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� . 201 � � US� r� <br /> acc+�ptance of tkus b�eed C1f Trust nor its enforcemerit whether by court action or pu�rsuar►t to the <br />' power af sale or o#1�er puwers h�rein contained, shali prejudice or i� �ny manner affect Tnistee's <br /> or Beneficiaiy's right to realize upo� or cnforce any other security now or hereafler held by <br /> Trustee ar Beneficiary, it being agreed that Trust�e a�td Benefieiary, and each o�them, shalt be <br /> entitled ta enfprce this D�ed of Trust and any c�ther security now or herea�er held by Benef ciary <br />, or Tru�tee in such order and mann�r as �,hey or either of them may in their absolute discretian <br /> determine. Na remedy herein conferre�d upon c�r reserved to Trustee or�enefici�ry is intended to <br />' be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or pe�rrnitted, but each shall be <br /> cumul�tiv� and shall b� in addition ta every other remedy gir+ett hereunder or naw or hereaf�er <br /> e�cisting at law or in equity ar by statute. Every �ower or remedy given by ar�y of the Laan <br />� Instniments to �'x'u�tee or Eteneficiary pr to which �ither of them may be otherwise entitled,may <br /> be exercised, concurrently or independently, ftom time to time an�1 as oft�n as may be deemed <br /> expedient by '1'rustee vr Beneficiary and �ither of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. <br /> Nathing h�itt sh�.11 be construed as prohil�iting Betteficiary from seeking a deficienCy judgment <br /> agairist the Trustor to the extent suc1� action is permitted by law. <br /> 13. REQU�ST FQR NOTICE. Trustor hereby requests a copy of any notice of default <br /> and that any notice Qt sa.le h�reunder be mailed to it at the address set farth in the first par$graph <br /> of this Deed of Trust. <br /> 14. GOVERNING L.t�W. This T�eed of Trust shail be governed by the laws of the State <br /> �f Nebraska. Tn thc cvent that any provi�iQn or clausc of any of the Loan instreunents conflicts <br /> with �pplicable lsws, such �onflicks sh�ll not affect oth�r pmvisions of such Loen Instruments <br /> which can be given efi�'ect without the conflicting pro�ision,and to this end the provisians af the <br /> Loan Instruments are declared to b� severable. This instrument csrt nQt be waived, changed, <br /> disc�arged or terminate�d orally, but�n1y by an instrument in writing signed by the party against <br /> whom enfarc+�ment af any waiver,�hange,dischsrge c�r termination is saught. <br /> 15. �2,�C4NVEYANCE BY TRYI�TEE. Upon written reyuest of Benefici�ry stating <br /> that all sums secured hercby have beett p�id, and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust as�d the <br /> Note ta Trustee for cancellation �nd retentian and upon payment by Tn�stor pf Trustee's fees, <br /> I Trust�e shall reconvey to Trustor, or the person ar persons legally entitled thereto, without <br /> warranty, any p�ition of the Trust Estate then held hereunder. The recilals in such rec�nv�y�nce <br /> of an� matters Qr facts sha11 be conclusive proof of the txuthfulness thereof. The grantee in �ny <br /> reconveyance may be d�scribed as"th�person or p�rsans legally entitled thereta." <br /> 1 fi, NOTICES. 1Nhenever benefici�ry, Trustar or Trustee sha11 desire ta give or serve <br />� any notice, d�mand, request or oth�r cammunicatian with respect to tlus I?eed af Trust, e�ch <br /> stich natice, demand, requ�st or c�ther cpmmunication sh.�ll be in writing and shall be effective <br /> anly if the same is dclivered by persc►nal service or mailed by certified mail, pastage prepaid, <br />� return re�eipt requestcd,addressed to ihe�tldress set forth at the beginning of this Deed of Trust, <br /> i Any party may at this time chart�e its address for such notices by delivering or mailing to thc <br /> other parties hereto, as afores�id, �notice of such eiiange. <br /> l 7. ACCEk'TANCE BY TRUSTEE. 7'rustee accepts this Trust when this De�d of Trust, <br />' duly executed and acknowiedged,is made a public record as pravided by law. <br />