<br /> �:n the Praperty and righ�s u�der�his Securi.ty Ins#,�ment; and�d�takes such ac�ion as Lende�may
<br /> reaso�ab�y require to a.ssure that Lender's xn�eres�in the Property and rights under this Security Ix�.strumerit,
<br /> and Borrovver's ob�:zgat�on to pa:y�he sums�ecured by�s Security Instrument, sha��continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require�iat Borrower pay such reinstatemen�sums ar�c�expen.ses 7.n one or mor�of�he fo�.�.ow�ng
<br /> form.s, as selec�ed by Lender: �a� ca.�h; �b}money flrder; �c�certzfzed check, bank check, �.reasur.er's check or
<br /> cashier's ch��k, provided any such check is dravvn upon an irist�tutzan vvh.ose deposi�s are in.sur�d by a
<br /> f�deral�.gency, �n5tru.men�ali�.y or ent�ty; or�d�Elec�rox�ie Funds Trar�sfer. Upon reiris�atement by Borrower,
<br /> �his SecUr�.ty Instrument ar�d ob�i.gat��rLs secured hereby shall remain fu��y effective as if no accelerat�.�n had.
<br /> occurred. ]�Iowever, this right to rei-�state shall nat apply ix�.�he case of acce�.erati�n.under Section I.B.
<br /> 2 D. S��e of N ote; �han�e of Loan Ser�icer; N[ot�c� of Cr�evan�e. The Note ar a par�.al in�erest in�h.e
<br /> N�te�ta�e�her uT�th-�his Security Instrument)�an be sa�.d or�e ar mar��imes�vithout priar not�ce�o
<br /> Borro�er. A sa�e rn�ght resu���n a change in�he en�ty�kno�rn as the "Loan►S�eYvice�P'�that c�I�ec��Peri�d.�c
<br /> Paym�nts due under the No�e and�his Secur�ty Instrum.ent and performs vther mortgage�oan sex v�cir�g
<br /> ob�igations under the Note, t.�is Security In.s�ru�.nent, arid Applicab�e Law. �'here a�sa might be ar�e or more
<br /> chang�s af the Loan Servi�cer unrelated to a sale of�he N�te. If there is a change�f�ie Laau Servzcer,
<br /> Borrower vvil7 be gi.verz written no�ice of the cha.nge vUhich�r�.II state�h�name and adc�ress of the new Loan
<br /> Ser�r�.c�r, �he address to which payments should be made and any o�her�nfflrmation RESPA requires�n
<br /> cor�ect�on vrx.th a n�tice of-transfer of servic�.ng. If the Note is�o�d and thereafter the Loan�s serviced by a..
<br /> Laan Servx.cer other thar�.the purcha.ser of�he Note, �ie mor�gage�oa:n servicin.g obligations to Forrawer tivi11
<br /> rema�in�v-ith the Loan SerV�.cer or be�rax��ferred�o a successor Laan Serv�.cer and are�ot assumed by�he
<br /> Note purchaser ur�ess ot�erwise provided by th�Note pur�haser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor Le�der may cammence,j o�n.; a�-�be j oined.��any j udicxal.act�an�a.�either�nn
<br /> �ndiv�.duallitigant or�ie member of a class}�hat ari.ses from the other pa.r�y's ac��ons pursuant to thi�
<br /> Security Ix��rume�t or that alleges that the��h.er party has breached axry provision af, or any duty owed�y
<br /> reason of, �hi.s Security I�s�rument, u.�t�:�.such Borr�wer or L�nder has notified the other part�y��r�.th such
<br /> nntice givex�.in complian�e�th tlie requirements�f Sec�io�: �5� of such alleged breach and a:fforded the
<br /> other pax�y hereto a reasonable period after�he g�tving o�such notice to�ake corrective action. If App�icab�.e
<br /> Law prflvides a time per�od which must el.apse before certai�i ac��.on can be taken, �hat t�me perxod�v��l.be
<br /> deemed to be rea�onab�e for pu:rposes of�his paragraph. The noti.ce of acce�.erat-�on and opportun�ty�o cure
<br /> g�.ven ta Borro�xrer pursuarit to Sec�ian�2 and the��ti:ce�f acce�.erat�on gl.ve���Barr�wer pursuant ta
<br /> S��txon 18 shall b�deemed to sati.sfy the not�.�e a�d oppor�unity to tal�e ca�rec�ive ac�ior��rovis�ons�f this
<br /> Sectio���.
<br /> �1. H a�arc�ous 5 u bstance�. As used in�h�s Sect�on 21 r �a� ".�Ia�a�a�ous�ubs�ances�°'are-�hose substances
<br /> de��d as�axic or ha.�ardous substance�, po��utants, or v�rastes�by]Environmenta�Law ar�d the fol�ow�ng
<br /> substances: gaso�.ine, �erosene, o�her flazr�mabl.e ar to��c petra�eum products, toxic pest�czde�and�erb�icYdes,
<br /> volati�e so�vents, materials c�n�aining asbestos or f�rmaldehyde, and rad�oact�v�materia�s; �b}
<br /> "�'nvi�anmen�a�Law"means fed�ral�aws a�.d Iaws of t�e�ur�sdiction where the Property�s lacatec��hat
<br /> relate�o hea�:th, safe�y or envirox�.m�n�al prote�t�:an; �c� "Environmenta��'leanup"in.c�udes any re�ponse
<br /> action, remed�a.�actzon, or removal actxo�, as def x�.�d in Er�vironmental i.av�r; and�d} an p'�nvi�onmen�al
<br /> Condi�ion"meaxzs a cond�tio��.at can caus�, contribute�o, or flther�vise trig�er az��nviron�en�a1 Cleanup.
<br /> Bor�ower sha].�.not cause or�ermit�he presence, �.s�e, das�osa�:, starage, �r release of any I�[a.�a�dous
<br /> Substances, �r�hx-eaten�a re�ease any�Iazarc�aus Subs�ances, on or�r�the Proper�y. Borro�rer shal�not do,
<br /> nor a.�avcr any�ne�Ise to do, a�ything affec�ing�the Proper�y[a�that�s i�vio�.atian of any JEx�viron�en�a�
<br /> La�xr, (b�w�ich creates a.n.E�:vironmental Coxxdit�an, ar�c}vvhich, due t�the presence, use, or rel:ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a cQndi��.on that adverse�y affects�he value af the Pro�perty. The prececlirig twQ
<br /> 24QQ7�6Q
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Farni�y-Fanrzie M a�IFreddie M ac fJN�F�RM I:NSTRUM ENT Farm 3D28�r0�
<br /> VM P� VM Page�}3�of4�7
<br /> 11Va[ters K[Uw er Financial Services
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