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��14��5�� <br /> multip�ied by the fo�lawing fractian: �a} the total amount of the sums secured immediateiy before the <br /> part�a[ taking, destruc�ion, �r loss in value d�vided by �b} �he fa�r market value of tn� Property <br /> immediately befare fhe pa�tial taking, d�S�I�UCtIDn, or Ioss in va�ue. Any ba�ance shall �e pa�d to <br /> Borrower. <br /> In the �vent of a partial �aking, destruc��an, ar loss in value �f�he Praper�y in which the fair market <br /> value of the Property immediately befare the partia) tak�ng, destruct��n, �r loss in value is less tnan �he <br /> amount of the sums secured immediately before �he partial taking, destruction, or loss in vafu�, unfess <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneaus Proceeds shail be applied ta the <br /> sums secured by�his Security �nstrument wnether ar nat the sums are then due. <br /> If the �'roperty is a�andoned by Borrower, �r if, afte� not�ce by L�nder to Borrower that�he �p�osing <br /> Party �as d�fined in �he nex� sentence} Offers �o make an award �o set�le a claim for damages, Borrower <br /> fa�ls to respond �a Lender within 30 days after fhe date the n�tice is gi�en, Lender is au�hori�ed to cvllect <br /> and apply �he Miscellane�us Proceeds either to restaration �r repair of the Property �r �v the sums <br /> secured by this Security lnst�ument, whether or not �hen due. "�pposing Party" means the third party <br /> that owes Bo�rowe� �Illiscel�aneous Proceeds or�he party a�ainst whom Barrower has a right of actian in <br /> regard ta Mis�ellaneous Praceeds. <br /> Borrower shall �e in default if any ac�ion or praceeding, whether civil �r �riminal, is begun that, in <br /> Lender's judgmen�, cou�d result in forfeiture of the Property or o�ner ma�erial impairmen� of Lender's <br /> interest in the Property or rights under th�s Securi�y Instrument. Borrower can cure such a defauit and, if <br /> acceleration has occurred, r�instate as provid�d in Section '1�, by causing the action or praceed�ng to be <br /> dismiss�d with a ruling that, in Lender's judgm�nt, pre�iud�s farfei�ure of the Property or other material <br /> impairment o�Lender's interest in �he Prop�r�y or righ�s under this Security Instrumen�, The proceeds of <br /> any award or claim far damages that are at�ributa�le �� the im�airment �f Lender's in�erest �n the <br /> Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid fo Lender. <br /> Ali Miscellaneous Proc�eds that are not app�ied to restoration or r�pair of th� Property shall be <br /> applied in the order�rovided for in 5ection �. <br /> 'I�, Borrc�wer Nc�t Released; For��aranc� By Lender Not a 1Nai�er. Extension �f the time for <br /> payment nr mndification of amor�ization af �he sums secured by this Secur��y Instrumen# granted by <br /> Lender to Borrowe� or any Successor in Interes� �f Borrvwer shal! nat operate t� release the lia�i�ity �f <br /> Borrower or any 5ucc�ssnrs in �nterest of Borrower, Lender sha�! not �e required to commence <br /> proc�edings agains� any Successar in �nterest o� Borr�wer ar ta refuse ta extend time for paym�nt or <br /> otherwise rnodify amor�ization �f the sums secur�d by this Security Instrument by r�asan of any demand <br /> made by�h� ariginal Borrower or any Successors in Interest af Borrower. Any�or�earance by L�nde� �n <br /> exercising any right �r remedy includin�, without limita�ion, Lender's acce�tanc� �f payments frvm third <br /> p�rsons, en�i�i�s or Success�rs in �nteres� af Barrower or in amaun�s iess than the amour�� tn�n due, <br /> shall no�he a waiver of or pr�clude the exercise vf any right or remedy, <br /> 'I3. Joint an� Serreral Lia��lity; CoMsigners; Successors and Ass�gns Sound. Borrower <br /> c��enants and agrees �hat Borrower's o�ligations and �iability shafl �e�oint and several. Hvwe�er, any <br /> Borrvwer who co-signs this Securify Instrument but d�es not �xecute tne N��e �a "co-signer"}; �a} is <br /> co-�sign�ng this Secur�ty Ins�rument only to mortgage, gran� and convey �he c�-signer's �nt�r�s� in the <br /> Praper�y u nder the terms of th is Security �ns�rument; ��} is not personally abl igat�d to �ay the su ms <br /> secured �y this Secu�ity Instrument; and �c} agree� that Lender and any ath�r B�rrower can agree t� <br /> ext�nd, modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regard to �ne terms of this Securify <br /> Instrument or�he Na�e withauf the c�-signer's consent. <br /> 5ubjec� t� th� provisions of Sec�ian �8, any Successor in Int��es� of Borrawer who assumes <br /> Borrower's ��ligations under this Security Ins�rument in writing, and is a�proved by Lender, shall o��ain <br /> all of Borrower's rights and benefi�s under this Security Instrument. Borrower shall not be r�leased from <br /> Borrower's vbiigations and lia�il�ty und�r this Security Instrumen� unless Lender agrees ta such re�ease <br /> in writing. Th� ��v�nants and agreements of this S�curity lnstrument shal� bind �except as �rovided in <br /> Section �D}and benefit�he successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 'i4. Loan Charg��. Lend�r may charge Barrflwer fees for servic�s performed in c�nnectivn with <br /> Borrower's default, far th� purp�se af pratecting Lend�r's interest in the Proper�y and rights under �his <br /> 5ecurity Ins�rument, including, bu� not limited t�, a��orneys' fe�s, proper�y inspec�ion and valuati�n fees, <br /> In regard to any o�her fees, th� a�sence of ex�ress authority in this 5ecurity Instrurnent ta charge a <br /> specific fe�t� Bo�rower shall no� be construed as a proh��ition on the �harging of such fee. Lender may <br /> not charge fees �ha�are expr�ssly prohibited by this Se�uri�y ins�rument or-�y Appl'rcabie Law. <br /> �f the Loan is subject to a !aw which sets maximum foan charges, and that law is finally interpreted <br /> sa that the interest�r other f oan charges colie��ed or#o be col�ected in connecfion with the Loan exGeed <br /> the permitted limits, then. �a} any such loan char�e shail be reduc�d by the amount necessary <br /> {pa��8 of 1�} <br />