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��14��9�� <br /> �EE� �� �'I�I��T <br /> ���n N�: ��������� ���n�[t����l� P��� � <br /> �r���ri�g �r�d fil�n� � m�p �r �I at �f th� R�a[ Pr���rtyr in�l��in� �k�� �l��i���ti�r� �f str��ts �r �th�r ri�h#s t� th� <br /> ��E�li�; {b} j�i n i�r �r�r��ir�� ar��r e�s�rr,�nt �r �r�a�in� a ny r��tri����n an th� F���] Pr���rty; ��r�i {�} j�i n in �ny <br /> sub�r�lir��ti�r����t�r�r��r��m�n�afF��tin��hi� ���� ��Yru���r the ir�t�r�st�f L�r���r u�d�r�h i� a�*�r��f Tru�t. <br /> Trr��t��, �i rr��t�� sh�l� m��� �I[ ���]ifi���iQns r�quir��l ��r Tru�t�� u�d�r ���1 i�a�l� I av�r. !r� ad�iti�n t� th� ri�h�ts <br /> �nd r�m��d i�s s�t ���t�r a��v�, vtirith r��p��t t� al i �r ��y �ar't �f th� �r�p��ty, tC�� Tr�st�� �1��!I h�v� �h� r�gi�� �� <br /> far��lo�� by ���i c� �r�� �aC�, �r��{ ��n��r v�ri Il f��v� �I�� ri�ht t� ��re�l�s� b�j ud��i a[ ��r�c l�sur�r in ��th�r ��s� i r� <br /> ����r�i�����ith �r��t�tl�e�ul[�xt�nt p��vid�d b�a�pli�sL�l� I�vkr, <br /> �ucc�s��r Tru�t��. L���l�r, at L�nd�r's �p�i�nr rn���r�rr� �i r�����tirr���p��ir�� �s����s��r Tr��t�� t� an�r�ru�t�� <br /> ��po�nt�d ur�d�r tl�is ���� �f �ru�t by �n in��rurr��nt ��c���at�� �r�� ��k�n�w��c����l b�+ ��n��r �nd r���r��d ir� �h� <br /> �ff��� �# th� r������r �� HA Lf� �aun�y, ��a�� o� NaE�r��ka� Th� ���tr�u��r�t sl��]I �ar�t�in r i r� ��d iti�r� ta �I E ��i��r <br /> rn��t�t�rs r��uir�d E�y �t�t� �aw, th�e nam�s �f t�� �ri�i nal L����r, T������r �nr� Tr����r f th� b��k �r�d ��g� ��r <br /> ��mp���r �y���r� re-f�r�n�e} �her� tl�i� ���d �� Trust is r���r�€�d, �r�� the n�me �n� ���r�ss �# th� suc�����r <br /> tr�st��� �r��t}��in�trr�m�r�t�h�lf k�e�������� �n� ��I�n�wl��i���1 by a�l�h���ne�i�i�rie� un�C�r this �eed a��r�st or <br /> tl��ir �����ss�r� in �r�t�r���. Ti�� su���s��r trust��� with�u�t ��rrv�y�r,�e �f th+e Pr��ert�r� �h��l �u����� t� al! th� <br /> tit��� p��rv�rr �r�� �Jr�ti�� ��r�f�rr�� ���n#h��r���ee in�his ���� �-f�ru���nd E�y a�pli��ka�� lav�r. �his pra��dur�fa�- <br /> ����titu�r�n��Yru����sF��I[��v�rr�t�tE�����lu�i�r��f�I[�t��r�r��risi�r�s#�r��f���it��i�r�. <br /> ���1���. Ar�r� r��ti�� r��ui re�I t� �� �i��n ��t��r tF�i� d��� ��Tr���, in�I��ii ng wi�h�u� [im it�ti�r� �n�r rr��i�� af d�f�u!� <br /> �n� �ny n��ice �f s�l� �haE� b� given in writir��� �r�� �1��E1 }�� �ff���iv� �f��n ��t���ly ��li�r�r�d, v�h�r� ��t�[�[]� r���iv�� <br /> C�y��1����sim i�� {�r�[�s��the��r is� r���ir�� f�y l�w�� �rv h�n d�pasi���i vtiri-�h a n�t3ana�ly re�ag ni�ed av�rni�ht�a uri�rr a rr if <br /> m�il��, �rh��n�d�posi��� ir�th��it��f �t�t�� m�i[� �s f�rst cl��sr ���tifi�� �r r��i�t�r�� m�El ���t��� �r��aid, �ir��t��l t� <br /> ��t� a��r��s�s sh��rn rr�a���[�� 1���ir�nin� v��hi� ����f �f�rU��. A!I ��pie� a� n�fii��s �� ��r��I�su r� fr�� t�� h�l�i�� �f <br /> an� !ien which h�s �r��rit�r ��r�r t�i� a��d af Tr�st �h�ll �� �ent t� L�n��r'� a��f��sr �� �h�v�rr� �r�ar th� k���i nn in� �f <br /> thi� ���� �f Tr�s�_ Any p��sort ma� cha�r�e hi� �r h�r �ddr�ss �f�r r��ti��� ur���r tY�is ���d �f �rust �y ���ir,� f�rrr,a�[ <br /> w rit��� r��t��� t� th�� ath�r ��r��r� �r p�r��n�, ��a��i�yin� �E�a� �he �urp�s� af �h� natic� is �a charr€�� th� persar�Fs <br /> ���r�ss. F�r noti�e p urp�s�s,Trust�r��r����� k��� l.�rrder i r�farm�d �t al l �im�s�f Tr�st�r'� ��rr�r�t�d�r�s�. �J r�l��� <br /> �t��rvtir��e �r��ri��� �r r���ir�� b� [�wf if�her� is m�r� than �n� Yru�t�r, arry n�ti�� gi�ren by L�nd�r to any Trus�ar is <br /> d��med ta f�� ��tic��iv��t� �ll Trt�stars. [t v�ril[ �e Trust�r'�r����nsi�ili�.y t�t�ll th��th��r� ��t��r��ti��fr�rxr L�€��]�r. <br /> ME��ELLANE��� k�F��11NS1��1l�. T[��f�l��wi ng m iscel la���us pravi�i�ns�r� a par�a�th�� ��e�l�f Yrust: <br /> �4m�ndm�nt�. 1l�h�t i� v�ritt�n in tC�is E���d ��Tru�t �r,d ir� t}�� Ft�f�t�d a��urr��nt� i� Tru��ar's �ntir� ��r��rr��r�� <br /> �nrit� L����� ��n��rnin� �h� ��tt�r� ��v�r�� b���is a��� �f�r���. T� �e ���rec�i��r an� �}�ang� �r arrten�m�n��� <br /> t�is ���d �t T�us� rr��st �� ir� v�rr�tirr� �rr�i mu�t ���i�n�� �y v�rh��v�r wifl �� f���a�� �r abli��t��1 b�th� �h�r��� �r <br /> �rr��n�ir��r��. <br /> �apti�ri F���d���s. ���tiarr h�adin�� rn this ���d �� Trust �r� f�r ��€�v�ni�n�� p�r����� ��ly �r�d �r� n�t t� �� <br /> �s��i t� in��rpr���r r���ine�h�p�avisi�ns�fi thi� ���d��Trust. <br /> M�rger. There sh��l 1�� na rr��rg�r�f��� ir���r����r����#� �re�t�d by t}�i� ���� �f Tru��vvrt�r �r�y�t€��r iri�erest�r <br /> est�t� i�t th� �r�p�rty�t�r��ti m� h�l�i t�y�r��r�h� b�n�fi� �f��n�i��i r� �n� �����i�yF vu i�h�����h�v�ri���n ��ns�n� <br /> a�L�nd�r. <br /> ��v�rrrirt� ���r�r. i'E�i� ����[ �f Tr��# �r�ri�l k�� ����rn�� L��► f���r�l I�vw ���li��bl� �� L�n��r ���i. �� ��� ��t�n� r��� <br /> �r��mpted by�ederal law,the I�v��fl�t[���tat� �f�lebrask�urr�ttt�ut r���rd t�rt���€���i�ts ���aw pravi�i�r��. This <br /> ���d�f Trust has i���n����pt���y L�r�d�r in th��t������I�lar�k�. <br /> �h�i�� Q'� Ver�U�. I f �here i� a E�w�ui�r Trusta r �g r��� U��n ��nd��"s r�q���t ta �u�m it ta th� �uri��i��i�n �f �h� <br /> ���r�s�f H�I1 ���r�t�r ���te�f N��r��k�. <br /> J�int an� S�v��al Liabi[itrf. �I[ �L�li�ati�ns �f �or�avrrer and �ru�taE und�r thi� I�ee� af T'rust sh��l b� ��in� �r��l <br /> ��r��r�l� ar�r� �!I r�f�r�n���ta Trust���E�a ll m��n�a�h an� �v�ry Tr�st�rr �nd al� ��f�r������� ��rr��nr�r s t��l[ ���r� <br /> ���� a���very ��rr�u�r��. Thr� rrt��ns fih��t���F�Tru�fi�r s�g�ir�� I��C�v�is r����n�ibl���r�ll �bli�ati�n� i�t�is ���r� <br /> ��Tr���. <br /> 1��Vl��iv���r���n��r. Tr�s��r un��rs��n�l� ��n�i�r�ifl n���iv� �p�ny�f L�n�l�r'� ri�f��� �n�l�r thi� ����I �f T�+�s# <br /> �r�l�ss L�r��er �1��� s� ir� �+rritirt�. Th� f��t tE��t L�r�d�r d�l��� �r �mit� �� ��c�r�i�� �r�y ���ht v�ill r��� rri��r, ���t <br /> L���nr��r h�s given U p �hat ri gf�t. [f L�n��r �ae� agree i n r�rriting �� �ive up a ne af Lend�r'� righ��F �h�� �1��� r��� <br /> rry��n Tr�tst�r vvi�l n�� h,��� �a �arrtp��r v�rith th� �th�r pr�visi�r�s af th�s a��€i af Tru�t. Tru�t�r �I�� ur,d�r�t�r��� <br /> that if L�n�er �o�s ��n��nfi t� � ���u��fir tE��t c���s r��t r`ry��r� t�i�t Trust�� vtiri II r��t h�v� t� ��t L�nd��'� ��n��nt <br /> ��air� if th��Et���i�n h����ns ���in. �r����r f�r�h�r�n�i�rst�r+r���I��#j���1������� L�n��r��r���r�t�#��r���r rr7�r� <br /> a�Tr�st�r's requ��t�r th�t ���� r��t �r,��n Lend�r �nri f E }�� r��uir�d t� ��r���nt t� �r�y �f Tru�t�r'� �utur� r��u���t�. <br /> Tru���r wa�►����r�s��tm�r��r d�man�f�r pa�rm�nt, �r��es�r �nd n��i����r�J�sf��nar. <br /> �e�e�a�ai�i�y. If � ��urt fi r,ds tl��� �r�y �r�vis i�r� a�tf�is ���d ��Tru�� i� ��t �r��id �r �[��ul�i r��fi k�� �n�o r���� th at <br /> ���t b�i���lf w ill nQt m��n �h�t#h� r��t Qf t�i� a��� ��r Tr���vtril f n�� b� v�IE� �r�nf�r���i, Th�r�f�r�, a ���r��r i[1 <br /> �r���r��tl��r��t�f����r�vi�i�n� ��r��ris ���� �f Tr�st�v�rr if a�ra�isi�r, ����is ���� �#Tr�st rry��b�f���d t� f�� <br /> ir�v�Ei��r Un�nta r����1�. <br /> �������ar� �nd A�signs. Su�j��t t� �r�y li�it��i�r,s s��t�� ir� �I��� ���d �f T�u�t �� tr�r��fer��F Trus��r'� �r���r��t, <br /> �h�� ���� �f Tr��t �h�il �� �ir��i n� �a}��n �n�l in�r� t� tl�� ��n��i# �f �h� ��r�i��r th�ar s�������r� �n� ���i�n�. I f <br /> ov�n��sh�� �f tE�� �r����ty ����rrY�� v�st�� ir� � ��r��r� �tl��r�rl��rr�Trust�r� L�r�d�r� v,r�tl��ut r��ti���� Tru�t�r, rrY�y <br /> �1��� �ritf�T��st�r'� s�������r�witl�r���r�r������hi� ���r� �f Tr�st�n��h� In��b���i��s� �y���r�f�r�r���r�r��� �r <br /> ��ct�r�si�r��rvitY�aut r�[��sir��Trust�r�rr�r�t����li���i�r���f t}�i� ���d a�f Tru�t�r[��bility�nd�r t}�� [n��bt�dr��s�. <br /> Tim���Qf th� E���r���. T�rx��is��t������n�� i�th���rf�rm�n����#hE� a���f �f Tr��t. <br /> Vlfaive J��y. �41E partie�t�th�s ���� �f'Trus��er�by�raive#�e ri�ht t� any�Ury triat in any a����nf pro���cl�ng, ar <br /> ��ur�t�r�[��m br�u�h#[��r ar�y��rt�r���in�t ar��r�#h�c��r�►�. <br /> �1faiU�r af Hamest��d F�€�rrtptE�n. Trust�r f��r��y r�[ea��� and waiv�� a�l right� and be���rit� �� th� hom��tead <br /> ���tr�p�iar�I��rvs�f th� �t�t���N�E�r��k�a�t� ��I In��bt��n��s���ure� by�f�i� a�e��f Tru��. <br /> �EFII�ITI�1��. T��f�Ea�win�v�r�r���h�ll h�v�th�f�ll�wir�� ���nir�g�wh�r� �s�� in t�ni� D��r� ��r Tr�s�: <br /> 8en�ficiar�. �C��v�rar� "�en�f��iar�" m�an� Equit�l�l�C��n�C, �r��J �ts su����s�rs�r�d ��s��r�s. <br /> ��rrvw�r. T�� �r�rd "E��rr�w�r" r���r+s JA�!�S A �Al�[�L]lV ��r€� ,J E�Sl�A �A[�[F�LI N a r�d ir��lu�i�s �11 �a��i�r��rs <br /> �r�r� ��-rr��[��r�s i�ni n��h� �r�di�A�reem�n�and aEl tE��if�u��e��a rs�nd a��i�n�. <br /> �r�cC�t Ag�����nt. �I�� w�rr�s "�r�c��t ��r��rrr�r�t" rr���r� tf�� �r��it ��r���rr,�nt d���� ��t�b�� ��'f ��1�4, �'I�h <br /> �#'��Ii� Qi�ni� �f �������.�� �r�m g�rr�w�r �a L�nd�r� �a��tl��r �rv ith �I[ r�new a[� �f{ ext�n�i�r�s �f f <br /> rt���{i�i�a�ti�r�� �f, r�fir���t�i�t�� ��, ��rt�a[i�fa�i�n� �fr �n� s�f��tit��i�n� f�r th� pr�mi�s�ry r�at� �r ��r���n�n�. Th� <br /> m���rity ���� �f �his D��� ❑f ���st i� ��ta��r �?� ����. �11�7l�E T� TF��ST�F�: TH E �F�E�1� A�F�E����IC�' <br /> ��NTA1M�A VAF��ABLE INTEF�E�T�A��. <br /> ����i �f� 'F'r�st. �"�� ��rd� "[���d �f �rU�t" mean ��i� �eed a�r Trust ar��n� Tru�to�r L�n��r� �n� TrU�t��r �n� <br /> in�[�t��� �r+�i�h��t I[�+ni���i�r� �!I �s�i�nm�n� �n� ����ri�y �n��r�s� pr�vi�i�n� r�l��in� t� �1�� P�r��n�l ���p�r�y �n�i <br /> F�ent�. <br />