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i <br /> ��14��57� <br /> r <br /> 14. Go�erning Law; Se�erabi�ity. This Secwri�ty Instrumen� shall be governed by federal�aw and the law of <br /> �he jurisdic�ion in which�he Property is laca�ed. In the event that any provisian or c�ause of�his Security Instrumer�t <br /> or the Na�e �onf��c�s v�7th applicable Zaw, such conflict sha11 na� affect other provzs�ons of�h�s Security Znstriunent <br /> or�he No�e vvhzch can be gi�en effec�w��h�ut the confl�c�rn�provision. To�his end�h�provisions of�his Securzty <br /> �ns�rumen� and�he Note are dec�ared�o�e se�era�b�e. � <br /> � 15. Borr�wer's�opy. Borrower shal�be g��en one copy of the No��and of�his Secur�ty�ns�rument: <br /> � 16. Hazardous Substances. Barrower shall not cause or permi�the presence, use, disposai, s�arage, or release <br /> of any Hazardous Su�stances an ar in the Property. Barrov�er shal� no� d�, nar allow anyone e�se�o da, anything <br /> affecting�he Property that rs zn �io�a�ion of any Envir�nmenta� Law. The preceding�wo sentences shall no� apply <br /> �o the presence, use, or storag� on the Property af sma�� quantit�es of Hazardous Subs�ances that are generally <br /> reco.gnized �o be appr�pr•iate to narma�resrdential uses and to main�enance of the Property. <br /> � Borrov�er shali promptly gi�e Lender written notrce of any inves�iga�xon, claxm, delnand, 1av�sui� or o�her <br /> action by any g�vernmen�al or regulatory agency or pri�a�e party �nvol�ing �he Proper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Su�s�ance or En�iranmental Law of which Borr�wer has actual knovvledge. �f Borrower learns, �r is notified�y any <br /> governmental ar re�ulatory au�h�ri�.y, that any remova��r o�her remediation of an�Ha2ardaus Substances affe��xng <br /> �he Proper�y is necessary, Barrawer shall promp��y take all n.e�essary remedial ac�ions in accordance wi�h <br /> En�iranmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 1 d, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are those substances def�ned as toxic ar hazardaus <br /> suUs�ances vy EnW�rorunenta� Law and the following su�stan�es: gasol�ne, ker�sene, other flammab�e ar �ax�c <br /> � <br /> pefroleum produc�s, t�xic pes�icides and herbicides,volatile solvents,lnaterials con�aining asbes��s or farmaldehyde, <br /> and radiaac���e materials. As used�n this paraaraph 1 G, "Enviranmenta� Law" means f�dera�laws and�aws of the <br /> jurisdic��on where the Property is Iocated�ha�relate�o heal�h, safety or en�iranmental pro�ec�ion. �, <br /> � N�N-U NlF�R� C�VE NANTS, Borro�ver and Lender further covenan�and agree as f�xlov�s: <br /> 17. Assibnment of Rents. Borrower uncondr�iana��y ass�gns and transfers�o Lender a�l�he ren�s and re�enues <br /> of the Pz-operty. Borro�ve�-au�harizes Lender or Lender's a�ents to collec�the ren�s and revenues and here�y dxrects <br /> each�enant of�he Proper�y �a pay �he rents to Lender or Lender's agents. Howe�er, prior �o Lender's notice ta <br /> Borl-awer of Boi-.rower's breach of any co�enan�or agreement in the Securi�y Tnstru.�nen�, Borrower shalI callec�and <br /> receive alI rents and re�enues of the Property as t�ustee f�r the benef t of Lender and Borrower. This assignmen�of <br /> ren�s cons�itu�es an abso�u�e assign7nent and not an assigrunent for addi�ional security �nly. <br /> Zf Lender g�ves not�ce af breach�a Barr�vver: �a� a1�rents received by Bnrrower shall �e held by Borrawer as <br /> trustee f�r benef�t of Lender anl�, �o�e applied to�he sums by�he Securi�y Instru�nen�; �b�Lender shail be <br /> entitled to collect and rece��e aIl of th�rents of�he Praper�y; and�c� each tenant of�he Pr�perty sha��pay a11 ren�s <br /> due and unpaid�o Lender or Lender's agen�an Lender's wr�t��n de�nand tn the tenant. �� <br /> Barrower has not execu�ed any prior assignun�n�of the rents and has no�and w�I1 no�p�rfarm an�ac�tha�wau�d <br /> � prevent Lender from exercising its righ�s under this paragraph 17. ' <br /> Lender sha�I not be rec�uired�o en�er upan, �ake con�rol af ar ma�ntain�he Property befor�or after givirig notxce <br /> nf breach to Borrower. Hov�e�er, L�nder�r a judic�ally appornted r�cei�er may do so a�any time�here is a breach. <br /> An�applicat�on �f ren�s shall not cure or waiWe an}�defaul�ar �nWal�da�e any o�her rrgh�or remedy of Lender. This <br /> as�ignmen� of reY1�s�f the Praperty shall�er-m�r�a�e when the debt secured by�he SeGurity�nstruinen� is paid in full. <br /> : �8. Foreclosure Pracedure. If Lender requires imm�diate�aymQnt in full under�aragraph 9,Lender may <br /> involfe the power of sale and any other remed�es permYtted by app�icable law. Lender shall be entitled to collec� <br /> all�expenses xncurred in pursuxng the remedies pro��ded �n this paragraph 1S, xn�lud�ng, but not Zimited t�, <br /> re�sanab�e attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e evidence, <br /> If the power of saIe is in►v�ked, Trus�eQ shall recard a not�c�af defau�t�n eaGh county in which any part v� <br /> the Pro�e��ty �s �ocated and sha�� ma�� co�res af such notice in the rnanner prescribed b� ap�licable law to <br /> Borrawer and tv the other persons prQscribed by applicable �aw. After the time required by a�pli�able Iaw, <br /> Trust�e, shal�g�ve pubIic notice of sale to the pe�•5ons and�n the manner�rQs�r��ed by ap�licab�e law. Trustee, <br /> without demand on Borrawer, sha�� sell the Property at Public auctivn ta the high�st b�dder at the ��me and <br /> FHA NEBRASI�CA DEED�F TRUST � MERS �'3a�N�ac�ic <br /> NE��TZ.FHA �71D 31�2 Page 6 of 9 www,docmaglc.corrr <br />