<br /> Any app�ieatian�f pay�ents, �.nsurance proceeds, or Misc�Ilaneous Proceeds to principal due under the Note
<br /> sha�l�ot e�tend or�ostpone�ie due date, ar ch�ge�he amoun�, af the Per�odic Paymer�ts.
<br /> 3. ]Fu�.ds for�s�r��Ite�s. Borrower shal�pay to Ler�der on the day Perxfldic Payrnents are due under the
<br /> Note, u�t�I the Note xs pa�d in full, a sum��he T'Fux�.d�''}t�provide for payment of amour�.�s due for: �a�ta�es
<br /> and as�essme�.�s and other it�nm.s whzch can at�ai.x�priority aver thi.s Secur�ty Ins�rument as a�ien or
<br /> encumbrance Qn the Property; �b}�easehol.d paymen.�s ar ground re�.ts on�he Propex�y, if a�i.y; (c�prem�ums
<br /> for any ax�d all i.nsurance r�quired by Lender under Sect�.on 5; ar�d�d�Mortgage Insurance premiu.ms, if any,
<br /> or any sum.s payable by Barrourer ta Lender i-�lieu of�he payment of Mor�gage Insura�.ce�remiuxns ixi
<br /> accordance u�th the proviszons of Section 1�. Thes�ztems axe called"E�cro�xr Items." At origination or at
<br /> any��.me during th.e term of th.e Loan, ��nder may requi_re that�orn.munity Assocxation I]ues, F e�s, and
<br /> Assessments, a.f any, be esGrowed by Barrower, and.such.dues, f�es ar�d assessm.ents shall be ar�:Escrow
<br /> I�em. Borrawer�ha11 promptly furnxsh to L�nder all�.�tices�f amour�ts ta be paid under�s Section.
<br /> Borrower shall�ay�.e�der the Fu.�d�far�scrow Items unless]Lender wa�ves�orr�vv�er's oblig�.tion to pa�r
<br /> the Funds far a�.y or aII Escravv Items. Lender may wa.ive Borro-ur�r's ab�xgation ta pay�o L.ender Funds for
<br /> an.�or a��Escrow Items at any t�me. Any such wa�ver may only b�i.n tivr���.ng. In�bE.e�vent of such wai�r�r,
<br /> Borrotiver sha�l pay d�.rect�y, when and where payable, the amou.nts due fo�any Escrow Items f�r vvh�ich
<br /> payment af Funds has been�vaived by I�end�r axxd, if Le�der requ.ires, sha�I furxzi:sh to L�nder rece�pts
<br /> �videncing such payment vr��un sueh time perxod as Lender may require. Borrourer's �bliga��.on to make
<br /> such paymen�s and to prov�de recexp�s shall for a1�purposes be deemed�o be a cavenaut am.d agreeme�-t
<br /> cantained�.n�s Secu�rxty Instru�.ent, as th�phrase "covenar�t and agreement" �.s u�ed ix�.Sect�o�.9. If
<br /> Borrawer�s ob�igated to pay Escrow Items directly, �aursua�.��a a wa�ver, ar�d Borrovrer fails to pay the
<br /> amount due for a�i Escrow Item, Lender m.ay exerc�.se its rights under Sect�an 9 and.pay suc�i amaunt and
<br /> Borrower sha���ie�be ab�.�.gated under Sec��fln 9��repay�o Lender any such amflun.t. I�ender may r�v�ke
<br /> �.he waiver a.s�o an��r a1.�E�crau�Items at any time�y a not�ce g�ven�n ac�ardance vrith Sect�an 1� and,
<br /> upon su�h revacat�on, Borx-ower sha1l.pay to�.ender��Fux�.ds, a,nd x.�a.such amounts, �.at are�hen requ�r��
<br /> u:nder thzs Sec��on 3.
<br /> Len.der may, at any t�me, ca�.�.ec�and hald Funds in.an amount�a�suffxczen�to permit Lend�r to apply the
<br /> Funds a�the�e specif�ed under RESPA, a�d�b�nat�o exceed�h.e maximum amount a Iender can requa:re
<br /> u�der RESFA. Lender s�iall estimate the amount of Func�s due an th..e basis of current data and reasanab��
<br /> estimates of expencl�tures of future Escrow Items��otherwise�.n accord.ar�.ce uri�h Applicab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds sha1�.be held in an institut�on whose de�os�.ts ar�insured by a federa.�agency, ��rumental�ty, or
<br /> entity��ncluding Lender, �f Lender is an ins�ztut�on whose c�eposits are sa in.su�ed} o�-i-�.any Fec��ra.l:Home
<br /> Laa�a.Bar�. Lender shall app�y the Fu�.ds to pay�he Escra�tr Items na�ater than the time specified u.�der
<br /> RE SPA. Lender sha II��.ot charge Borrower�or ha�,d:�ng and app�.y7:ng�h:e F unds, annual�y analyz�ng�he
<br /> escro�xr account, or verify�ng�the EsGrov�r Items, un.�.�ss Lender pays Borrow�r 7.nterest on the Funds and
<br /> App��cable Law pex-�aits Lender to m.ake such a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made�n ur�rit�ng�r
<br /> Applicab�.e Law requires in.t�rest�o be pai.d on�he Fu:xa.ds, ]Lender shail not be requ:�rec�to pay]B�rrovver any
<br /> interest�r earnings an�he Fux�.ds. Borrawer and Lender caxz agree i-�.writ�ng, ho�uever, that i-�:terest sha��.be
<br /> pa�d on th�Funds. Lender sha].1.give to Barrower, wrthout charge, an annua:I accounting of�h.e Funds a,�
<br /> requir�d b�RESPA.
<br /> If�iere�s a surplus of Funds he�.d in escrow, as defined u:nder RESPA, Lende�shall.account to JBarrovver f�r
<br /> �ie exc�ss funds in accordance w�th RESPA. If t�ere�s a s�flrtage of Funds he�d in.escrow, as def�ned u�der
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�1 notxfy Borro�rer as requ.�red by RESPA, and Borrower sha.�.�.pay t�L,en�.er�e�riQunt
<br /> necessary to make up the shartage va. accord_ance vv��h RESPA, but�n no mare than I2 month�y pay�nents. If
<br /> there is a d�fic�.ency�f Funds held�.n.e�crow, as def ned unc�er RESPA, Lender sha�I na�.fy�3orrow�r as
<br /> z���7�sa
<br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngle Family-�annie Ni a�tFreddie M a�UNIFQRM [NSTR�M ENT FQrrn 3428�ID�l
<br /> VM P� VM Pfi�NE7��3�2}
<br /> Wa[��rs E4€�aw er Financial Services p�������T
<br />