� � ��14��5��
<br /> but not limi��d ta, reas�na�le attvrneys' fe�s, pr�per�y inspection and �a�uation fees, and a�her fe�s
<br /> incurred fa� the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Praperty and rights under th�s Secur�ty
<br /> Ins�rument; and �d} takes such a�tion as Lender may reasona�ly r�quir� to assure tha� Lender's interest �
<br /> in the Proper�y and r�ghts under this Security Ins�rument, and Borrower's ob�igat`ron to pay the sums
<br /> secur�d by this Security Ins�rum�nt, shalf continue unch�ng�d, Lender may require that Borrower pay
<br /> such reinsta�ement sums and �xpenses in an� or more �f�he fallowing forrr�s, as s�lected �y Lender; �a}
<br /> cash; �b} money arder; �C� G�I"�ffl�d check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's �heck, provided
<br /> any such check is drawn upon an ins�ifution whose d�pasits are insured by a �ederai agency,
<br /> �nstrumentality or en��ty; or �d} Electranic Funds Transfer, Upan re�nstatemen� by Borrower, �his
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument and o�lEgafii�ns secured hereby shall r�main fully effec�ive as if na accelera�ion had
<br /> oc�urr�d, However, this right to �einstate shall nat appiy in the case of acce�eration under Section 18,
<br /> ZU. �ale of Nvte; Change af Laan �ervic�r; Nc�ti�� of�rie�anc�. The N��e or a pa�tiai interest
<br /> in �he Nate �toge�her wfth �his Security Instrument} can be so�d one �r more times without prior notice to
<br /> Borr�wer. A sale migh� result in a change in the en�ity �known as the "Loan �ervic�r"`} that col�ects
<br /> Per�odic Payments due under the Nate and th�s 5�cur�ty Instrum�n� and perfiorms o�her mort�age loan
<br /> servicing obligations under the Note, #his Security �nstrument, and App�icabie Law, Th�re also might be
<br /> one or more changes of the Laan Service� u nre�ated t� a sa�e �f �he Nate. If th�re is a change of �he
<br /> Loan 5ervic�r, Borr�wer wil� �e given wri�ten notice of�he change which will state the name and address
<br /> of the new Loan Servicer, the address to which payn�ents should be made and any other inf�rma�ion
<br /> RESPA requires in connection with �a nafice of tr�ansfer of servi�ing. !f the Note 'rs sald and thereaf�er the
<br /> Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer ather than the purchaser af�he No�e, the mor�gage loan servicing
<br /> �bligatians to Borrower wili remain with �he Loan Servicer or be transferred tv a successor Loan 5ervicer
<br /> and are not as�umed �y the No�e purchaser uniess �therwise pravided by the Note purchaser. �
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor Lender may cammence, join, or be jvined to any�udicial action �as either an
<br /> indi�idual litigan� ar the member of a class} that ar�ses fram th� other party's aGti�ns pu�suant to �his
<br /> Securi�y �nstrument �r that al�eges �hat �he other party has breached any provis�on of, or any duty �wed
<br /> by reason of, th�s Security lnstrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notif�ed the ather party �with
<br /> such natice giv�n in cnmplian�e with the requir�m�nts �f Sectivn �5} �f such alfeged breach and
<br /> afforded the other party hereto a reasona�ie p�riod after the giv�ng of such notice to �ake carrective
<br /> action. If Applicable Law provides a time period wh�ch must elapse before certain ac�ion can �� taken,
<br /> that t�me peri�d will be d�em�d #o be reasanable fvr purpas�s vf this paragraph. Th� no#�ce of
<br /> ac�eleratian and opportuni�y to cure given to B�rrower pursuant to Sec�ion �� and the no�ice of
<br /> acceleration given to Borrower pursuant ta Section �8 shalf be deemed �� satisfy the n�tice and
<br /> �ppartunity�o�ake correctiv� action prvvrs�ons of this Section �U. .
<br /> 2'�. Hazardous Substances. As used in this 5�ction ��: �a} "Ha�ardaus Substances" are thas�
<br /> subs�ances defined as toxic o� ha�ardous su�stanc�s, pal{utants, or wastes by Environmenta! Law and
<br /> tne fo�lawing substances: gas�lin�, ker�sene, other flamma�le or toxic petr�l�um products, t�xic
<br /> pesticides and her�icides, volatife sa[vents, materiafs cantaining asbestos or formald�hyde, ar�d
<br /> radiaactive mat�rials; �b} "Envir�nmen#al Law" means federal laws and )aws of the�urisdictian where the
<br /> Property is located tha� r�)ate t� heal#h, safe�y ar environmentaf protectivn; �c} "Environmentaf �leanup"
<br /> includes any respons� ac�ion, remedial ac�ion, or removal action, as defined in Envirvnmen�al Law; and
<br /> �d}an "Environm�nta) Conditian"' means a condi�ion that can cause, contribute to, or a�herwise trigger an
<br /> �nvironmentai �leanup.
<br /> Barraw�r shall not cause ar p�rmit th� presence, us�, disposal, storage, or release �f any
<br /> Hazardous 5u�stances, or tnreaten ta release any Hazardous SUb5��C1C�5, on �r in the Proper�y.
<br /> Borrower shall not d�, nor allvw anyone efs� �a d�, anything affecting the Pr�perty; �a} tha� is in violation
<br /> af any Environmenta! Law, �b} wh�ch creates an En��ronmental �ondit�on; flr �c} which, due to �he
<br /> presenc�, use, or refease af a Ha�ardaus 5ubstance, creates a candition that adversely affects �ne value
<br /> of tne Pr�perty, The preceding two ser�t�nces shalf no� a�ply ta the �resence, use, or storage on the
<br /> Property of sma�l quan�iti�s of Hazar�nus Su�sf�nces that are generally recagni�ed to �e a�propriate �o
<br /> narmal residentiaf uses and tn maintenance af the Property �including, �ut not limited �o, ha�ardous
<br /> substances in c�nsumer products}.
<br /> Borrower shail promp�iy gi�e �.ender writ�en no�ice �f: �a} any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit
<br /> or nther acti�n by any gnvernmental or regulatary agency vr pri�ate party in�alving the Prape�ty and any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance flr En�ironmental Law of wh�ch Borr�awer has actual knowl�dge; ��} any
<br /> Enviranmental Condition, including but not iimited to, any spilling, �eaking, discharge, r�fease or threat of
<br /> re�eas� of any�Hazardous Substance; and �c} any cond�ti�n caused by the presence, use or re�ease �f a
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstance which ad�ersely affects �he vafue �f the Pr�per�y. �f Borrawer learns, or is
<br /> �page 14 of 12}
<br />