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��14��59� <br /> requ�red by R�SPA, and Barrower sha�l pay�o Lend�r th�amaunt necessary�a make up the def�cienc� �n <br /> a��ordance with RE5PA, but in nfl m.ore�han �2 monthly pa�ments. <br /> Upon payment in full af all surns secured b�r �hxs Secur�ty Instrument, Lender shali promptly refund�o <br /> Borrov�er any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Gharges, Liens. Barrower shalt pa� a�� taxes, ass�ssaments, charges, �nes, and impositions a�tributab�e�o <br /> the Prop�r�y wh�ch can atta�n prior�ty a�er�h�s Se�urity�nstrun�ent, �eas�ho�d payments or�rnund ren�s on <br /> the Praperty, if any, and�om�mun��y Ass�ciat�on Du�s, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if any. To the ex�en��hat <br /> �hese items are Escraw Items, Barr��rer�ha��pay �hem in�he manr�er pr��id�d in Section 3. <br /> Borrower sha��promptly discharge an�Iien whi�h has pr�ar��y o�er th�s 5ecurity �nstrument un�ess <br /> Barrower: �a} agr�es �n wrxt�ng to the pa�ment of th�ab�igation secured by the lzen�n a manner accep�ab�e <br /> �o Lender, bu�an�y so long a�Borrower�s perform�ng such agreement; �b}�antests the lien in good faith by, <br /> ar defends against enfor�emen�af the lien in, lega�proceed�ngs wh�ch �n L�nd�r's opinion apera�e t�pr�v�nt <br /> �he enforcement of the�ien v�hile�h�se proceedings are pending, �u�anl�until such proce�d�ngs are <br /> ��nclud�d; or�c� secures from the holder af the lien an agreemen�satisfactory to Lender subardina�ing the <br /> lien to this Security Ins�rument. �f Lender de�ermines�ha� any par�Qf the Prop�r�y is �ub��c�to a�ien which <br /> can attain priority o��r this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, Lender may give B�rrawer a nnti��identifying the lien. <br /> �Vi�hin ��day�af�h�date on which that notice�s given, Borrower sha�� sat�sfy the�zen flr take one or more <br /> of th�actians set f�rth above�n th�s ��ction 4. <br /> L�nd�r rnay requir�Borrower to pa� a one-t�me charge far a real �state�a�verif�cation andlar repar�ing <br /> serv��e used by L�nder in c�nnection w��h th�s Loan, <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance. Borrawer shall keep the impro�rernents no�v ex�sting�r her�after erec��d.on the <br /> Propert�r �nsured aga�nst�oss b��re, hazards included wi�hin the�erm "�xtended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards including, bu�no���m��ed to, ear�hquakes and fl��ds, for v�hich Lender requires insurance. Th�s <br /> �nsurance shall be maintained in�h�amoun�s �xnc�ud�n�deductible levels} and f�r the periods�ha�L�nder <br /> requ�res. What Lender requires pursuant to�he preced�ng sentences can change dur�ng the term of the L�an. <br /> T`he insurance carr��r prn�iding�h�insurance sha�� be chas�n by Borrower su����t to Lend�r's r�ght to <br /> disapprave Barrawer'�cho�ce, �c�rh��h r�gh�shai�n��be ex�r�is�d unreasonabiy. Lender may re�u�re <br /> Barrower t�pa�, in cannection with th�s Loan, ���her: �a} a nne-time�harge f�r f�oad zone de�ermination, <br /> cer��ficat��n and tracking services; or�b} a an�-time charge for flo�d zane de�ern�.ina��on and certificati�n <br /> serv�c�s and su�sequent charges each�ime remappings�r s�milar change�occur wh�ch r�asonab�y m.ight <br /> affect such de�ermination or cer�if�cation. Barrawer shali also be responsible for�he paym�n�of any f�es <br /> impos�d by the Federa� Emergenc� Managem�nt Agency �n connection with the re�i�w of any flaad zane <br /> de�erm�nation resulting fr�m an ob�ect�an by Borrower. <br /> �f Borrav�er fails to maintain any af�he caverages descr�bed abo�e, Lend�r may ab�azn �nsurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's op�ion and Borr�wer's e�pense. Lender is under no ob�igation��purchase an.y�ar��cu�ar type ar <br /> am�unt�f coverage, Therefore, such co�erage shalt co�er L�nder, bu�might or migh�not protect Barrawer, <br /> Barrnwer's equit� in th�Proper�y, or�he con�en�s of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liabilit�and <br /> nn.�ght pra��de great�r ar�esser co�erage than was prev�ously �n effec�. Borrower acknou��edges that�he cos� <br /> af the insurar�ce caverage so obtained migh�significantly exceed the cost of insurance�hat Borrower Could <br /> ha�e ob�ained. Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this S�ctzan 5 sha��become addit�ona� debt of <br /> Borrower secured by this�ecur�ty �nstrument. These arn�un�s �hall bear interes�a��he Na�e ra�e from the <br /> date af disburs�men�and sha�l be payab�e, w�th such �nt�res�, upon no�zce fram Lender tQ Barr�wer <br /> reques��ng payment, <br /> N�BRASKA-SingIe Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN[�QRM tNSTRUMENT Fvrrr�3Q28 11D1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi(NE)�13Q2) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fi�an�ial Ser�ices Page fi vf 17 <br />