or L�nder's securi�y �nteres�. Borrawer may cure �uch a default and
<br /> re�ns�a�e, as pra�ided in sec�ion�itled�orrav�er's R�g�� to Re�nstate, by eausing the ac��on�r procee��ng�o be
<br /> d�smissed with�ru�ing that, in Lender's go��faith de�erm�natian,precludes forfeiture of�he B�rr�wer's in�erest in
<br /> th� Pr�perry or other material impa�rna.ent o:�the l�en crea�ed by this Se�urity Instrument or Lender�s secur�ty
<br /> i.n�erest.Borrov�er sha�l also be in defaul�if Borrawer,dur�ng the Ioan application pracess,gave materiall�false or
<br /> inaccurate informa�ion or s�atements �fl Lenc�er �ar.fai�ed ta pro�ide Lender with any ma�er�a� �nfflrn�ation) in
<br /> connect�on w��h�he laan e��denc�d by�he C�ntract. �f this Securi�y Instrum�n� is on a leaseho�d, Barr�w�r shal�
<br /> comply wi�h a��the pr��isians�f�he lease, �f:Borr�v�er acquires fee ti�Ie�o the Property,the�e�.sehold and�he f��
<br /> titl�sha��not m�rge un��ss Lender agre�s to the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> Pratectxan of Lender's Rights in the Prop�erty. If BorroW�r fails to perform the covenants and agreem.ents
<br /> con�ained in�h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�, or there is a l�gal proceed�ng that may s�gnif can�Iy aff���L�nderps righ�s in
<br /> �hP Pr�per�y �such as a pr��eeding in bankru��cy, probate, for cand�mna�ion or fflrf��ture or�o enfarce laws or
<br /> regulations�, th�n Lender may do and pay for wha�e�er is necessary �o pro�ect the value of�he Propez-�y and
<br /> L�nd�r's rights�n�he Property. Lender's actions may�nc�ude pay�n�any sums secured by a lren vsrh�ch ha�pr�ority
<br /> �ver th�s Securi�y 7nstrumer��, appear�ng in�ourt,paying reasonable at�orneys'fees and en�ering on the Proper�y ta
<br /> make repa�rs.Al�hnugh Lender may take ac��om under this sec�ion,Lender daes no�ha�e to do s�.
<br /> Any am�unts disbursed by Lender und�r �his se��ion shal� become add���ona1 debt of Btirrovwer secur�� by �h�s
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument. Unless Borrovver and Lender agree to oth�r �erms af paymen�, thes� amounts sha�� bear
<br /> �nterest from the da�e of disbursement at �h� sam� rat� assessed �n ad�ances under �he Co�trac� and shal� �e
<br /> payable,vvith�n�erest,upon no�ice from Lender�o Borrower r�qu�s��ng payment.
<br /> cC�24Q4-2413 Compliance Systerns,�nc.9Fg6-5279-2�i 3L2.4.72I
<br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2�f S www.�ompliancesystems.com
<br />