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��14��5�� <br /> 6. C]�cupancy. Borrower shall occupy, estab�ish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence wi�hin GD days af�er the executi�n of this Security Ins�rumen� and shall continue fo occupy �he <br /> Pro�erty as Borr�wer s pr�nc��al residence for at lea�t on� year aft�r the date of occupancy, unless <br /> Lender otherwise agrees in writing� which consent sha�! not be unreas�nably wi�hh�ld, or uniess <br /> extenuating circums�ances �xis�which are beyond Borrow�r's control. <br /> 7. Pr�s�rvati�n, M��ntenan�� and �rotecfivr� �f th� �ra��rty; In�p���i�n�. Borrower shall not <br /> destroy, damage or impair the Property, al�ow the Proper�y to de�eriorate ar cammi� waste on the <br /> Property. 1111hether or no� Borrower is residing in the Property, Barrower sha�l maintain the Pro�erty in <br /> order ta pre�ent the Prap�rty from de�eriorating or decreasing in va�ue due to its condition. Unless i� is <br /> determined pursuant to Section � that re�air or r�storati�n is not economicalfy feasible, Barrower shall <br /> prvm��ly repair the Property if damaged �o avoid further deterioration or damage, If insuranc� ar <br /> �ondemnation proc�eds are paid in cannection with damage to, or �he taking of, �he Property, Borrawer <br /> shall be responsible far repairing ar restoring �he Praperty only if Lender has released pr�ceeds far su�h <br /> purposes. L�nder may disburse proceeds fvr �he repairs and restoration in a single paym�n# ar in a <br /> s�ries vf pragress payments as the work is comple�ed, If�he insurance or condemnat�on proceeds are <br /> n�� suff�cient tv re�a�� or res�ore �he Property, Borrower is n�t relieved of Borro�ver's oblig�tion for �he <br /> c�m�letion of such repair or restoration, <br /> Lender or i�s a�ent may make reasonable en�ries upan and inspection� �f the Property. if it has <br /> reasonable cause, Lender may inspect �he interior af �he impro�ements on the Prvper�y, Lender shafl <br /> gi�e Borrower notice a� �he time of or priar t� such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable <br /> cause. <br /> 8. Barrower's L.oan App�ication, Borrower shalf be in default if, during the Loan application <br /> proc�ss, Borrawer or any persons or enfities acting a� the direc�ion of Borr�wer or wifh Borrvwer's <br /> kn�wledg� or c�nsent ga�e ma��rially false, misleading, or inaccurate info�mati�n or sfatements to <br /> Lender �or fa�led to provide Lend�� with materia� information} in c�nnection with �he L�an. Ma��riaf <br /> repr�sentations include, �ut are nat limited �a, r�presentatians concerning Borrower's occupancy of the <br /> Prop�r�y as Borrower's �rincipa� residence, <br /> 9. Protectio� af L�nder's Interest �n fhe Property and Rights LJnder th�s S�curity �ns�rumenf. <br /> If �a} Borrawer fai�s to perf�rm fhe co�enants and agreemenfs con�ained in this �ecurity Instrument, �b} <br /> ther� is a legal proceeding that might significan�ly affect Lender�'s in�erest in �he Pr�perty andlar rights <br /> under th�s Secur�ty Ir�strument �such as a proceeding in bankrup#cy, prob�te, for condemna���n or <br /> forfeiture, for enforcem�nt of a [i�n which may a�tain priority v�er this 5e�uri�y instrument ar �o enforce <br /> iaws or regula��ons}, or �c} Borrower has abandoned the Pr�per#y, then Lender may do and pay for <br /> whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protec� Lender's in�e�est in the Property and rights under this <br /> 5ecuri�y Instrument, including pr�tec�ing andlvr assessing the�afue of the Pr�perty, and secur�ing andlor <br /> repairing the Prflperty. Lender"s actions can include, bu� are n�t �imited ta: �a} paying any sums s�cured <br /> by a lien which has� priority ❑ver this S�curity Inst�ument; �b} appearing in cour�; and �c} paying <br /> reason�bie attorneys fe�s �� pratect its inte�es� in �he Praper�y andlor rfghts under �h�s 5e�ur�ty <br /> �nstrument; including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing �he Prv�er�y includes, <br /> �ut �s n�� limited to, enter�ng the Property to mak� repa�rs, change locks, replace or �oar� up doors and <br /> windflws, dra�n wa�er from pipes, eliminate buifd�ng or other code violat��ns or dangeraus condi���ns, and <br /> ha�e utilit�es turn�d an or off, Although Lender may fake actian under this Sectian 9, L�nder does nof <br /> ha�� �o do so and is not under any du�y or obfigation �o do so, It is agreed that Lender incurs r�o fia�il�ty <br /> for na��aking any or aI! activns au�horized under�his 5e��ion 9. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall bec�m� ad�itional d�bt of Borrower <br /> secured by t�is 5ecurity Instrum�nt. These amounts shall �ear interest at the Nvt� rate from �he�ate �f <br /> disbursement and �ha�l be payable, with such in�erest, upan n��ice from �ender to Borrow�r �eques�ing <br /> payment. <br /> �f this Secur�fy Instrumen� is an a leasehold, Barrower shall com�ly wi�h all the provisi�ns of �he <br /> lease. !f Borrower acquires fee title to the Praperty, the leasehold and the f�e title shalf nnt merge unless <br /> Lender agr�es �o the merger in writing, <br /> 'i�. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortg�ge Insuranc�as a condition of making the Loan, <br /> Barrower shalf pay the premiums required �� maintain the Mortgage Insuranc� in effect, lf, for any <br /> reason, the Mortgage lnsurance �overage required by Lender ceases �o b� availa�f� fram the mortgage <br /> insurer that previously pro�ided such insurance and Borrower was required tn make separately <br /> des�gnated payments toward the ��em�ums for Martgage In�urance, Bvrr�wer sha�l pay the prem�ums <br /> required �o obtain coverage substantia�ly equivalent �o �he Mortgage Insurance pre�iously in effe�t, at a <br /> cost substantially equi�a�en� t� �he cos��o Borrower of the Mortgage �nsurance previously in effect, from <br /> an alternate mv�tgage insurer selected by Lend�r. If substantially equi�a�ent N��rtgage Insurance <br /> co�erage �s not ava�lable, Borrawer shafl c�ntinue �o �ay to Len�er the amount �f the separately <br /> designated paymenfs tha�w�re due when the insu�ance coverage ceased to be in effect, <br /> � (page 6�f]2} <br />