<br /> �J} "G�mmunity Assgciat�an �ues, F�es, and Assessrnents" m�ans all dues, fees, assessments
<br /> and v�her charg�s tha� are imposed on Barrower or the Property by a condominium association,
<br /> homeowners asso�iat�on ar similar organization.
<br /> ��C} "Electr�ni� Fu�c�s T'ran�fer" means any �ransfer of funds, o�her than a �ransac�ion or'rginat�d by
<br /> check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated �hrvugh an electr�nic terminal3 tel�phonic
<br /> instrumen�, campute�, or magnetic �ape so as ta arde�, instruct, or authorize a financial inst��utian ta debit
<br /> or Gredit an account. Such term includes, but is not limit�d to, �ain�--af--sale transfers, auto�nated teller
<br /> machin� �ransacti�ns, �ransfers initiated by telephar�e, wire transf�rs, and automated clearirrgh�use
<br /> transfers.
<br /> �L� "Escrow Itemsr' means those items �hat are describ�d in �ectian 3.
<br /> �M} "1V�iscellane�us Proceeds" means any compensa�i�n, sett�ement, award of damages, or
<br /> proceeds paid by any �hird par�y �other than insuran�e proceeds paid under the cov�rages d�scri�ed in
<br /> Section 5} far: �i} damage to, or destructi�n nf, �he Property; ��i} condemnation o� ath�r taking of a�� or
<br /> any par� of the Property; �iii} conveyance in li�u of c�ndemnatian; or �iv} misr�presenta��ons of, or
<br /> omissions as to, the value andlor condition of the Property.
<br /> �N} "Mortgage lnsurance" m�ans insuran�e protec�ing Lender against �he n�npayment af, or defaul�
<br /> on, the Loan.
<br /> ��} "Periodi� Payn�ent" means the regular[y scneduled am�unt due for�i} principal and interest under
<br /> tne Nof�, plus �ii} any amaunts und�r S�c�ion 3 0�fhis Securi�y �ns�rument.
<br /> �P� "RESPA" means �he Reaf Esta�e 5eftlemenf Pracedur�s Act ��� �,S,C, %2�D� et seq.} and its
<br /> implementing ��gulati�n, Regulation X ��4 C,F.R. Par� 35��}, as they might be amended fr�m time to
<br /> time, or �ny additinnal or successar �egislativn or regulation that go��rns the same subject matter. As
<br /> used in �h�s �ecu�ity Instrument, "RESPA" refers to al� requirements and restrictians that are imposed in
<br /> regard to a "'federa�ly related mortgage loan" even if the Laan does not qualify as a "federally re�ated
<br /> mortgage �aan" under RE�PA.
<br /> �Q} "'Su��essor in lnterest of Borrower'" means any party that has taken title to �he Praperty,
<br /> �vhether or no� that party has assumed Sor�ower's obli�a�ions under the Note andlor this Securi�y
<br /> 1 ns�ru men�.
<br /> This Security �nstrurnent secures to Lender: �i} th� repayment of�he Loan, and ai1 renewals, extens��ns
<br /> and mfldi�icati�ns of �h� Note� and �ii} �he perfarmance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under
<br /> this Security Ins�rumen� and the No�e. For th�s purpose, Borrawer irrevocably grants and canveys ta
<br /> Trustee, in trus�, with power of sale, the follawing descri�ed property facated in the
<br /> Coun� of HALL •
<br /> �Type af F�ecording Jurisd'rctian� �Name of Rec�rding Jurisdicti�n]
<br /> NEBRASI�A
<br /> (page 2 of�2}
<br />