. +
<br /> ��14��5�1
<br /> Five Hundred Dnilars and Zero Cents(U.S. �19�,5�0.4�}; (b}the paym�nt af all other sums, with
<br /> interes�, ad�anced under paragraph 5 t�protect the security of this Security Instrument or otherwise due
<br /> under the terms of this Security Instrument;and�c}�h�p�rformance of Borrower's co�enants and
<br /> agreemer�ts under this 5ecurity Instrumen�and th�N�te. The full debt, including amounts descr�bed in
<br /> �a},�b�, and�c}abo�e, if not due earlier, is due and payable on Fetrruary 9,�U�7. For this purpos�,
<br /> Borrower irre�ocably grants and con�eys to Trustee, in trust,with pawer of sale,the fo�l�wing
<br /> described property located in HALL�ounty,NE�RASKA:
<br /> See legal description as Exhihit A attached hereto and made a �part hereof far all intents and
<br /> pu rpvses
<br /> which has the address of
<br /> 3�n W 14TH STREET,GRAND ISLAND,N�braska �SSU1,�"�'roperty Address"}
<br /> T�G ETH ER `]VI TH all the i mpro�ements novv or hereafter erectecl on the property, and al t eas�m�nts,
<br /> ri�hts, appurtenances, and f xtures novv or hereafter a part of the pr�aperty. All replacements and
<br /> additions sha11 also be covered by this S�curity �nstrument. Al� of�:he foregorng is referred to in this
<br /> Se�urity instrument as th�"Property." Borrower understands and a.grees that MERS hnids oniy lega�title
<br /> to the interests gran�ed by Borrn�er in this Security Instrument, b«t, 1f necessary to comply vvith law or
<br /> custom, MERS �as nominee for Lender and Lender's successnrs ar�d assigns}has the right: �o exercise
<br /> any or all af those interests, including,but na�limited to,the right to fQr�close and sel�the Property; and
<br /> to take any action required af Lend�r including, b�.�t not ii�nited to,releasing and canceling this S�curity
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS that Borrower is lawfu�ly seised of the estate hereby con�ey�d and has the
<br /> righ�to gran�ar�d con�ey the Property and that th�Property is une�ncurnbered. Borrower vvarrants and
<br /> w�ll defend genera�ly the title to th�Property against all claims an��demands, subject to any
<br /> encumbrances of record.
<br /> T H I S S EC U RI TY IN STRU M ENT combines uniform co�enants f or nati o�a� use and nan-un�form
<br /> co�enants�vi�h limited�ariations by jurisdiction tc�constitut�a up�form s�curity instrument co�ering
<br /> real property.
<br /> UN I F�RM ��V ENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ar�ree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall pay when ciue the principal of, and interest on,
<br /> the debt e�idenced by the I�Iote.
<br /> Z. Payment of Property�harges. Borrower shall pay all propert��charges Consisting of�axes, hazard
<br /> insurance remiums, flood insurance pr�miums, ground rents,condaminium fees,planned unit
<br /> P
<br /> develapmen�f�es,homeowner's assoc�ation f�es, and any other as��ess��nents that may be required hy
<br /> �ocal or state lavv ir�a timely manner,and shal� pro�ide e�idence of payment�o Lender unless L�nder
<br /> pays property �harges by witholding funds from monthly payment.s du�ta the Barrower or by charging
<br /> such payments t�a line of credit as pro�ided for in the Loan Agre��ment.
<br /> 3. Fire,Flood and �ther Hazard Insurance. Borrower shal� i�s�.�re all impro�ements on the Property,
<br /> whether now in�xis�ence or sut�sequently erected, against any ha�.ards,casualties,and cantingencies,
<br /> inc�uding fire. This insurance sha}] be maintained in the amaunts, to the ex��nt and for the periods
<br /> required by Lender or the Secretary of Hausing and Urban De�e�c�pment�"S��retary"}. Bnrrower shal�
<br /> al so ipsure al� i mpro�ements on the Propert_y, whether now in�xi�,tence or su�sequently erected, a�ains�
<br /> Pa�e 2 of 13 HECM First Ueed 4f Trust-2�14
<br />