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��14��79� <br /> fu11 �f a�l sums �ecured by th�s Security �nstrument. Hawe��r, this �ption sha1� n�� be e�ercised by Lender if <br /> exercise�s prohi���ed by federallaw as of�he date of�his Secu.�ity�nstrum.e���. � <br /> �f Lend�r e�ercises th�s op�ion, Lender sha11 give Borrower notice af accelera�ion. The notice shal� provide a <br /> per��d af no� �ess than �he minimum number of days established �by Appiicable La�nr from the date the na�ice �s <br /> de���ered �r mailed within v�r.hich Borrflv��r musfi pa� a�l sums secured by �his Se�urity �ns�run-�ent. If B�rrov�er <br /> fails �o pay these sums priar�o the e�piration of this per��d, Lender ma� inv�k.e an�re�edies permi�t�d by this <br /> Securi�y�nstrument wi�hou�fi.�r�her not�ce ar deYnand on Borr�v�er. <br /> Borrower's Right tn Reinsta�e. If Borrower meets certain conditians, Borrower shall have the right t� ha�e <br /> enforcernent of t��is Secur�ty rnstrum.en� d�sc�n�inued at any t�me prior t�the ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �or such �ther <br /> per�ad as Applicable Law ma�specif�for reins�a�emen�}befa�-e sa�e of t�e Pra�er�y pur�uari�to a�y power of sale <br /> contained �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrument; �r (b) entry af a judgmen� enfarcing th�s -Se�ur��y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> candi�i�ns ar� �hat Borrov�er: �a� pays Lender al1 sums vcrhi�h �hen vvo�ld be due under�his Sec��r��y Instrun��nt <br /> and�he�ontract as if nfl acce�leratian had occurred;�b}�ures�ny default of any�ther�o�renants or agreen�en�cs;�c� <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in e�fQrc�ng th�s Secur�t��nstrume�.t, �nc�uding,bu�not limi�ed to,reasonable attarneys' <br /> fe�s to t�he e��en�permitted by 1aw; and�d}takes su�h a����n as Lender�rnay reasanably require�� assure tha�the <br /> Iien of this Securi�y Inst�-ume��, Lender's r�ghts in the Prape�and Borrower's a�liga�i�n��pay the sums secured <br /> by th�s S�cur�ty �nstrumen� shall c�r�tinue unchanged. Upon �-ei�.s�a�em.ent by BQrrov�rer, �his Securi�.y �nstrumen� <br /> and the obl�gat��ris secured here�by shall remain ful�y effective as if no acceleration had nc�unred. Ha�e�er, �his <br /> righ�to reinstate sha�x n�t apply in�he�ase of accelerat�on under the s�c�ion�i�led Transfer af th�Property or a <br /> B�nef�c�al Inte�est�n�orrower. . � <br /> Hazarc�ous Subs�an��s.Barrav�er shall not c�.use ar�erm��th�presenc�,use, disposal, storage, ar release�f any <br /> Hazardous Substances fln or�n the Pr�perty.Borrav�er sha�l n��do,nor�ilow anyane els��o dfl,anything affec��ng <br /> �he Pro�et-�y �hat is �n �xo�a�ian �f any Environ.�nenta� La�v. The preced�ng �wo sentences sha�1 nat apply to the <br /> presence,use,or sfi�rage on the Prope�-ty af sma�i quantities of�azardaus Subs�ances�hat ar�gen��a�ly recognized <br /> to t�e appropr�ate ta narmal residen��a�Ltses and to main�enance of the�'rope�-ty. <br /> Borrower sha�1 pr�mptly g��e Lender�ri�ten n�t�ce of any inves��gation,�l�.�rn,demand,law�uit or ather ac�ion by <br /> any go�ernmental or regulatory a�ency o�pr��a�e party �n��lving���.e Proper�y and any Hazardaus Substance or <br /> En�ironmen�al Law of which Borrov�er has ac�ual knflwledge. �f �orrawer �earns, or is no�ified by any <br /> gove�-r�menta�or regu�atory au�horx�y,tha�ariy remo�a�or other r�mediation af any Hazardaus Su�s�ance affe���ng <br /> �he Pr�pe��ty �s �ecessary, Borr�v�er shali promptly �ak� a�� necessary remedial actxans in accardance w��h <br /> En�ir�nmenral Lav�. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�Ca�ardous S ubs�ances" are those substances def ned as toxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En�iro��xn�n�al Lavv� and the ffl��o�ving subs�ances: gas��ine, -kerosene, �ther flan�mable �r ��xi� petr�leum <br /> produc�s, ����c pesticides and �erb�cides, vola�ile �o�ven�s, rnater�a�s contain�ng asbes�os �r farmald�hyde, and <br /> radi�active mater�a�s.As used in�his paragraph, "Environme�ta�Lav�"�rrieans federa� �a�s and�aws of the sta��of <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate�o heaith,safety or er��ir�nmen�al pro�:ectian. <br /> AccelQrati�n; l�.�n�edies. L�nder shai� gir�e nmtice �o Borr�v��r pri��- ta acc�lera�ion fo�lavv�ng Borrower's <br /> hreach of any c��enant or agreement i�this Security In�trumen��r�he�on�ract under�vhich acc�leration <br /> i� per�itted �bi�t not pr�ar�� acceleration under the sec�ion titl�d Transfe�r af the Property�r a �ene�cia� <br /> int�res� in �3orro�ver, un��ss Appii�able �aw pr�vides otl�erwise�. The no�ice sha�l s�ecify: �a� the defauxt; <br /> (�� the act�nn required ta� cu re �he defaul�; (c} a da�e, �o� �es� than the m�nimum number of days <br /> establ��hed by App�icable Lavrr frvm the dat�the n�tice is gi�e�� to��rravver, by which �he default must be <br /> cured; and �d} that fa�lure to cure �he defau�� �n �r hefore the da�e spe�i�ed in th� natic� ma� resu�t �n <br /> acce��ratinn of th� sums secured by this S�curi�y �:nstrument and sale of th� Propert�. To the extent <br /> perm�tted by law, �he no�ice shal� fur�her �nf�rr� �o�rru►�er of�he r�ght to reinstate after a�ce�erat�on and <br /> �he right to brin�a court actian ta asser�th�n�n-exister�c�of a defa��it or any o�her defen���f Bvrrower�o <br /> � acceleration a�d sa�e. If the defau�t�s not�ured a�� �r be�ore �he date s�ec�f�ed in the notice, Lender at �t� <br /> opt�an may require �rnmedi�te payment �n fuli nf �li sums securec� �y this Secur��y Imstrument wi�hout <br /> further demand and may i�W�ke �he power of s�le a�d am� ather remedies permitted �y A�pplicab�e Law. <br /> T� �he ex�ent perm�tted b� �aw, Lende� shal� be en�i�lec� �� co�le�� al� expenses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remedies prv�idled in th�s Section, incYuding, bu� ����imited t�, reas�nabYe�ttorneys' f�es and co�ts�f ti��e <br /> eviden�e. <br /> If the pawer vf sal� is i�wok�d,Trus�ee shaYl �-e�ord. a natic�of default in each c�unty in which any par�of <br /> th�1'r��erty is lvca�ed and sha�l mail��p�es�f su�h nvtice �n the rnanner pre5cr�b�d by Appiicahle Law to <br /> Borrov�er and �� �he o�her persons pres�ribed by .A�.ppli�ab�� Law. After t�e t�me r��u��-ed by Applicable <br /> Law, Trustee shal� gi�� pub��c r�a�ice �f sa�e �o �he persnns and in th� manner pr�scribed by Applicable <br /> Law. 'I'rus��e,�vithau�demand �n �urraw�r, s�a�� se��the�roperty at pub�ic au�tion t❑ tt�e highest��dder <br /> at the#�me and place and'under t�e t�r�ns designat�d �n the no�ice�f saie�n�ne�r more parce��and in any <br /> order Trustee �e�er�nines. 'I`rus�ee may p�stpone sal� of a�� �r �.ny parcel of the Pro�aerty l�y pub�ic <br /> announ�ement at the time and p�ace❑f an�pre�ious�y 5chedu�ed s���.Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> the Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upon rec�ipt of paymen� �f the price bid, Tru��ee shal� deii�er �a the purchaser Trustee's �eed con�eying <br /> the Praperty. The reci�a�� in the Trust�e's deed shall b� prima faci�evi�enc�❑f the tru�h of the statements <br /> made there�n. 'Trustee sha�� appl� the pr�ceeds of �he ��1� in �h� folYowing order; �a) �� al� costs and <br /> e�pen��s �f ex�rcising tl�e power vf sa��, and �h� sale, in��uding the payment of�he Trustee's fees �ctua�ly <br /> C�2�D4-2413 Comp[i�nce Systerns,In�.9F95-B785-2613L2.�.721 <br /> Cansurrzer Real Estate-Secur�fy�nstrurn�r�t DL2�3d Pa�e 4 af 5 w�vw.�omptiancesyster� <br />